A day at Hogwarts.

Chapter 1243 The Unacceptable Truth


As soon as he opened the door and walked into the principal's office, Harry heard a cry of surprise and almost bumped into Mrs. Weasley who was coming out.

"It's good you're all right, Ali."

Fleur also stepped forward to hug Harry and kissed him on the cheek.

"How's the situation over there at the Astronomy Tower?" Professor Slughorn asked nervously, "What about the Death Eaters, and what about the Dark Mark."

"The battle over the Astronomy Tower is over, everything is going well, and basically no one was injured. When we rushed over the Death Eaters who were blocking the way, Dumbledore had successfully solved the Death Eaters who tried to murder him. only."

Harry put the phoenix chick in its ashes-covered nest, took out the Marauder's Map from his robe pocket, turned to the location of the Astronomy Tower, and asked casually, "Are there any other members of the Order of the Phoenix?"

"Only Wade Dallo Diggle came first," said Fleur. "But he must have been out not long ago. Didn't you meet him?"

"No, Mr. Diggle probably went to the school gate to help. Some Death Eaters destroyed the school gate and directly led people to invade Hogwarts. Everyone is going to the gate to reinforce now. I suspect that group of guys are actually trying to attract our attention. "Harry found the location of the Astronomy Tower on the Marauder's Map, and the expression on his face suddenly froze, because he didn't see Dumbledore's name on the Astronomy Tower, but Snape and Malfoy were still there there.

"How is this possible!" Harry couldn't help screaming, unwilling to believe his guess.

"I have to go to the Astronomy Tower." Harry ran towards the Astronomy Tower at an astonishing speed.

After exchanging glances with Fleur, Mrs. Weasley and Fleur hurried to catch up, leaving only Professor Slughorn with a perplexed face.

On the top of the Astronomy Tower, Bella, who was reawakened by Snape, looked at Dumbledore's body in disbelief. She could never have imagined that Snape had succeeded in killing Dumbledore with a sneak attack.

Then what is the point of her and others' previous efforts and sacrifices?

"That was the original plan. What made you doubt my loyalty to the Dark Lord?" Snape glanced at Bella and said indifferently, "You don't have to be angry. If you can't even fool you, I'm afraid There's no way to fool Dumbledore that easily and sneak up on him when he's slack."

"However, having said that, Alecto is much smarter than you. That guy probably saw this, so he slipped away first."

"How do you know that coward didn't run away because he was afraid." Bella blushed and growled angrily at Snape.

However, no one cared about Bella's sophistry.

At this moment, the Death Eaters all looked at Dumbledore's corpse with disbelief, and some Death Eaters even shouted excitedly.

After seeing Dumbledore's crushing strength, they never thought that they would be the final victors.

"If I were you, I would keep my voice down, instead of yelling at the top of my voice to let everyone know we're here." Snape glared at Bella dissatisfied, and continued to untie Dumbledore for the other Death Eaters. spell.If they couldn't be fully awakened after using the Restoration Curse, Snape would directly slap them a few times to forcibly wake them up.

"Without Dumbledore, do you think those professors and members of the Order of the Phoenix will be our opponents?" Bella said contemptuously.

"Don't forget there's Albert Anderson, God knows if that guy will pop up out of nowhere." Snape looked at the group of Death Eaters eager to try and make trouble, and reminded with a frown, "I still want to Go back to the Dark Lord to claim my share of glory, if you want to die, don't drag me into the water, I'm going to leave this damned place now."

"There are still people below who have been subdued by the members of the Order of the Phoenix. Aren't you going to rescue them?" Charles couldn't help asking.

"They're handed over to you!" Snape looked at the stranger: "You take them away from the Forbidden Forest when the time comes, and I won't wait for you."

Charles scolded Snape countless times in his heart, but he didn't move. Those so-called colleagues were just strangers who had chatted with them a few times, and it wasn't worth risking their lives.

