A day at Hogwarts.

Chapter 1503 The arrow is on the string

Chapter 1505

Boom boom boom!

After a quick knock on the door, the door to the room was pushed open from the outside.Ron hurried in and shouted to Harry who was saying his final farewell to Ginny inside: "Harry, Albert is here, he is waiting for you to come over!"

"You are such a heartless guy." Hermione said to Ron helplessly, "Let's go out first and don't disturb them."

"It's not life and death."

Ron grumbled and was pulled away by Hermione.

"I bet You-Know-Who won't survive the night."

Looking at the bedroom door that was closed again, Ginny turned back to Harry and said, "Ron is really careless. No wonder he has never been able to catch up with Hermione."

"Don't worry, I'll be back." Harry said without answering, minding his own business.

"I know."

"We are fully prepared for this, and we also have Albert." Harry looked into Ginny's eyes and gave his final instructions: "So, promise me, stay here and don't go to Hogwarts, no matter what For me and for our children."

"I will." The smile on Ginny's face disappeared and she nodded seriously in agreement.

"Also, after the war is over, we will get married."

With that said, Harry took out the ring he had prepared in advance and put it on Ginny's extended left ring finger.

Ginny shook her lips and cried with joy.

When she wanted to kiss and hug Harry, she saw him taking something out of his pocket again.

"You will keep this for now."

Harry didn't give the girl who was crying with joy time to react, and took out another key and forced it into her hand.

"No...Hermione said you'd be fine."

Ginny's eyes were already full of tears, she knew that Harry was explaining his funeral arrangements.

"Of course I will be fine. Albert also said that I will definitely survive this wizarding war."

Harry gently hugged Ginny who jumped into his arms and kissed her forehead: "I'm just leaving the key to you for safekeeping temporarily."

"Okay, it's time for me to leave. I can't keep them waiting too long."

Harry let go of Ginny's arm and left the bedroom without looking back, going to the room he had prepared earlier, where he met Hermione and Ron.Harry also saw Albert and didn't know what he was talking about to Hermione and Ron.

"Each Felixir can last for about two hours. Remember to take it separately. It should be enough time, but you still have to hurry up." Albert placed the medicine containing the Felixir on Hermione's palm and said to Harry The three said, "After you successfully take or destroy the Hufflepuff Gold Cup from Gringotts, go directly to the last shelter and I will let Dobby take you to Hogwarts."

"Do we really have enough time to destroy the last Horcrux hidden in Hogwarts?"

Ron was worried about this. He knew very well that once he started taking action, he would not be able to hide it from the dark wizards under Voldemort.

"You don't have to worry about this. The Ravenclaw diadem hidden in Hogwarts was actually destroyed a long time ago." Harry did not hide this matter anymore. When he was in person, he explained softly: "It is Dumbledore's intention not to tell you for the time being. He hopes that you can return to Hogwarts to solve the problem of the mysterious man."…

"Once the mysterious man knows that you are destroying his Horcrux, he will definitely stop you at all costs. What you have to do is to completely end the grudge between you before he reacts and prevent that guy from knowing that his Horcrux is completely destroyed. Then, hide like a mouse.”

"Also, half an hour after you leave here, the plan will be officially launched, so you must seize the time to sneak into Gringotts."

"The Hufflepuff Gold Cup in the Gringotts vault is the last Horcrux?"

Ron finally understood why Albert took it so seriously.

As long as they succeeded in destroying Hufflepuff's cup, Voldemort would no longer be unkillable and the killable Voldemort would no longer be feared.

"It seems that you have already arranged things."

After Harry poured a Felixir from the medicine bottle and threw it into his mouth, he handed the medicine back to Hermione, "But that's good, I'm one step closer to completing my mission."

Hermione and Ron also took the Felixir one after another. They closed their eyes and felt the changes brought about by the Felixir. They murmured softly: "This feeling is really wonderful...Okay, I think we should set off to follow The goblins have reunited.”

"They are counting on you."

Albert waved his wand and said to Dobby who appeared out of thin air.

"Leave it to Dobby."

The house elf reached for Harry's hand and apparated away with them.

"They left?"

After hearing a crackling sound in the room, Fred stuck his head in.

"Let's go, it's time for us to take action." Albert called Fred to make final preparations.

"What about the Death Eaters? That lie won't deceive them for long." Fred knew that Albert had created the illusion that the Ministry of Magic abroad had sent a coalition of Aurors to liquidate the British Death Eaters.

"They'll believe it."

Albert's confidence was naturally related to the fact that Voldemort's right-hand man, Yaxley, was under the Imperius Curse.

The two walked into the meeting room together.

"They set off?"

"Just left."

"We really don't need us..." Sirius was still a little worried.

"You should believe Harry and your godson." Albert asked calmly, "Is it over with you?"

"We have reviewed the general process of the entire plan. Are you sure that we can really solve the mysterious man today?"

"If Harry's side goes well, and we have no choice." Albert said softly: "If you don't seize the opportunity yourself, the situation is likely to get worse."

"We trust your judgment." Kingsley was very decisive. Now that the arrow was on the string, there was nothing to hesitate about. "We have been waiting for this day for too long."

"Now let those in the asylum who are willing to go to Hogwarts prepare. After you completely control Hogwarts, Dobby will send them directly to Hogwarts."

Albert glanced at his watch and ordered: "Remember, the plan will officially start in half an hour. As for the broadcast from the Wizard Observation Station, it needs to wait until Harry completes the task before starting to broadcast."

"Is it possible in time?" Lu Ping frowned, "I'm a little worried about time..."

"It's in time." Albert was confident. "It will take at least a few hours for the mysterious man to gather people to attack Hogwarts. Do you think those people are more efficient than us."

"How many people do you think will be willing to join us?" Arthur asked suddenly.

"I don't know, but I feel that the number of people is probably not too large. Most civilians are greedy for life and afraid of death. It is normal to have little hope."

"But we still did it."

"Because we need things to attract the attention of the Death Eaters. Whether they believe it or not, we must allocate energy. This is enough." Albert said calmly, "I didn't count on them from the beginning. Doing that just makes They played a role before the final battle. Victory is never achieved overnight, but is built up by accumulating little by little advantages."

As he said that, he turned to look at Kingsley again.

"Have you contacted the Aurors?"

"About one of the three people is unwilling." Kingsley looked at Moody and said, "But we can't be sure if there are spies inside."

"After Harry's side is over, ask Fred and George to bring a group of people with you."

"You're not coming with us?" Moody frowned.

"I'm very busy. I need to meet someone before I go stare at the mysterious man.".


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