A day at Hogwarts.

Chapter 1282 Wedding?funeral!

As early as a few months ago, when Dumbledore was inexplicably killed by Snape, Kingsley was confused. During that time, he wanted to find out why things turned out like this.

He still remembered that before the attack that night, everyone had glimpsed fragments of the future from Albert's prophecy in advance, and guessed that Dumbledore was likely to leave them.

Most members of the Order of the Phoenix are reminding Dumbledore to pay attention to safety. Sirius even bluntly said that there is something wrong with Snape, but Dumbledore was still attacked by Snape and died on the astronomy tower in Hogwarts. Still being attacked from behind by Snape, the whole thing seemed so inexplicable that it was a joke.

Yes, inexplicably.

At least in Kingsley's view, it is indeed inexplicable.

Dumbledore has a very close relationship with Albert, and Albert, as the most powerful prophecy master for hundreds of years, how could he not remind him after predicting Dumbledore?

Even if you don't believe it, think about it.

In that case, how could Snape succeed.

Since that day, the entire British wizarding world has undergone earth-shaking changes.

As Dumbledore's successor, Harry obviously can't take on that important task, and Albert Anderson, who can take on this important task, keeps everything secret and acts as a magic stick: the time has not yet come .

The timing of the hell has not come.

Now Scrimgeour is dead, and the Ministry of Magic has also been brought down by Voldemort. The reorganized Ministry of Magic is just a tool in Voldemort's hands.

What should I do next?

Gather those wizards who are willing to fight against You-Know-Who and continue the fight?

To be honest, Kingsley was very confused, not because his heart was not strong enough, but because what happened in the last two months made him physically and mentally exhausted.

Kingsley looked up at the sky, and above the Burrow of the Weasley family, there was a forest green Dark Mark floating.He opened his mouth slightly, and a bad premonition surged in his heart, but wherever the Dark Mark appeared, it basically meant that someone had been killed.

After taking out the detection pocket watch in his pocket and repeatedly confirming that there were no dark wizards or dark creatures around, Kingsley raised his wand and carefully approached the Burrow to check the situation.

With the help of the faint light on the wand, what came into view was the messy wedding scene. Many wizard corpses were thrown on the ground indiscriminately. The wedding guests slaughtered by the Death Eaters, and those who stayed to watch were mostly from France.

This is also impossible.

Perhaps, Voldemort's name appeared in French newspapers, but the French, who had never personally experienced Voldemort's reputation, somewhat lacked respect for Voldemort, so they were angered and died here directly.

Who told Scrimgeour to kill all the Death Eaters he sent?

Voldemort needs to vent his anger!

And this group of guys who lacked awe naturally became the object of Voldemort's anger.

At this moment, the crackling sound of Apparition suddenly sounded around, and Kingsley was so frightened that he quickly raised his wand to be alert to the direction of the sound.

Under the cover of darkness, a group of strangers appeared out of thin air.

"It's me." Albert said.

"Why are you here!" Kingsley asked in surprise.

"After we found out that you were the only one left at the Burrow, we came together to see what's going on here!" Albert raised his wand and directly eliminated the Dark Mark floating above everyone's heads.

He turned to look at Kingsley and asked, "What's the gain?"

"Not very good. I just had contact with the Aurors. They said that Scrimgeour is dead." Kingsley glanced at the corpses on the ground, and said in a low voice, "Many people don't have the courage to resist the mysterious man. they need……"

"These are not important, I never expect them to do anything." Albert raised his hand and interrupted: "Probably only you can figure out the whereabouts of the Weasleys as quickly as possible, I need you Please help to find out where the others were captured, this is related to whether we can fish them out again."

"What are you going to do?" Kingsley took the cloak that Albert handed over, and asked suspiciously, "Why did you give me this?"

"The invisibility cloak of the Potter family is for your life. If you lose it, explain to Potter." Albert continued, "If..."


A burst of heart-piercing screams interrupted the conversation between the two of them. They all turned their heads and saw Bill was weeping bitterly while hugging a dead body.

Charlie is dead.

The second Weasley was dead.

Not only Charlie, but Fleur was also crying bitterly. Delacour and his wife, who stayed behind to help evacuate their relatives, died here not long ago after being implicated by their relatives.

If Fleur's cousin Louise hadn't taken Gabriel away in time, her sister would probably have died here together.

This young couple, no, it should be said that the two families finally paid the price for their persistence.

Of course, it is not wrong to say that they were cheated by Scrimgeour.

"If they are really taken to Azkaban, then it is the most correct way to stop them halfway, so we need you to find out their whereabouts." Albert waved his wand, directly bringing Fleur and Bill down .

"Take them back, and cry at the headquarters if you want to cry." Albert glanced at the detection pocket watch in his hand and said, "

This land under the watchful eye of dementors is not safe. "


Everyone couldn't help being surprised!

"Never underestimate your enemies, we should go." Albert shook his pocket watch and reminded, "If you don't want to deal with those things."

"But our detection pocket watch didn't respond." Jones looked into his arms in confusion.

"It's normal, because yours are mass-produced products, and the detection range is relatively small." All the items Albert is currently using are remanufactured by him through the Elder Wand, and the effect is far superior to the items made before.

"Albert is right, you'd better leave here as soon as possible and keep in touch!" Kingsley put on the invisibility cloak and disappeared immediately.

Gazing at the location where Kingsley disappeared, Albert was still very surprised. He really couldn't see through the Potter's cloak like he could through the Disillusionment Charm.

"What to do with these corpses!"

"Let the Ministry of Magic handle it!"

Albert summons Dobby the house-elf, prepares to Apparate and departs.

"No need, we can..."

"You forgot, the spell that prohibits the appearance of phantoms has been cast here, and it will take a while for it to completely expire." Albert called everyone's phantom appearances back to the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix.

After the situation they brought back to the Burrow, the entire Order of the Phoenix headquarters was overwhelmed with depression.

Albert had no time to comfort Fred, but reminded him not to tell George about Charlie's death.


Fred took two sedatives to suppress his churning emotions.

"George is the secret keeper of the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix. He'd better stay under the protection of the Loyalty Curse to be considered safe here." Albert reminded, "Once he comes over, it means that the indestructible Loyalty Curse has a gap. It is very likely that everyone will be unlucky."

"I believe that after the Death Eaters will use some aggressive methods to torture your parents, they should soon find out the approximate location here."

After reminding Fred, Albert went to discuss the location of the port with Moody. In any case, he needed to find out the location of the Azkaban Prison.

"If the interception fails, do you plan to attack Azkaban directly?"

Moody was taken aback by Albert's audacity.

"No, I don't want that to happen."

Although Albert said so, he was actually quite interested in going to Azkaban to rob the prison, and he believed that it would definitely trigger a mission reward with high value.

"Shall we go now?" Moody asked.

"Yes, we have to make some preparations first." Albert nodded, "Remember to call Black, maybe he will come in handy."

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