Chapter 1502 Flexible moral bottom line

Affected by the broadcast from the Wizard's Watch Station, in recent days, the entire British wizarding world has been enveloped in a depressing atmosphere of impending storm.

Especially after the Death Eater hunting teams became active again across the UK, people were aware that something was about to happen, and they stayed by the radio restlessly, trying to get more useful information from the daily broadcasts.

The weird anomalies in this land soon spread to the Ministry of Magic in various European countries who were sneaking into the British magical world.

In order to prepare for the International Confederation of Wizards to send Auror coalition troops to Britain again, and to avoid being caught off guard, the Death Eaters directly mobilized a large number of manpower to keep an eye on the movements of various countries.

However, the calmer the European countries became and the more they showed no interest in Britain, the more uneasy the Death Eaters felt. They knew that it was the calm before the storm, and they knew that it was the precursor of the sharp blade hidden in the shadows poking at them.

Last time, Albert used Scrimgeour's power to stab the Death Eaters until they couldn't take care of themselves. How could he not make them frightened?

This time with the help of the International Federation of Wizards, it will only be more ruthless than the last time. Once they are attacked by the Auror coalition, how many people can survive?

The fear and uneasiness that permeated the hearts forced the Death Eaters headed by Yaxley to adopt some more radical methods to obtain information, such as using Legilimency to forcibly peek into someone's memory, or using Veritaserum to extract information from others. Pry some useful information out of your mouth.

The actions of the Death Eaters actually helped Kingsley to convince the International Federation of Wizards. Although the politicians directly rejected the crazy plan to completely eliminate the Death Eaters through the upcoming war, they also helped Kingsley achieve his goal. .

Although they were unwilling to take risks, they were very willing to see Voldemort and his Death Eaters in bad luck, and the shame of the International Federation of Wizards' previous control also needed to be washed away with the blood of their enemies.

Therefore, after Kingsley reiterated the win-win plan, they directly agreed and stated their reasons to cooperate with Kingsley to help the Anti-Voldemort Alliance defeat the Death Eaters.

To do this, they only needed to pay a small amount of aid money and create a false lie to scare the Death Eaters who were secretly spying on them.The International Federation of Wizards can gain some credit from defeating the mysterious man and make itself look better.

Even if the British anti-Voldemort alliance fails, it can still cause Voldemort a lot of trouble, and they only have to pay a small price.

As for being deceived?

They didn't think Kingsley would deceive them because of the two thousand gold coins, unless he really wanted to run away after making the money, which was obviously impossible.

"They agreed, but I still think it's unreliable. You should know who those politicians are."

After dragging down the Ministry of Magic in various European countries, Kingsley immediately sent a message to Albert.Although he guessed part of Albert's intention, he still couldn't understand it.

"Someone will force them to do that."

It wasn't until that night that Kingsley received a reply from Albert, "As long as they help us share the pressure from the Death Eaters and delay everyone's time, it's enough."

As Albert expected, the Death Eaters finally got useful information.For example: European countries plan to dispatch an elite Auror coalition of more than 200 people, and cooperate with the British anti-Voldemort forces to completely eliminate the dark wizards entrenched in the UK. ….

The Death Eaters naturally don't believe this nonsense. They will suspect that this is my conspiracy, but they will still send more wizards to monitor their movements.

"Once you do that, it will definitely touch the nerves of the Ministry of Magic of various countries. This is an unsolvable problem. Even if they guessed that it might be a trap from the beginning, they would have to grit their teeth and step on it." Albert never minds following. The McDougal sisters shared unimportant secrets for after-dinner conversation.


Katrina was puzzled, "If the Death Eaters realized it was a trap, why would they step on it?"

As long as you are a normal person, you will not do such stupid things.

"Because they can't afford the gamble."

"Can't afford to gamble?"

"Because last time I teamed up with Scrimgeour to stab them, causing a large number of dark wizards to suffer heavy casualties, but this time is actually no different from the last time. They were all prepared to kill with a borrowed knife, at least in their eyes, and this time it was even more ruthless. "

"It's useless even if you find out."

Isobel knew that Albert must have a back-up plan. It might be difficult for the two sides to start a direct war, but it was not difficult for them to contain the Death Eaters. After all, there was an unforgivable curse called the Imperius Curse.

Everyone knows that Albert doesn't like black magic and rarely uses black magic, but Isobel, who once killed Smith together, knows very well that Albert doesn't use black magic because he doesn't need to use black magic at all. Can solve problems easily.

Her husband has a flexible moral bottom line. In order to win this wizarding war, Albert will definitely not mind using the Imperius Curse to achieve his own goals.

"Yeah, they don't have a chance, and I won't give them a chance."

Albert was extremely confident. Now that he had come to this step, it was impossible for him to retreat.

Katrina looked at that extremely confident and handsome face, and she was a little fascinated. She actually didn't quite understand where Albert's confidence came from, but he had obviously arranged the mysterious man clearly.

"When are you going to start?"

"Friday night." Albert sighed, "I just don't know how many people will die this time."

"Why not get rid of the mysterious man and directly quell this wizarding war?" Katrina believed that Albert should have this ability, just like Dumbledore.

"Because doing that requires taking a lot of risks." Albert's tone was somewhat self-deprecating, "I don't think I am great enough to carry the entire British wizarding world on my back."

"That is too arrogant, and arrogance always comes with a price." Isobel suspected that her sister was being stupid.

"Feel sorry."

Katrina also realized how outrageous her words were and that no one deserved such rude accusations.

"The mysterious man will never lose to me, because he has already lost to Dumbledore." Albert said with emotion, "And I just followed his request before his death, and while helping to complete the plan, I also gave the entire The plan will be completed to ensure that the mysterious man can be sent away completely."

"Are you going to do it yourself?" Isobel still didn't want her husband to take risks.

"Not necessarily, it depends on Harry Potter. If he can successfully solve the mysterious man, I will be happy to leave the opportunity to him." Albert didn't know whether Harry could come back to life like in the novel.

"If Harry fails, I have to deal with the aftermath and help deal with the mysterious man."

Albert knew what Isobel was worried about and comforted him softly, "I still have the final killing weapon that Dumbledore left for me. That guy has no chance of winning."

"What's more, don't you still have your promise?" He whispered in Isobel's ear, "I can't bear to part with it..." 39314616.


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