"Bella, you brought them, you handle them yourself."

After speaking, Snape motioned for Malfoy to follow.

"Are we really going to jump straight from here?"

Malfoy stood on the crenel of the wall and looked down, the night wind on the tower made his face twitch.

"Why don't we take the stairs?" He suggested, "We can also save those who were subdued by members of the Order of the Phoenix..."

At this moment, there was a sudden rush of footsteps below the Astronomy Tower, which startled the Death Eaters who were whispering.

"That's too slow, the sooner you leave the better, don't forget there is Albert Anderson, that guy has strength not inferior to Dumbledore, I don't believe this ambush was not done by him." Snape Without giving everyone any time to hesitate, they jumped directly from the top of the Astronomy Tower.

Malfoy hesitated for a moment, then jumped too, he had no choice but to trust Snape now.

There was a scream from below, and eventually Snape cast a shock-absorbing spell, successfully suspending himself and Malfoy in mid-air temporarily.

"I definitely don't want to experience it again."

Malfoy felt his pants were wet, and jumping off a tower was never a good experience, especially after looking at the shattered corpse next to him.

"Get out of here, hurry up!"

Snape reached out and pushed Malfoy, reminding him to go.

When the other Death Eaters saw Snape and Malfoy jumping down, they all looked at each other in blank dismay, and in the end they didn't choose to go down to save their comrades.

After all, they were all irrelevant strangers, and no one would joke about their own lives.

The Death Eaters who felt that they had been tricked by Snape were angry at Snape's actions, but they also admired him. Not everyone can successfully kill an existence like Dumbledore.

Facts have also proved that only Snape managed to do it.

However, as Snape said, there was an equally difficult Albert Anderson who hadn't appeared yet, and it was the wisest choice to leave here as soon as possible.

The Death Eaters jumped off the Astronomy Tower one by one like dumplings.

When Harry rushed to the top of the Astronomy Tower, there was no one else here, only the two Death Eaters who were knocked down by Dumbledore's spell in the previous battle and whose life and death were still unknown.

"Oh, no, no, why, why is that happening!"

Harry reached out and hugged Dumbledore's body, and gently called the other person's name, trying to wake up the sleeping old man, but he knew that Dumbledore was dead, he was dead.

"Traitor, you bloody traitor, I will kill you, I swear I will kill you." Harry walked to the crenel of the wall of the Astronomy Tower and looked down, looking at the blurry ground, knowing that the group of death eaters The gangster jumped off the tower and escaped.

"You can do it Harry, there's nothing to be afraid of!" Harry gritted his teeth, tightened his wand, stuffed another Felicia in his mouth, and jumped down from the roof of the astronomy building.

The night wind whistled in his ears, and Harry felt his tears and snot coming out of his nose.

Before falling to the ground and turning into a pulp, Felix Elixir gave Harry a hand, and at the most critical moment, he used the Shock Absorbing Charm, successfully preventing himself from falling into a pulp.

Harry struggled to get up from the ground, glanced at the corpse of the Death Eater beside him, and continued to chase forward. He would not easily let go of the traitor who killed Dumbledore!

Outside the Forbidden Forest, Bella, who had just burned down Hagrid's cabin to vent her anger, was laughing wildly, as if this was the only way to vent her suppressed emotions.

"Who is there, come out!"

Snape raised his wand abruptly and pointed somewhere in the woods.

"It's us. It seems that you succeeded."

Alecto appeared in front of Snape with the first two to evacuate. After she looked past Snape to observe the remaining Death Eaters, she turned her head to the colleagues beside her and said, "Look, I'm right." That's right, Snape succeeded, he succeeded in killing Dumbledore!"

"Okay, you won!" Avery shrugged, not paying attention to the content of the bet with Alecto, and shouted to those who fell behind: "Bella, and you, it's time to withdraw!" .”

With that said, Avery raised his wand and fired sparks towards the sky to realize the agreed green retreat.

