"Are they really Death Eaters?"

Seeing the two black wizards who were attacked and fell to the ground as soon as they emerged, Lee Jordan couldn't help but want to complain.

"Hey, leave me one too!"

"Stop talking nonsense and get rid of the enemy quickly."

Angelina's voice came from the darkness ahead. Hearing this voice, she seemed to be going around to attack them.

With the help of other members to attract firepower, hiding under the illusion spell, she did perfectly avoid the attention of the black wizard, and easily knocked people down with a sneak attack from the side.

"The defense here is weaker than expected."

Shanna took the Marauder's Map to observe the situation of the castle to ensure that no other enemies were left behind.

"The main reason is that we have a large number of people, and we sneaked up on them shamelessly."

Albert never let down his vigilance. He helped everyone keep an eye on the situation inside and outside the castle, and was responsible for grasping the overall situation to prevent Death Eaters from suddenly reinforcing the castle, or mysterious people suddenly appearing.

Although this possibility is extremely low, precautions are still needed. If any accident occurs, both sides attacking the castle may be caught off guard.

Albert knew very well that his side could break into here so easily, not because the dark wizards here were really weak.It's that they never expected to be attacked at this point in time, and the protective magic that originally protected the periphery of this place was easily torn apart like thin paper.

The dark wizards who finally realized that the situation was not good rose up to resist, but they didn't expect that the enemy was not only the group they saw before them, but also several more insidious guys hiding and attacking them.

The battle outside the castle lasted only a few minutes, and Lee Jordan led his men to clear the obstacles outside, and knocked down all the moving guys.

"Are you taking pictures?"

After tidying up the broomsticks thrown down by the others, Heska hurriedly approached Albert. Looking at the young wizard who was holding a camera to take pictures of the phoenix symbol above his head, he was stunned for a moment, not understanding the other party What exactly is doing.

In such a tense moment, you still have the mind to take pictures, and make mistakes from time to time?

"It's used in magazines and can be inspiring."

Albert turned his head and asked Heska, who had just recovered the broomstick and came to help, "What are you going to do with these people?"

"I-I don't know either."

Haska was a little dazed. As an enemy, she felt that it was best to kill them all, but she couldn't say that.

"Then leave them here!"

Albert raised his feet and walked over to make up for the black wizards who were brought down. He did not kill them, but chanted a spell to abolish the arms of the black wizards.


Haska was stunned by Albert's actions.

"If you don't kill them, then completely destroy them. At least make them unable to fight against us in a short time." Albert took out his pocket watch and looked at the time: "There are still 3 minutes, ready to evacuate gone."

"Leave them alone."

Hai Sijia froze for a moment, then turned to look in the direction of the castle.

"You should trust them. With all the advantages, the Order of the Phoenix will not lose to the Death Eaters."

In fact, Albert was right, the Order of the Phoenix did have an advantage.

There are not many Death Eaters staying in the castle. Only the real core of Yaxley is eligible to stay in the castle to help him and share some of the benefits.

"Are we really not going to help them?"

Harry looked back from time to time. Moody had just led someone to block the Death Eaters at the stairs, and the two sides fell into a stalemate.

"Follow the command Harry, our mission is to rescue the others." Sirius waved his wand, used the lock-unlocking spell to open the iron door of the dungeon, and rushed in with all the people trapped in the dungeon. The few unlucky ones who were half awake were taken aback.

"Things went better than we expected."

Ron squatted on the ground, opened the suitcase, and Dobby the house elf came out of the box.

"Bring 'em down, move fast."

Sirius has the previous rescue experience, and knows how to do it more efficiently.

So, without giving the others time to react, they waved their wands together and used the stun spell to bring down the unlucky ones locked in the dungeon one by one.

"What are you doing standing there in a daze, move them into the box quickly." Sirius urged the three of Harry who were in a daze while untying the prisoner's shackles.

Dobby is holding a magic wand to help guard the surroundings, and he will be responsible for leading everyone out of here later.

"I didn't expect it to be so simple and rude. I was always curious about how to complete the rescue mission in 10 minutes." Ron couldn't help mumbling after moving the man into the box.

"Ollivander isn't here," said Hermione suddenly.

