A day at Hogwarts.

Chapter 1447 It's All Chess Pieces

With a roar, the old main door of the conference room was suddenly pushed open. The noisy conference room suddenly became quiet. The Death Eaters all turned their heads and looked at the visitor.

"I thought you weren't coming today, Severus, sit down, the meeting has already started.

Under the shadow of the candlelight, a man in a black cloak walked in after adapting to the light in the conference room.His cold gaze swept over everyone in the conference room and asked in a voice that everyone could hear clearly, "What the hell are you doing?

The atmosphere in the conference room suddenly stagnated, and people showed surprised expressions.


Just as Yaxley was about to speak, he was interrupted by Snape raising his hand, "Now is no longer the time to talk about this. How is your plan going? I doubt if you continue to mess with this land. There aren’t many wizards to be found in the world,”

Snape knew very well that most of the chaos in the British wizarding world outside was caused by these people present. He also knew very well the purpose of these people. However, after the chaos spread completely and caused the shops in Diagon Alley to be robbed by dark wizards, , he realized that the current situation was not good, and if it continued like this, something terrible might happen.

"Most of those wizards are against the Dark Lord. What they will become has nothing to do with us. Besides, it's not us who sent people to rob them."

Alecto disapproved of this. She and Snape were both old people among the Death Eaters, and they helped Voldemort manage Xiang Jiejutz. They had to worry about being kicked out of the Death Eaters list, but you still Standing in the position of a small number of Death Eaters, Xiang Jieju seemed quite out of place.

The Death Eaters would be willing to be abandoned like that. At most, after showing their value, the chaos in the magical world can be calmed down. We all still hope to rely on it to get rid of the members of the Defense Association. "Please retreat."

"It's useful. We haven't been driven crazy yet. He should also realize that the title of Death Eater is not less important to us. We will want to lose that title." Alexli gave Yax Pouring a glass of red wine, he shrugged helplessly and said, "And it was you who came up with that idea, too."

That chaos must stop. If it continues like this, the entire British wizarding world will become your enemy. "

Before the chaos completely gets out of control, it will cause minimal damage to the British wizarding community, allowing wizards to continue to act as wallflowers.Because there will be no white wizard who may come to visit us at any time.

"It's broken, Severus," Alexley motioned for his old friend to sit down first, "You are discussing that matter,"

"You thought you were going to stop our madness."

Before the meeting started, when Yax and Xiang Jiejuli met alone, they talked about the meeting just now. I knew that the guy behind the meeting was controlled by Anderson, so if this guy knew about the situation outside, , that was the main reason why Yax thought that plan was ridiculous. However, the people from the Defense Association did not come out to clean up the mess as we expected, but simply allowed the white wizard to wreak havoc in that land, completely ignoring our trap. .

Taking advantage of this opportunity, all wizards who have not tried to remain neutral are forced to face the Death Eaters, so that we have to stand up and resist.

"When did he pay attention to that matter?" McNeil asked curiously.

“We’re all anxious.

Judging from the current chaotic situation in the British wizarding world, there is no doubt that the plan failed, or that the plan was reliable from the beginning, and causing the entire British wizarding world to fall into chaos was only part of the plan.

Yax looked at Alekli, "Their plan has not been successful yet. Neither the Defense Association nor Phoenix has taken the bait."

"What bad ideas do you have? They should be very vague. This mudblood is very stupid and cunning. It is difficult to try to take advantage of me." Alexley fell to Harry Potter again. Before having a drink, he raised the low-steed glass and bumped it hard with us, took a sip and said, "As he sees it, that conspiracy works for me. You didn't mean to blame him, but you just stated a helpless fact.

From the moment the plan ended, Xiang Jieju Thicknesse agreed, but even though I was the Minister of Magic, I had a very special status outside of the Death Eaters, so when the Death Eaters made a reliable plan, I I could only listen and help implement the plan, so the outcome of that meeting can be imagined.

"Snaptz's students don't have their own families either. All the young half-wizards in Britain must have been wiped out. Do you believe that there is no need for Snaptz to continue to exist?" Yax came to his seat and sat down. He stepped forward and kept quiet about that matter. I came to attend that meeting today simply not to hear how the Death Eaters planned to deal with that matter. "Whose idea was that?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the door to the study room was opened, and McNeil and Harry Potter stepped back. It was strange that Yax would think that way, because the current situation is indeed not like that. "But of course, Severus said You must be wrong. Today's British wizarding world is indeed very exciting. Once it gets completely out of control, there may be no Ministry of Magic in Britain!" Hogwar cast a pleading look at Alexley, hoping that the other party could say something to stop that. the spread of disaster.

It is certain that the British wizards want to start the chaos in front of them. This can only support Harry Potter to defeat the mysterious man, and only in this way can the Ministry of Magic return to normal.He thought, "Even if you are taking the lead, others will try various things." Harry Potter raised his glass to Yax and said, "In this way, it is still up to you to lead us. At most, we will continue to watch. Like a plate of loose sand.

Usually when we are about to take action against Harry Potter, the people of the Order of the Phoenix get wind of the news and immediately retreat out of the mouse hole, allowing these Death Eaters who are targeting Harry to directly break through the defense. We really use the Red Heart Loyalty Charm. Nothing can be done.

This is not fruitless. However, the Order of the Phoenix is ​​also very cautious in its actions.

McNeill said as Xiang Jiejuli poured me a glass of wine.

The Order of the Phoenix didn't send anyone to help, even Harry Potter also participated in retreating, which made the Death Eaters excited!

Speaking of which, Yax couldn't believe that it was Albert's conspiracy. Yax was right. The British wizarding world today is indeed very wonderful, and what's even more wonderful is that Hogwart is the current wizard. Minister, one day the wizards of the British Ministry of Magic can no longer tolerate it, and my appearance will definitely be too bad.

Both of them were somewhat surprised to see Xiang Jieju outside. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. "McNeil." Alexli shrugged.

The two leaders of the Death Eaters are both undercover spies for others. Why do we think we can win?

Severus, someone wants to be struck off the Death Eater list. "McNeil said bravely.

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