"What are you doing?"

Bella frowned slightly, glaring at Avery who made a strange move.

"I need to remind the people at the school gate before the entire army is wiped out." Avery looked back and explained to everyone, "When Snape successfully killed Dumbledore and retreated, I Need to fire the agreed green spark to remind them to retreat"

"We should go," Alecto reminded.

No one would bother Avery. Although the actions just now might cause them trouble, this place is already outside the school, and they can use Apparation to leave at any time.


Snape, who was just about to apparate Malfoy away, sensed that something was wrong. They had clearly left the range of Hogwarts, but they still couldn't Apparate.

"It's not good here, we have to go a few more steps into the forest." Avery seemed to see the doubts on Snape's face, and explained, "You need to stay far away from the school before you can Apparate and leave."

Snape frowned and looked at his old classmates, leading Malfoy to continue walking inside.Bella and Alecto's noise came from behind, obviously because of Alecto's escape just now.

After Snape succeeded in killing Dumbledore, the Death Eaters were in a particularly cheerful mood.Although they paid a huge price for it, it was all worth it.

Without Dumbledore as a stumbling block, no one can stop the Dark Lord's progress, not even the Ministry of Magic.

However, no one noticed the black shadow approaching silently, a magic flew out of the dark forest without warning, and knocked down Malfoy who was following Snape silently, not only causing his hand The wand flew out of his hand, and Malfoy passed out directly.


Snape drew his wand and looked ahead warily.

"Good evening everyone, it looks like you guys had a great time tonight!"

A sudden voice came from the forest. Under the watchful eyes of all the Death Eaters, Albert Anderson came out of the forest, stopped in front of all the Death Eaters, and looked at them with a smile on his face. Kind of like watching meat on a chopping board.

"Albert Anderson!" Bella growled through gritted teeth, the spell in her hand flying towards Albert faster than her voice.

"You really look like a mad dog, Bella!" The tree next to Albert seemed to come alive, bending down to stop Bella's Avada Kedavra on behalf of Albert.

"Come together and kill him!"

Bella was trembling with excitement, and now is undoubtedly the best time to siege Albert.

However, just as Bella finished shouting, she heard the sound of someone falling to the ground behind her, as if responding to her words.

When Bella turned her head, she was shocked to see that several Death Eaters who had evacuated with them fell to the ground one after another, and it was Alecto and the three who attacked them unexpectedly.

Bella never imagined that there would be a Death Eater who would dare to betray the Dark Lord.

"Is it strange? Not surprising, after all, Snape successfully killed Dumbledore in a sneak attack." Albert narrowed his eyes, but his eyes never moved away from Snape and Bella.

When facing Bella's impotent rage, Albert waved his wand lightly, and easily subdued Bella, like an adult punching a child to the ground.

A duel has never been won by whoever uses the most powerful magic, and Bella's series of rash actions made her fall into the abyss.

After subduing Bella, Albert refocused on Snape. This guy was much more cautious than Bella, and he didn't take advantage of the opportunity to sneak up on Albert when he was subduing Bella. This was undoubtedly a wise move. Decide, otherwise his fate will not be much better than Bella's.

"It looks like you're going to duel with me." Albert said softly, "Don't worry, I won't kill you, after all everything has to be according to the script: you will bring Malfoy, Alecto and Avery He narrowly escaped unharmed in my siege."

Snape glanced at the Death Eater subdued by the sneak attack, then at the arrogant guy in front of him smiling at him, and fell into a brief silence. He had expected this time, but he didn't expect it to be like this .

When did this guy use the Imperius Curse to control the three of them, just now, or... from a long time ago.

Snape had no time to think about these questions.

The two curses collided in mid-air, directly deviated from the original track, and blew up a tree as thick as a thigh.

Snape's silent casting was fast, so fast that he could easily counter most wizards. However, in front of him was the youngest dueling champion ever.

