Chapter 1476

Voldemort had never been so angry.

He had just been attacked.

Although it was true that he had had similar experiences before, never had Voldemort felt so angry.

Just a little short of that, and all his plans would be wiped out by Avada Kedavra.

There was no doubt that it was a well-planned ambush.Voldemort suspected that wherever the Death Eaters found it, someone had deliberately set it as bait to lure him into taking the bait.

As for who is behind the scenes?

Voldemort immediately thought of Albert Anderson, and only that despicable and sinister mudblood could ambush him so accurately.

However, this idea changed after Voldemort returned to headquarters.

Because his headquarters has completely turned into a raging sea of ​​fire, the devil's flame is raging on this land, swallowing up everything and turning it into ashes.

"Albert Anderson!" Voldemort roared through gritted teeth.

Just when he was almost overwhelmed by anger, he suddenly remembered something.

Would that mudblood really do such a thing?

Based on Voldemort's understanding of Albert Anderson, he didn't think that guy would be afraid of him, or even personally lead the team in the fatal attack just now?

If he really wanted to kill himself, there was no way he could create an attack without personally leading the team.

Moreover, with Albert's behavior, setting fire to this place would have no meaning except irritating himself.

So why did he do this, why did he burn this place down?

What is the purpose of provoking yourself?

To be honest, Voldemort didn't dare to get angry randomly now, for fear that he would be blinded by anger and step directly into the mudblood's trap.

He suffered so many similar losses that he had a long memory.

Looking at the billowing waves of black fire in front of him, Voldemort's thoughts were also swirling, thinking about the mudblood's purpose of doing this.

At this moment, a series of apparition crackling sounds were heard around him.

This almost made Voldemort, who had just been attacked, instinctively raise his wand, as if ready to kill the attacker.

This move frightened the soul of Yaxley who had just arrived.

"Master, it's me, Yaxley.".

"What happened here?"

Voldemort lowered his wand and asked with suppressed anger.The murderous glare in those scarlet eyes frightened the Death Eaters who dared to come.

"This...I don't know. Kent, who is in charge of liaison, just learned from the dementors that the master was ambushed..." Yaxley didn't understand what happened, let alone that their headquarters was attacked by devil's flames. Devoured.

The surrounding Death Eaters held their breaths, fearing that Voldemort would notice their presence, and the scene fell into an eerie silence.

This silence was finally broken by the churning devil's flames. As Voldemort waved the wand in his hand, he suppressed the devil's flames that spread rapidly to the surroundings, and soon afterwards completely extinguished the devil's fire. "Let me investigate this matter clearly. Someone must pay the price for this."

Looking at the headquarters reduced to ashes, Voldemort said murderously. ….

However, what neither of them expected was that this incident would become more and more magical in the next few days.

First, it was revealed that a member of the International Federation of Wizards was murdered at home, and the murderer left the Dark Mark at the scene.

With the Dark Mark as evidence, there was no doubt that this was the work of a Death Eater, or even the revenge of Voldemort himself.

At least that's what everyone thinks.

Voldemort, who learned the news from the newspaper, remained silent because he did not kill anyone, let alone let the Death Eaters kill members of the International Federation of Wizards. He also believed that no fool would do such a stupid thing without authorization.

But it was impossible for Voldemort to say that the incident had nothing to do with him, because only Death Eaters knew how to summon the Dark Mark.

He must bear the blame.

"Master, that matter has come to an end."

A few days later, Yaxley finally came to report the results of the investigation to Voldemort.

"The group of guys who attacked the master were probably bounty hunters hired by the International Confederation of Wizards. It is said that they were given the power to use the Unforgivable Curse by the International Confederation of Wizards."

"After the group of bounty hunters attacked the owner, they fell out with the International Federation of Wizards over money. We suspect that it was because of this that the group of bounty hunters secretly revealed the matter, leading most wizards to believe The death of that congressman was the result of the master’s revenge.”

"But we believe that the guys who attacked the International Federation of Wizards members should be those bounty hunters. Their purpose is to retaliate against the International Federation of Wizards for using them as cannon fodder, but they are unwilling to pay a penny."

Yaxley can actually understand. Bounty hunters are a group of unruly guys. After the failure of the attack on Voldemort, it is normal for them to be dissatisfied with the mismatch between the risks and benefits they need to bear.

The members of the International Federation of Wizards are also idiots. They don't know how to give some money to appease the mood of that group of people. Then don't blame the bounty hunter for causing trouble.

"As for the bastard who burned down the headquarters, there are no clues yet. But based on the intelligence analysis of the Ministry of Magic personnel, I think it was probably a revenge action by members of the International Confederation of Wizards." Yaxley glanced at Voldemort secretly. Continued: "Since they actually prompted the bounty hunter to accurately attack the owner, they can naturally hire the bounty hunter to destroy the headquarters after the owner leaves."

"So, you think this matter has nothing to do with that insidious mudblood." Voldemort narrowed his eyes, causing the Death Eaters present to lower their heads.

"No, we believe that it was the mudblood who provided the information to the International Federation of Wizards. Only he can be so prepared to predict the master's whereabouts." Yaxley lowered his head and said, "The purpose is probably to hope that I will unite with the International Federation of Wizards. Will he make enemies with bounty hunters? This is one of his common methods."

"In fact, the mudblood succeeded," he added.

At first, both parties had nothing to do with them, but now they have been dragged into the water by that mudblood, and the two parties even have a strong hatred.

Murder with a knife!

The Mudblood's usual measurement was actually not difficult to guess.

Although he already knew that this was another conspiracy of that damn Mudblood, Voldemort did not intend to endure it this time.

Since that group of despicable and shameless people dared to use the Imperius Curse to control a group of trash to attack him, they must pay a price for it. Whether it is the group of bounty hunters or the wizards of the International Federation of Wizards, there is always someone who needs to calm his anger. Pay the price.



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