A day at Hogwarts.

Chapter 1495 The whereabouts of the Elder Wand

Chapter 1497 The whereabouts of the Elder Wand

Conference room at the Order of the Phoenix headquarters.

The round conference table was full of people, and everyone was whispering about the reason why Kingsley held the meeting: what Voldemort was going to Nurmengard.

After Harry and the others entered the conference room, the whispers inside suddenly stopped. People stopped talking and turned to look at the three Harrys. Most of them greeted them with smiles and eagerly arranged for them to sit down. .

"Sorry for keeping you waiting."

Harry couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed when he found out that everyone was waiting for him. Most of the time, he usually didn't want to waste time attending meetings that were boring and not very important, but Kingsley obviously thought it was necessary for them to attend today's meeting. .

"We were discussing what the mysterious man was doing in Nurmengard."

Kingsley nodded to the three Harrys, motioned for them to take a seat, and then continued, "When most of the European Aurors rushed to Nurmengard, a fierce battle had already broken out in the wizard prison. It is thought that the mysterious man failed to reach an agreement with Grindelwald, and the battle between the two set the Nurmengard Prison on fire, causing many Nurmengard prisoners to fail to escape in time."

"Not long after the Aurors hurried over, they faced a group of frightened birds that had escaped from Nurmengard Prison. There were very few dark wizards who actually survived the fire. This is why the Aurors The main reason why we can easily win after launching a surprise attack.”

"Of course, I think most of the people here already know this part of the detailed information, and what I want to say today is what on earth did the mysterious man go to Nurmengard?

Well, the problem is back to square one.

Kingsley made a quiet gesture to everyone and continued to reveal more information to everyone.

"According to what we know from inside the Death Eaters, the mysterious man should be looking for the legendary wand - the Death Stick."

Having said this, Kingsley suddenly turned to look at the three Harrys.

After feeling that many people were staring at him, Harry knew he had to say something.

"The death stick that the mysterious man is looking for should be the Elder Wand used by the boss in "The Story of Three Brothers"."

But his words made most people in the conference room frown.

"The mysterious man's frantic search for the death stick is undoubtedly to deal with Albert." Harry knew that everyone might not be able to accept it for the time being, but he continued, "Moreover, not long ago, there was a relationship between the mysterious man's wand and me. There is some kind of connection, which makes the mysterious person suffer a lot, so the mysterious person can't wait to get a powerful magic wand to solve the things that bother him."

"That's just a fairy tale," said Mrs. Weasley.

"As far as I know, the mysterious man has indeed been looking for such a wand all over Europe," Kingsley said softly. "Before the invasion of Nurmengard, the mysterious man had been looking for a wand as famous as Ollivander. Producer Gregovich. Because it is rumored that Gregovich once obtained the wand, but the wand maker was temporarily hidden by Albert and Dumbledore."

There was a burst of whispers in the conference room.

"Later, the mysterious man targeted Grindelwald for some unknown reason. Maybe the legendary death stick was in the hands of the previous Dark Lord."…

Kingsley's words shocked everyone.

If the mysterious man really possesses the legendary death stick, the consequences will be disastrous.

"I asked Anderson and he told me not to worry. The mysterious man is not the owner of the Elder Wand and cannot exert the true power of that wand."

"So, the mysterious man still got the death stick?"

"do not know."

Kingsley shook his head and looked at Harry.

"Albert doesn't like taking risks."

Harry wasn't sure, but he wasn't worried about Voldemort getting the Elder Wand. "Okay then, let me tell you another thing." Kingsley made a quiet gesture, suppressed other noises, and continued, "Anderson once mentioned that there will be a decisive battle between the two sides, and the time is ripe. , maybe just recently, he wants us to be ready."

As soon as Kingsley finished speaking, the scene became noisy.

People never thought that the decisive battle in the Wizarding War that Albert had mentioned was actually coming.

They were panicking because they were not prepared.

People looked at the three Harrys one after another, but the latter obviously didn't know very well either.

After the meeting, Harry, Ron and Hermione returned to the room to discuss the so-called decisive battle, but Albert kept it strictly secret, leading them to suspect that it was related to Voldemort's acquisition of the "Death Stick". "related.

But none of the three people knew that Voldemort could get the Elder Wand. The reason was very simple. Albert must know where the Elder Wand was. He would never allow the mysterious man to get such an invincible and invincible wand. What's more, Albert Not to mention that Voldemort planned to use it against Albert.

"Perhaps, when we meet next time, we can ask him where the wand is." Ron suggested, "If we can use the power of that wand, we will have a significantly greater chance of defeating the mysterious man and winning."

"I know where the wand is!" Harry said suddenly.

"Harry, do you know where the wand is hidden?"

Ron froze and looked up at Harry in disbelief.

"Hogwarts, we should have thought of it earlier," Hermione murmured.

"The Elder Wand is hidden in Hogwarts?"

Ron's eyes moved back and forth between Harry and Hermione, as if he wanted to confirm the authenticity from them.

"A long time ago, Gregorovitch got the Elder Wand. I remember Mr. Ollivander once mentioned this." Harry ignored the surprise on Ron's face and analyzed the whole thing by himself. Thing: "So, the mysterious man had been searching for the whereabouts of Grigovic all over Europe at first, but Grigovic was hidden by Albert, which resulted in the mysterious man doing useless work for a long time. "

"But in fact, the Elder Wand is no longer with Grigovitch, but was taken away by Grindelwald." Hermione exchanged glances with Harry and continued her analysis, "Don't forget , Grindelwald's saint's badge is the mark of the Deathly Hallows, which shows that Grindelwald must have researched the Deathly Hallows. If Gregovich had foolishly boasted that he had cracked the secret of the Elder Wand, I think Grindelwald It’s no surprise that Waugh came to the door. Grindelwald used the Elder Wand to make himself powerful and became the most dangerous Dark Lord in history.…

"Dumbledore finally defeated Grindelwald and took away the Elder Wand. He is the owner of the Elder Wand." Ron's eyes widened and he murmured, "So, Dumbledore took the Elder Wand into his own grave. ?”

"Then we should go to Hogwarts!" Ron suddenly turned his head and said eagerly, "Harry, go get the Elder Wand before the mysterious man does."

"Dumbledore doesn't want me to have it, and..." Harry and Hermione were both surprised that the other would say that.

"We must prevent the mysterious man from getting the magic wand that can never lose, otherwise who will be able to defeat him then?" Ron was very anxious and tried to persuade Harry, but he was in vain.

"Calm down Ron, even if we rush over now, it's too late. The mysterious man noticed the whereabouts of the wand before us. Moreover, do you think Albert will really allow the mysterious man to take the wand?" Harry reassured.

"You mean that Albert has taken away the Elder Wand in advance." Ron couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. This is indeed very similar to what Albert would do.

"I don't know. Even if the wand is still there, the mysterious man is probably not the real owner of the wand."

"Snape, it shouldn't be difficult for the mysterious man to guess."

Speaking of this matter, Ron suddenly felt a little gloating, "Do you think the mysterious man will kill Snape?"

"It's not Snape. I suspect this is just a serial trap, and it was specially prepared for the mysterious person." Harry suddenly understood why Albert had advanced the plan. This was because he had dug a big hole in advance. Then the mysterious man jumped down by himself!



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