After several spell collisions, Snape realized that the situation was not good. When facing Albert, he felt powerless against Dumbledore.

Just when Snape was thinking about how to solve the current problem, his whole body was blown away by a strong force, and he was loaded heavily on a big tree, and the vines on the tree seemed to come alive. Before Nepe could react, he was tightly wrapped around him.

"I've never quite understood why Dumbledore would take himself to exchange the lives of the two of you, just because he didn't have a few years to live?" Albert stretched out his left hand and gave a light hook, which fell on The wands on the ground automatically flew into Albert's hand one by one, and he stuffed them directly into the pocket of his robe.

Snape pursed his lips and didn't say anything, but Bella next to him couldn't bear it anymore.

It's a pity that Albert didn't have time to listen to Bella's nonsense, so he sealed his mouth.

"Actually, there are better options, but Dumbledore chose to do that in the end." Albert looked at Snape and murmured softly, "He wants to save your life."

"Who knows?" Snape said blankly. He knew that there was a huge gap between himself and Albert, but he didn't expect the gap to be so big.

Even though Snape was cautious, he was still disarmed, and the guy didn't even use any black magic.

"Don't get excited Bella." Albert glanced at the lunatic who was struggling fiercely beside him, his tone was very calm, "If Dumbledore hadn't voluntarily accepted death, why do you think Snape was able to kill Dumbledore?"

After finishing speaking, he suddenly turned his head to a certain direction, and said gently, "Oh, it's Potter, come out, I know where you are hiding!"

"You got him, you got that traitor!"

Harry glanced at the three Death Eaters who were attacking his colleagues, looked at Snape who was tied to the tree trunk with hatred, and raised his wand: "Avada..."

Before Harry finished chanting the Killing Curse, the wand flew out of his hand, and Albert took it into his hand.

"Why?" Harry growled at Albert angrily, "Why stop me, he killed Dumbledore, this bastard killed Dumbledore, I want to avenge him."

"I know." Albert said calmly: "But that's what Dumbledore meant. From beginning to end, all of this is going according to Dumbledore's designed script: Snape is the most lax in Dumbledore A sneak attack to kill him. Oh, and I have to say the script is kind of bad, but Dumbledore doesn't want to follow the script I wrote, and I can't help it."

"Wait, you mean...Dumbledore was killed by this beast willingly." Harry's head froze for a moment, and he couldn't accept the answer.

"Why, why would Dumbledore do this?" Harry growled tearfully. "Is he crazy?"

"Maybe, it has something to do with Dumbledore's dying." Albert said calmly, "The injury to his arm is incurable, and he hasn't lived well for a few years."

Harry stared wide-eyed, looking at Albert in disbelief, but Felix told him that Albert wasn't lying.

"Although I always think that he doesn't need to do this, Dumbledore still intends to put the future on you and choose to end his life in this way. I can only respect his choice, because I can't do it at all." Convince him to change his mind."

"To be honest, I still admire Dumbledore. That guy didn't even bat an eye, and he used his life to plot against the mysterious man. Anyway, I can't do such a thing."

"Although his choice makes me a little unhappy."

"But..." Harry looked at Snape with hatred, he still couldn't understand.

"Did you make a deal with Dumbledore in private?" Albert looked at the silent Snape, curled his lips and said, "If you don't want to say it, forget it, you can go, I promised Dumbledore to let you Take Malfoy away.

The vines that originally bound Snape loosened without a sound.

Albert made a gesture of invitation to Snape, and reminded him kindly: "If you want to apparate, you'd better go far away, this area has already been enchanted by anti-apparition magic." cursed."

"You're as annoying as Potter."

Snape gave Albert a hard look, and was about to go to Malfoy when he saw Alecto and Avery walking towards him with the unconscious Malfoy.

Before Snape could walk over to join them, he suddenly lost his balance and fell to the ground, and was beaten by Harry all over his body.

