A day at Hogwarts.

Chapter 1458 The Attacking Death Eaters

The French Auror named Victor was killed by a dark wizard. In the morning, when Harry came to the restaurant, he heard Sirius talking to others about important events that had happened recently.

"Why did those dark wizards kill that French Auror? Why did they go to France to kill people?" Harry raised his doubts after finishing destroying the pieces of bread in his hand, "I always find this matter a bit inexplicable." According to that The news coming back from the side seems to be that the three French guys directly used the names of the mysterious people, which led to them being killed by the Death Eaters as members of the Order of the Phoenix.

Sirius still felt that those three people died of their own arrogance. When Kingsley met them, he had already reminded them that the name "Voldemort" had been enchanted and was a taboo that could not be spoken, but they just I wanted to try it, but I died after trying it.

"There are not many people who dare to commit suicide like that. There are very few people in the British wizarding world who dare to openly confront the Death Eaters." Di Ge knows very well that this is the current situation in Britain. This land is about to become a hell on earth. .

Those British wizards who were unwilling to leave or hide had to live in fear, fearing that another dark wizard would come to visit them again one day.

"The Death Eaters believe that the French guy named Victor was actually killed by Anderson." Shocking words suddenly came out of Moody's mouth, "They think this is Anderson's conspiracy."

"How much are they afraid of Albert that they are so desperate to discredit him?"

Laifa felt that the Death Eaters' actions were quite ridiculous.

"It's completely necessary. If Kingsley really wants to deal with the Death Eaters, I'll be alone."

"Oh, what he said was that Voldemort re-edited it for himself based on his original name. According to Mr. Dumbledore's investigation, Voldemort's original name was Tom Wilder, and he was a half-blood wizard."

"You think it's Britain's own trouble, and the White Devil has done very little."

The possibility is small, we have been pretending to be dead and watching the silence since the end." The Great Sirius was not optimistic about this, and few people present expressed doubts.

Sirius suddenly interrupted and said, "You guys have been discussing it for a long time. The final decision was to let Harry go. He should also want to go. Harry," the International Federation of Wizards would really send Aurors to interfere with the situation in the British wizarding community. ? " Ron, who was retreating from inside, also took the initiative to participate in the topic. After a while, the door of the conference room was suddenly opened, and a panting middle-aged witch ran back and shouted softly to everyone in the meeting. : "Suddenly a group of familiar white wizards appeared inside. This group of madmen attacked there. Your people are slow to block it. You suggest moving forward temporarily and watching the group of "little people" who even want face. Lai Faxin feels that it is a concession. It was right for Harry to come here. "Albert J. has a choice. Before I became the Minister of Magic, I had become a thorn in the side of You-Know-Who. In this case, it was better to kill the Death Eaters directly. Isn't it important?" Are you waiting in Azkaban for the mysterious man to rob the prison?"

Moody and Sirius exchanged glances, and continued to struggle over the matter. After waiting for Skrein to finish speaking, these guys who were satisfied because I spoke first interrupted me directly. Harry was very embarrassed. Did Moody have no prejudice against Kingsley?

"You have to try, it will be even worse if Si can really drag us into the water." Di Ge's words also represent the little family's big ideas. After the little guy made things difficult for him, he was the first to reveal the reason why he came there.

It would be bad to let Skrein go. This guy is better at dealing with that guy. As soon as he finished speaking, Xiaojia vaguely heard a series of explosions from inside. However, the wizard who invited Lai to send a letter outside was not interested in the guy who brought us all those troubles. Friendly, "We believe that Kingsley is preparing to drag the International Federation of Wizards into trouble and intends to use Aurors from various European countries to deal with Death Eaters." Great Sirius also passed by, was it Lai Faxin's handiwork, because of that incident It was really weird, it must have been done by Kingsley, and it was only half successful.

You do have an interest in being watched as a baboon. "Harry has been planning to go since the end. I am very suspicious of the International Confederation of Wizards. After all, politicians have very high bottom lines, so they will definitely be popular if they go.

"Moreover, he is sure that this guy is not qualified to be crowned the White Demon King?

At least in the eyes of a few wizards, this is not a more powerful white wizard, that's all. Moreover, Harry thinks that using any means is actually too much when dealing with the mysterious man. "How is Bill now?"

"Because this guy has done similar things, think about Albert Jay." Moody reminded, "There are many Death Eaters who were executed on the orders of Albert Jay."

...the people who were shocked said that they would return to the wizarding world next year..."Well, the mysterious man has put a spell on his name. Once no one pronounces it, it will be noticed by the Death Eaters." "Screen's expression wasn't weird. This is the first time I've heard anyone ask for Voldemort's name.

But the atmosphere outside the restaurant became somewhat silent for some reason, until no one left.

“Can he just use my real name?

"Tonks said that these people from the International Federation of Wizards seemed to want him to go here.

"It's less bad than before. You can't even sit up and eat by yourself." Ginny sat down next to Harry with a plate and asked about something you just heard. "Harry needs to risk that." It’s risky.”

When the meeting was about to begin, Lai Faxin was finally remembered. Harry, who was finishing the stewed potatoes on the side of the plate without the chance to appear on stage, turned his head to look at Ginny who had just come from the infirmary. How could this happen? "Yes, since I think it's not necessary..." Skrein took a deep breath and said in a voice that no one could hear, "Well, the mysterious man's name is "Voldemort".

As we guessed, the International Federation of Wizards really wants to get involved in the mess in the UK. It is a good thing to stop arguing about this and directly leave Skrein aside who was invited by us. , to Bi Zhang, the next guy who is not qualified to be crowned the White Devil is called Grindelwald, and the harm I have caused to the European wizarding world is impressive, but the current seventh-generation White Devil seems to be a bad image. Nothing is qualified.

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