"Don't worry, someone has already rescued him. Dobby, how are Moody and the others doing now?" Sirius asked the others about Dobby's current situation while urging others to wait in the suitcase.

"Mr. Moody is leading people this way. As for Mr. Ollivander, the Weasleys have already found him." Dobby handed the map to Sirius, and was ready to pack everyone up. Come on, Dobby has done something like this more than once.

It can be said to be experienced.

On the other hand, the Weasley twins also successfully found the imprisoned Ollivander. This elderly wizard was in a much better situation than the others. Although he was forced to help make wands every day, at least he had an independent one. Comfortable room.

When George used the lock-unlocking spell to open the door next to the workshop and released Ollivander who was locked inside, Fred had already broken into the workshop rudely and directly handed over all the wands and wand materials in the room. It was swept away, and Ollivander, who hadn't fully woken up, was dumbfounded.

"Resources are used rationally, and staying here is a waste." After explaining to Ollivander with a smile, George took out a broken hat from his pocket, and greeted his twin brother, "Hurry up, Fred, time is up." arrive."

"It's done."

Fredella tightened the rope, stuffed the bag with the traceless stretching spell into the inner pocket of the cloak, and greeted the elderly wizard beside him with a smile: "Mr. Ollivander, you don't mind using the Portkey to get out of here? !"

"Oh, of course I don't mind, as long as I can get out of this ghostly place, I regret that I didn't follow Mr. Anderson's advice and hide." Ollivander reached out and grabbed the broken hat, listening to George's countdown , then disappeared together.

Compared with other people's smooth operation, Truman and Kenneth's group was not so smooth.

They did find a place where Yaxley kept his money in the master bedroom of the old castle, but there was far less stuff in it than they thought, and it should be said that it was pitifully small.

"I dare say that Yaxley definitely separated the valuable things, otherwise, with that guy's greed, there would definitely be more than this." Kenneth looked very annoyed, the box in front of him was worthless except for some In addition to the silverware, there are very few Galleons inside.

"Don't be stupid, if I were him, I would definitely put most of the valuables in the Gringotts vault." Truman felt that Kenneth was too greedy.

"Maybe, we should look elsewhere. If Albert sees only this loot, he will probably go crazy with anger, and even suspect that we are greedy for money and part of the loot."

"Albert is not as greedy as you. We are running out of time." Truman was speechless. He actually thought that the contents of the box were enough.

"Are you stupid, do you really think that maintaining the Defense Association costs nothing? Do you really think that the little money you donate can cover the living expenses of those expelled children? Don't be stupid Truman, money will never be enough to spend, and you can't expect to rely on everything." Albert, otherwise what do you think we are doing here today." Kenneth was amused by Truman's innocence, the other party has been working for several years, how could he be so stupid.

"Of course I know that there are many good things in this old castle." Truman pouted, and took out the Portkey that Albert had prepared in advance from his pocket, "But if we miss the Portkey, we will really be finished. Or do you want to stay by yourself?"

Kenneth suddenly stopped talking.

Based on what they did tonight, if they stay here, they probably won't be able to escape.

This is Yaxley's old lair, and he was taken away. He couldn't be unresponsive, and reinforcements from the Death Eaters might arrive soon.

Moreover, the wealth stored here is not necessarily all Yaxley's. If you want to control the group of dark wizards, you must give them enough benefits.

In fact, Kenneth was right. Not long after they retreated, Yaxley hurried over with other eaters.

Looking at the ruined castle and the phoenix mark floating above his head, Yaxley raised his head angrily and roared: "Damn Order of the Phoenix!"


"It's a terrible feeling!"

Ollivander struggled to get up from the wet ground, and his poor physical condition was not very friendly to use the Portkey.

"It's not safe here, we'll have to Apparate again."

Although neither Fred nor George thought that there would be Death Eaters chasing them, they never forgot Albert's warning.

Only when you enter the safe house protected by the Fidelity Curse, can you be considered truly safe.

So, Fred and George supported Ollivander's shoulders, helped the elderly man up from the ground, and led him away with apparition.

"Where are we going?"

Immediately after the Apparition ended, Ollivander leaned over and retched for a while. He was already in a very bad physical condition, and now he might faint at any time.