Felix Elixir told Harry that if he didn't give Snape a hard time now, he might not have the chance later.

So, Harry did it.

It wasn't until Albert stretched out his hand that he stopped.

Seeing Snape and Malfoy being helped away, Harry suddenly turned his head and asked Albert: "Why did Dumbledore do this? I mean why did Dumbledore help Snape and Malfoy."

"Snape has an unbreakable oath. If he kills Dumbledore, he will die." Albert said softly, "He probably felt that since he was about to die, he might as well use his last remaining energy. As for Malfoy , Our Mr. Headmaster hopes that he can go on the right path, instead of completely degrading because of Voldemort's order to kill him, I have to say that he is a competent headmaster."

There was a myriad of emotions in those words, and Harry heard the sarcasm as well as the exclamation.

"If you want to know more, I suggest you ask Dumbledore yourself." Albert reached out and patted Harry on the shoulder, returned his wand to him and continued, "If you fail to learn from him In a few days, when I go to Hogwarts to distribute Dumbledore's will to you, I will tell you something I know."

"Now, please take these Death Eaters back and let them receive justice at the Ministry of Magic, except for the mad dog next to them, of course."

"I thought you'd just kill them." Harry opened his mouth slightly.

"No, these are all fish that Dumbledore caught with himself as bait. I think the Ministry of Magic's killing them will probably deter the mysterious people for a while." Albert said to Harry: "You need this paragraph time."

"I know what to do. I hope you can tell me the truth when the time comes. I hate being hidden like a fool." Harry reached out to wipe the tears off his face, cast a spell and dragged the stunned and restrained The Death Eaters return to Hogwarts.

"I've already arranged for your future." Albert looked away, looked at Bella who was still struggling, and said happily, "Believe me, there must be more suitable for you than Azkaban."

After Bella slowly closed his eyes, Albert looked at Hogwarts for the last time and murmured: "It seems that Dumbledore guessed that I knew the whereabouts of the last Horcrux? When did it show up?" Flaw... when divining the snake or the Slytherin locket?"

"However, why do you think that I won't pursue power? Is it really okay if you think that I will help keep that wand and stuff it directly to me?" Albert took out the Elixir of Felicity from his pocket Put it in your mouth, and analyze the parts that you can't see clearly with the help of Felicia.

In fact, Dumbledore was right. Albert really didn't need this wand very much. He has a very powerful magical power and is more suitable for keeping the Elder Wand than anyone else, and...

"Has he noticed it a long time ago? Perhaps, he has such a feeling. After all, he is an old man who has lived for a century. It is not surprising to feel something."

Although Albert has been helping the Order of the Phoenix and helping the Ministry of Magic to fight Voldemort, he never thought of doing it all by himself. Instead, he chose to guide the British wizards to fight against the mysterious man and the eater. Dead Apostles.

And the latter obviously needs to pay a huge price for peace, and Dumbledore obviously sensed this, so he left him the Elder Wand as an inheritance.

"He killed several birds with one stone, but I'm not at a disadvantage." Albert murmured.

Although he really didn't need the Elder Wand, he was well aware of the power of that wand, perhaps as Dumbledore had said.

It might come in handy in the near future.

Three wins at once.

No, win-win.

After all, Voldemort's pit had already been dug after Dumbledore's death.

As for the British wizarding world...

"It's really hard to be annoying." Albert murmured, "But I still want to say that your script is too bad, and you should follow the script I wrote."

That's right, everyone has their own plans, especially geniuses, they are all arrogant guys, don't expect others to follow his plan, it's obviously unrealistic.

He knew it from the beginning, which is why he finally accepted everything calmly.

After all, everything has been written according to the script, and he is just an actor in the script.

"We should go!" Albert looked away, looked at the mad woman beside him who had fallen into a coma, and muttered, "You have tried to kill me so many times, now it's your turn to bear my revenge."

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