A day at Hogwarts.

Chapter 1506 Saving Snape

Chapter 1508 Saving Snape

"So, you just abandoned Hogwarts and escaped by yourself?"

Voldemort stared at Snape who lowered his head, his scarlet eyes flashing with danger. Fortunately, he was not stupid enough to take the opportunity to go berserk and kill Snape on the spot.

"Master, the raid on Hogwarts by the Order of the Phoenix and the Defense Association was premeditated. Our people were caught off guard and were unable to withstand the attack. I was also forced into a corner by them and took the opportunity to break through. I had a chance to escape by jumping out of the window." Snape lowered his head lower and showed enough humility and respect to Voldemort to prevent Voldemort from killing him directly because of the wand.

It is undeniable that Snape's words were a scapegoat, but they still made the Death Eaters who were on standby at the headquarters feel bad. It was not because Hogwarts was occupied by people from the Order of the Phoenix, but because the Order of the Phoenix and the Order of the Phoenix were on standby. They actually knew exactly what the Defense Association's sudden large-scale action meant.

After a while of whispers, the conference room fell into an eerie silence.

Snape secretly raised his head and saw that Voldemort did not speak. After waiting for a while, he told some of his guesses: "I think today is what they said on the radio some time ago..."

"Enough!" Voldemort interrupted impatiently.

He really wanted to find an excuse to kill Snape now. Something important was obviously going to happen tonight and he needed the power of the Death Rod, but Voldemort also knew very well that it was best not to do that in front of other Death Eaters, otherwise It will only make things worse.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door of the conference room. Alecto Carlo came in. After bowing slightly to Voldemort in the main seat to show respect, he returned directly to his seat and began to report to Hogg. Watts' current situation.

"Master, the Order of the Phoenix led a large number of people to capture Hogwarts, and even the professors at Hogwarts joined them."

Probably sensing that something was amiss in the atmosphere in the conference room, Alecto paused and continued, "Hogsmeade Village also fell under their control, and our people were attacked by surprise. Severus, I was also Thought you..."


This situation is really not Snape's personal problem at the moment. After all, there are only a few of them in Hogwarts. Snape and Alecto are already pretty good if they can escape. It's really impossible to lose Hogwarts. Blame them, who made the huge gap in numbers between the two sides.

Before Voldemort could get angry, the conference room was pushed out from the outside again, and this time the person who came in was Yaxley.He hurried towards Voldemort and reported respectfully: "Master, I'm afraid the situation is not good. Kingsley and his gang are calling on the wizards in the UK to stand up against us on their radio. Also, our people discovered that Aurors abroad Something has changed. I suspect that the Order of the Phoenix has colluded with foreign Aurors. They are making such a big noise now just to create opportunities for the foreign Auror coalition."

"Oh, according to you, those people plan to kill us in one go?"

Voldemort's face was still extremely calm, but that was only on the surface to stabilize the Death Eaters. If Yaxley guessed correctly, the current situation was quite bad. ….

So many things broke out in one breath, and there was no doubt that they were directed at him.

But where do they have the confidence to think they can succeed and put all their chips on the gambling table in one go?

This is not like Albert Anderson’s steady formal style!

This is what Voldemort couldn't figure out.

"Yaxley, tell me about your plan?"

Voldemort looked expressionlessly at Yaxley, who had mentioned this possibility to him.

"We have made similar preparation plans. If the International Federation of Wizards really intends to send a coalition of Aurors to intervene in the British situation, we'd better kill the Aurors with lightning speed before they join forces with the Order of the Phoenix. The coalition forces hurt and disabled them and asked them to leave the UK voluntarily."

"Then, go back and take care of those happy-dancing guys in Hogwarts." Yaxley hesitated for a moment and reminded in a low voice: "But this plan requires the master's own hands, otherwise it will be difficult for us to do it in a short time. Let those group of Aurors retreat when they see the difficulties."

"Master, I think this is a carefully prepared conspiracy by the mudblood." Alecto glanced at Snape and raised his hand to express his opinion on the matter, "Only that guy would create such a big scene. Everything he did was to target us. Whether the so-called Auror coalition is true or false, I am afraid it is a trap prepared for us."

"Severus, what do you think?"

Voldemort looked at Snape, and even his address became friendly, as if he had gone back to the time when Snape killed Dumbledore.

"I think we should prioritize eliminating the threat of the Auror Coalition, but we must also find ways to disrupt Albert Anderson's arrangements. Don't follow his lead, lest you step into the trap he laid." Snape's The idea was still very clear, but he still felt that the Auror coalition was probably a cover.

But if he followed the Death Eaters' thinking, he should support Yaxley, because they really couldn't afford to lose.

"As long as there is no interference from the International Federation of Wizards, the wizards summoned through the radio will probably collapse directly, and the people of the Order of the Phoenix and the Defense Association will definitely not be able to stop the master."

"Yaxley, I need you to continue sending people from the Ministry of Magic to figure out the movements of the Auror coalition."

Voldemort turned his attention to McNeil again, "I need you to mobilize all the Death Eaters and some dark wizards. This time you must teach them a profound lesson and let them understand how stupid it is to rashly interfere in the British situation."


When most people in the conference room stood up and were about to leave, Voldemort suddenly called out to Snape, who was also about to leave.

"Severus, you stay here first. I have an important task for you to complete."

The two sides looked at each other wordlessly for a moment. After all the Death Eaters left the headquarters, Voldemort finally spoke.

"Severus...do you know why I left you alone?"

"I don't know, Master. Is there any important task that I need to complete?"

Snape actually knew the reason, but now he had to pretend that he was confused and not let Voldemort see any flaws, even if it cost him his life. ….

"There is something very important that only you can accomplish, and this matter is related to whether we can achieve final victory." Voldemort stroked the wand in his hand with pale fingers, "We are still almost successful... Not even close."

"Master knows that I am willing to serve you." Snape did not forget to show his loyalty to Voldemort.


Without any warning!

The sound was like summer thunder.

The defensive magic that originally protected Voldemort's headquarters was ruthlessly torn apart, and the manor that was their stronghold was also destroyed and turned into ruins by a terrible force. Uninformed people might think that a major earthquake had just occurred here. .

The sudden "dramatic change" was not over yet. What followed was a series of intensive attacks, leaving the two people who had just experienced the "dramatic change" breathless.

The enemy's target is not Voldemort, but Snape who is beside Voldemort.

Are you planning to kill Snape in one fell swoop?

All this happened so fast that Voldemort had no time to react. He almost instinctively raised his wand to protect Snape and prevent him from dying at the hands of others.

"Albert Anderson!"

Voldemort already knew who the visitor was and why he wanted to kill Snape.

That guy must know the secret of the death stick, so he tried to prevent Voldemort from completely mastering the death stick!

Maybe, he should kill Snape immediately and blame his death on the mudblood.

It's a pity that Albert's fierce attack like a violent storm did not give Voldemort any chance to breathe.

Now he not only needs to resist Albert's onslaught, but also needs to be distracted to protect Snape's safety and prevent him from being killed by Albert's curse.

"You go and join them first."

Voldemort wanted to kill Snape directly, but he couldn't risk it now, lest something unexpected happen during the process.

If Snape was killed by the Mudblood in front of him, everything would be over.


Snape didn't hesitate at all, but for some reason the expression on his face was particularly complicated. After Voldemort helped him block a fatal curse, he apparated and disappeared.

Leaving behind a mess of ruins of the manor, as well as Albert and Voldemort who were confronting each other in the ruins.

A duel between the two most powerful wizards in history officially begins at this moment. 3931480.


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