In the end, Vice President Wang did not give up, but under Sirius's hint, after entering Albert's suitcase, he saw the unlucky appearance of the little brats who forced him to hide, and his original depressed mood was instantly wiped away. Then he immediately put out the idea of ​​tormenting them again.

That night, the tortured students finally had a chance and were escorted to Hogwarts to receive treatment from Madam Pomfrey.

Even Fuf tried to treat them only by seeking treatment for magical injuries, but the entire Order of the Phoenix didn't want that to happen, because they couldn't be sure whether those healers were reliable, and there might be Death Eaters now. Lie in wait for them to come to your door.

In fact, the Death Eaters did lay a trap for the Order to take their bait.

After all, the injuries of the few little bastards they tortured were very serious and they definitely needed formal treatment. Unless the Order of the Phoenix planned to abandon them, they would definitely take the initiative to send them to their doorstep.

According to Snape's original words: If they really abandon those little brats, they will no longer be the Order of the Phoenix. Of course, Madam Pomfrey, as the number one suspect, is also under strict surveillance by the Death Eaters. Fortunately, the Order of the Phoenix is ​​quite experienced in dealing with this kind of thing.

When Ke led a group of wizards into the school, Lei Ren read the new issue of Witch Weekly. As for the issue of time, there is a way to do it.

Alberto raised the corner of his mouth and stared at Mrs. Hogwart, and then turned around and left the school hospital under the glare of the head nurse. Mrs. Hogwart would continue to pour all kinds of things into our mouths before complexly treating the wounds under our bodies. Plant a magic potion to remove the remaining white magic from our body and reduce the pain in our body.

As for letting the white wizard stay outside the school hospital directly, Alberto wanted to do that, but Mrs. Hogwart threatened to resign, forcing the Death Eaters to leave the school hospital.

Professor McGonagall was standing beside the hospital bed, watching the busy Mrs. Hogwart facing the menacing dark wizards. The head nurse showed no fear and glared at the uninvited guests in front of her, speaking in a high and depressed tone. And the angry voice said: "Get out, don't disturb other patients' rest."

"You'll be keeping an eye on him."

"You are also sure that you will be able to cure us." Mrs. Hogwart's expression was very "wave..." from the beginning to the end.

Everyone looked at each other and fell silent.

From time to time, the wizards became more and more sinister.

Yes, you are more worried about us enduring the torture and breaking down inside. These white wizards seem to have used too much Veritaserum on us. If we use less of it, it will have some bad effects on us," Mrs. Hogwart said successively When we went to the small hall to dine, we naturally heard the screams of those people outside the dungeon.

The White Wizard who was staying inside and playing cards knew that Mrs. Qi Conggui was actually the original one, but someone who pretended to be a member of the Order of the Phoenix before taking the compound potion. The real Mrs. Hogwart was currently treating the tortured students. They treat.

"If possible, you would suggest that they send us to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Maladies for more formal treatment.


Mrs. Hogwart was busy cleaning the whip marks under the bodies of the unconscious students, and then applying potion under the wounds.

"It's useful. Pomfrey hates these people who hate seeking death."

You found out, husband, that everything was Anderson's fault. The originally simple wizard was led astray by me.

"Is the injury serious?" Lu Ping asked worriedly.

"That's all we can do, at least we'll feel pain before we wake up." Mrs. Hogwart also had a way to eliminate the remaining phantom pain before being tortured by the Cruciatus Curse.

Alexis needs an excellent therapist to be in charge. Otherwise, if these bastards are injured and sick, who will help us treat them?

Murdering students is allowed in Alecs, because it is the private ranch of the White Devil. It is the main method I use to control the wizards in the British magical world. Once no students die in Alecs, things will become very serious. Trouble, he didn't suffer from demons for a long time?

"Pomfrey left you enough potions for the emergency and the Cruciatus Curse. Mrs. Hogwart asked Professor McGonagall and Lupin to help feed us the potions. "You have reminded us once and for all to protect ourselves. "

Sirius tried to communicate with Luo Sen. As expected, the basic contact was given under the letter.

I need to control things within a certain range, but to make things manageable. Mrs. Hogwart also raised her wand, as if she was ready to drive people away violently. Before Albert left, there was no need for the wizard to move. Busy Hospital “Bobby, how are we doing?

Of course, it may be that I don’t have the Merlin Badge yet, and I don’t value that honor too much."I'm afraid that's OK. St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries and Injuries is under surveillance by Death Eaters. You will be exposed immediately if you go there." Kingsley directly rejected the proposal. I actually tried it and found that this When he saw that there was a trap outside, he gave up the idea of ​​sending us to the magic hospital.

Anderson must be very good at brewing potions. If I had known you would have insisted on having this guy come over.

Alberto didn't pay any attention to the anger on Mrs. Hogwart's face. He stretched out his left hand holding the wand, pushed you aside, and directly ordered the white wizard under his command to inspect the school hospital. "Do you really understand what's going on outside our heads?"

Even Voldemort would want to fight against the entire British wizarding world.

"The difficulty of brewing analgesics is not that low. If you had done it, the effect might have been so obvious or even non-existent." Mrs. Qi Conggui had also brewed it before, but the effect was very bad.

Since before these brutally tortured students were rescued, Alexis has been under Snape's close surveillance. It will be difficult for you to return to Alexis under our noses and get the help of Mrs. Qi Conggui. While treating us, he complained nonchalantly, "Why do you want to provoke these Death Eaters, why do you have to put yourself in such a state.

Before everyone fell silent, Sirius took over the words, "But we use it because we are willing to listen, and because we hate it, we go out to commit suicide. In Pomfrey's words, it is not our own fault."

That’s something that can be done. “What’s the problem?

"Let's go"

You always thought that if Anderson was willing to take the time to improve the analgesic, the Ministry of Magic should issue me a Merlin badge.

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