A day at Hogwarts.

Chapter 1449 The Trap Seen Through

In fact, similar issues were also mentioned at the Order of the Phoenix meeting, but the biggest problem at the moment is: even they are not sure whether they will be attacked by the Ministry of Magic when dealing with the dark wizards who are ravaging the British wizarding world. backstab.

No, it should be said that once they get involved, the possibility of being backstabbed by the Ministry of Magic is extremely high.

Today's Ministry of Magic is under the control of the Death Eaters, so they choose to remain silent during this chaos, leading to misjudgment by some members of the Order of the Phoenix.

Although very few people can understand this clearly, fortunately, as long as the issue is raised, everyone has to face it.

No one would want to be stabbed in the back at a critical moment, especially after knowing that the current chaos was deliberately created by the Death Eaters in order to lure them into taking the bait, everyone became more vigilant.

"Both Voldemort and Death Eaters deserve to die!"

After Harry learned the reason, he couldn't help but cursed at the meeting.He had never imagined that the chaos engulfing Britain could be anything like this.

"I feel normal."

Sirius acted extremely calmly on this matter, "Don't forget about Fudge, Harry. How did that guy slander you and Dumbledore in order to deny Voldemort's resurrection."

When talking about Fudge, everyone fell silent.

Harry has never forgotten what happened that year, and the scars on the back of his hands don't allow him to forget either.

Just like Sirius said, just think about all the bad things Fudge did back then, and then look at the chaos in the wizarding world now, it seems like that.

"As long as we ignore those Death Eaters, this chaos will end sooner or later." Sirius made his position clear, which was to simply stand by and watch.

"But if we really let this matter go unchecked, what will the wizarding families involved in this chaos do?" Professor McGonagall asked with a frown.

She did not support the Order of the Phoenix in taking the initiative to step on the enemy's trap, but she hoped to find a better solution.

"Obviously there is no better solution at the moment, otherwise Albert would have asked someone to do it, and we still need to worry about this nonsense here?" Sirius was very confident in Albert, and he suggested that everyone just sit back and watch. Because that's what Albert did, and it's undoubtedly one of the best options right now.

"Do you know what happened in Diagon Alley not long ago?" Lupine suddenly interrupted, successfully diverting everyone's attention.

"What happened in Diagon Alley?"

"The dark wizards robbed all the shops in Diagon Alley, and it is said that several shopkeepers also lost their lives because of the resistance." Lupine shared with everyone the news he had recently learned. "At present, except for Gringotts, which is still open, almost all the stores are finished."

"No one cares about it?"

"It is said that the Ministry of Magic ignored this." Kingsley couldn't help but smile bitterly.

He actually agreed with Albert's approach, but he couldn't say that he would give up other wizards, if he really wanted to run for Minister of Magic in the future, but...Kingsley never wanted to risk the lives of his companions, Absolutely not.He knew very well that his partners in the Order of the Phoenix were more important than the wizards outside. The prerequisite for saving people was to ensure the safety of his own people. On this point, he agreed with Albert's words. .... "I think wizards should be organized to save themselves. Whether it is through radio, letters, newspapers or other methods, we need to wake them up so that they can muster the courage to stand up and resist the dark wizards." Kingsley agreed with Albert plan, and also understands why Sirius admires Albert so much.

"I remember what Albert said..." Kingsley seemed to be briefly thinking.

"We only save those who save themselves." Sirius replied for Kingsley: "I have always thought this sentence makes sense."

"It does make sense. All that guy's famous aphorisms can be revised into a booklet, which will be called "Anderson's Quotations" from now on." Ron couldn't help complaining, "If you think the number of pages is too few, you can Count Dumbledore’s words of wisdom as well.”

"When we win this Wizarding War, your "Anderson's Quotes" might actually become a good bestseller." Hermione didn't pay attention to Ron's complaints at all, because she did think so.

"Well, the biggest question now is whether the wizards in the magical world can save themselves." Harry directly interrupted the complaints of several people and expressed his own views on this matter.

"To be honest, it's not that I don't have confidence in them, but that most wizards in the magical world have never thought of saving themselves from the beginning. If those wizards had considered this matter, they would not have faced such a problem at all."

Harry raised his hand to stop Bill, who was about to say something, and continued, "As far as I know, Albert compiled the Self-Defense Guide a long time ago, but not many wizards really take it seriously. If they really After carefully studying the content in the book, I don’t believe that they will be defenseless when facing the robbery of the dark wizard.”

"Honestly, dark wizards do sound scary, but they are actually not much more powerful than ordinary wizards." Having had the experience of confronting dark wizards some time ago, Harry said this confidently, "Believe me, those who are protecting The members of Dumbledore's Army who have been trained during this period can easily deal with them."

"If we mobilize everyone, we should be able to..." Ron seemed to have thought of something and muttered.

"Don't be stupid, Albert won't allow it, and I don't think this is a good idea." Harry interrupted Ron directly.

"How can you step on the enemy's trap directly? Do you know how many people might die?"

"I'm just talking casually!" Ron noticed Hermione's gaze and quickly closed his mouth.

No one here will support them rashly getting involved in this chaos, especially after knowing that this is the Death Eaters' conspiracy against them, and they will not allow stupid behavior to put their own people in danger because they want to help others.

After discussion, the best way they finally came up with was to encourage wizards in the British wizarding community to bravely stand up and resist, and they could provide some support secretly to avoid dragging the Death Eaters and the Ministry of Magic into the water and allowing this chaos to continue. upgrade.

If Ron really ended up personally as he said, it would be better to start an all-out war with the Death Eaters directly.

But that would be thankless. It would be better to let the wizards in the magical world suffer a little more, lest they save another group of white-eyed wolves and bite them back when the time comes. That would be the most disgusting thing.

What's more, the time for the decisive battle between the two sides has not yet come, and Harry knows this better than anyone else.

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