Both of them regretted not knocking Ollivander unconscious first, and then taking him away, maybe Ollivander would suffer less.

"Hold on a little longer, we're almost at the safe house." George patted Ollivander on the back and looked at Fred next to him.

The latter raised his wand and shot green sparks into the sky.

"Safe house?"

"It's the sanctuary protected by the Fidelity Curse, and those unlucky kids who were expelled from school are temporarily hiding here." George raised his wand vigilantly, and detected the pocket watch to remind them that there were dark wizards around.

They can only hope that Tonks has brought someone to deal with the guy guarding here.

After seeing sparks of the same color above the sky, Fred and George heaved a sigh of relief, and led Ollivander across the street towards the shelter.

Probably seeing Ollivander's doubts, George smiled and explained: "The spark means there is no danger around. If there are different colors, or several other colors, it means that it is not safe here, and we have to re-transfer to other backup strongholds." .”

"How about the operation tonight?"

A few figures emerged from the dark street. It was Mr. Tonks, accompanied by several senior students.

"The rescue plan went smoothly." Fred said with a smile, "This time Albert is personally leading the team, so nothing will happen."

"What about the others, why are you three?" Tonks asked suspiciously.

"The other rescued people should not be transferred here. The Order of the Phoenix has other arrangements for them." George explained with a smile.

This rescue plan started a long time ago, and the Order of the Phoenix naturally made arrangements. Those who were released from the dungeon will be properly resettled, if they are willing to join the great cause against the mysterious man.

However, the results are often regrettable.

Among the few people who were rescued from the dungeon of the ancient castle, none of them had the courage to participate in the great cause of fighting against the mysterious man, not even Ollivander actually had that kind of courage.

Harry, who knew about this, felt extremely depressed, and even began to doubt his appeal.

"That group of people are all cowards, no wonder they were caught and put in prison by the mysterious man." After learning about this, Ron felt that they should not be rescued from the dungeon.

"Okay Ron, some things can't be forced." Although Hermione was extremely disappointed with the choices of those people, she also knew that such things could not be forced.

Lupine noticed the sullen Harry and the three of them, and comforted him softly, "Don't forget, our purpose is to rescue Ollivander, and the others are just incidental."

"I suddenly understood why Albert asked the house elf to send people to that shelter. He probably expected such a result!" Harry said that he was not disappointed, but it was a lie, but he was more emotional Albert has a real eye for people.

"Where's Ollivander?" Ron couldn't help asking, "Should he join us?"

"He, it should be regarded as agreeing!" Sirius had a strange expression on his face, "Ollivander was tortured by the Cruciatus Curse, his physical condition was not very good, and he had nowhere to go, so he had to accept Albert's offer. Asylum, and by the way, provide us with support on the wand."

Otherwise, Ollivander actually didn't have much courage to confront Voldemort.

Of course, there are not many places that really need Ollivander's help, the main thing is to protect people from falling into the hands of mysterious people.

Ollivander was also aware of his own situation, so he had to agree even if he didn't agree, and he was dragged into a thief's boat.

At the simple celebration, Kingsley raised his glass and said to the members of the Order of the Phoenix: "We saved a group of people and defeated the Death Eaters again, and because of Harry's joining, I believe there will be more and more wizards." Standing up against You-Know-Who and Death Eaters is our greatest victory."

When the members of the Order of the Phoenix celebrated this great victory with wine glasses, the Defense Association also raised a glass to celebrate this victory, but there was not much lively atmosphere here. Knowing that the group of people who were rescued were all After the cowards, many people felt that it was not worth saving them at all, and they were extremely relieved that Albert let Dobby throw people into that terrible shelter. "

In their view, standing up against the mysterious man does not necessarily require fighting the black wizards, there is always something they can do, but those people are not even willing to contribute to defeating the mysterious man. People who are rescued will naturally feel uncomfortable and look down on them.

You must know that those who were rescued from that dungeon were all wizards who had been persecuted by the mysterious man and the Death Eaters.

"You don't mind if I record this in the book!" Shanna secretly asked Albert about it.

"You can decide for yourself. When the book is finished, remember to show it to me first." Albert believes that this book, which records the Second Wizarding War in detail, will definitely give British wizards an unexpected surprise.

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