"Severus, is there any news from the Dark Lord?"

Yaxley was under a lot of pressure now, especially after receiving the news from Snape not long ago, he gave up taking people back to reinforce Voldemort and still insisted on his post.

In his heart, there was always a voice telling him that the Mudblood would definitely not be able to do anything to the Dark Lord. It was more important to keep an eye on the Auror coalition formed by European countries and not give them any chance.

"No, but I have sent people to get information."

Snape glanced at the Dark Mark on his arm and murmured, "Before I rushed here, I went to the Dementors first. With those Dementors disrupting the situation, the Dark Lord should not If something happens, you can still escape no matter what."

"Everything tonight is full of evil." Alecto Carlo opened the door and walked into the temporary war conference room.

"How is it?" Yaxley asked.

"The Dark Lord was not found. The manor has completely disappeared, leaving only a big dent in the place." Alecto really couldn't understand what kind of war could cause such a big commotion.

"What did the dementors say?" Snape suddenly asked.

"I asked the Dementors. In the end, the Dark Lord should have won, but... the Dark Lord soon apparated away."

None of the Death Eaters could understand what the Dark Lord was thinking, why he didn't come to join them and defeat the foreign Auror coalition in one fell swoop.

"What do you think those people from the Order of the Phoenix and the Defense Association are doing in occupying Hogwarts? Are they really waiting for the Auror coalition to join them?" Alecto murmured, "No matter how you look at it, it looks like a cover. That group The guy is probably hatching other conspiracies."

"No matter what those guys want to do, we can't let them succeed." Yaxley was very confident in Voldemort.

"No, that's not what I'm talking about..."

Before Alecto finished speaking, he heard the door slamming and being knocked open again, and Walton McNeil hurriedly walked in.

"We've probably been scammed!"

The director of the Auror Office looked a little angry. As soon as he entered the war conference room, he couldn't wait to talk about the information he had just received.

"My people just got the big news. The so-called Auror coalition is basically a trap. Those Aurors are pretending there to make us suspect that they plan to intervene in the UK. But what they do is actually helping the Order of the Phoenix to hold us back. .”

"Are you sure the person you told you is not under the control of the Imperius Curse?" Alecto suddenly asked, "Don't forget, our enemy is the despicable, insidious and cunning Albert Anderson. There is no way to be sure that Is this guy going to give us false information to lure us in?"

"As far as the current situation is concerned, the Auror coalition formed by European countries is far more threatening than the bulk group at Hogwarts."

Yaxley and Snape looked at each other, and together they suppressed all the noise in the room.

"As long as we can survive tonight, all problems will be in our favor. As for what conspiracy those guys from the Order of the Phoenix have in Hogwarts, as long as we ignore them, no matter how big the conspiracy is, it has nothing to do with us." ….

Yaxley's words were recognized by the Death Eaters present, but they also knew that things would not go that smoothly.

Anyway, they will definitely not allow themselves to be attacked from both front and rear. It will be a terrible disaster for them.

"The enemy may not leave us enough time. We'd better find the Dark Lord first."

Snape's proposal was supported by others. After all, the Dark Lord was their backbone. With the Dark Lord around, at least they would not have people's hearts wandering, and they could concentrate their efforts to solve the troubles on one side first.

But why don't they want to find Voldemort?

It's a pity that they really don't know where Voldemort is.

None of the complaints among the Death Eaters present were false. It was such a critical moment. Why was the Dark Lord still running around and missing? Didn't he know that it was best to defeat one side first to gain an advantage?

Especially at this critical moment, many things need to be decided by the Dark Lord himself. Even Yaxley and Snape, the two right-hand men of the Dark Lord, are not qualified to make decisions because they cannot bear the consequences. .

At this moment, someone else rushed in.

Everyone looked sideways and saw that it was Thickness, the new minister responsible for listening to the wizard's watch station broadcast. "

"What's the matter, Thicknesse?" Yaxley asked directly. "Something serious has happened."

Thicknesse looked very unhappy as he told everyone about the bombshell news that had just broken out on the wizard's lookout station radio.

"Anyway, the Aurors in the Ministry of Magic are probably all over to the Order of the Phoenix,"

Everyone's faces became extremely ugly. You must know that there are dozens of Aurors in the Ministry of Magic, and they are all guys with rich combat experience. If they also join the Order of the Phoenix, they will be a powerful force.

The room quickly became chaotic, and everyone realized that the situation was taking a turn for the worst.

"It seems to be Scrimgeour's conspiracy. That guy already knew that he would be killed by the Dark Lord, so he used his own life to save those Aurors, and even told them privately that one day, he would let them join the Order of the Phoenix. Let’s fight against us together.” Thicknesses originally thought that the cowards would choose to remain neutral and watch indifferently, but he didn’t expect that they would also be involved.

Just when others were about to say something, they subconsciously reached out to cover their arms, feeling the hot Dark Mark on their arms: Voldemort was summoning them.

"How are you doing? Do you want to go there?" someone asked in a low voice.

"If we all go, what should we do here? No one is left to manage this group of dark wizards. If an accident occurs, the situation may be very bad."

"Go over first, nothing will happen here for a while."

Alecto put his hand on the Dark Mark and apparated away.

Of course they know, but they don't dare to gamble.

"Why doesn't the Dark Lord just come here?"

The Death Eaters all complained in their hearts, but with Alecto taking the lead, they still used Apparition to get over.

Only some newcomers are still hesitant.

But they eventually apparated to Voldemort through the Dark Mark one after another.


Death Eaters surrounded Voldemort like giant bats.

"It seems that everyone is here." Voldemort looked around at the Death Eaters and stated the reason why he summoned them: "I need you to gather people to attack Hogwarts."

"Master, our people are on guard against the Auror coalition from various European countries. If we want to mobilize manpower to go to Hogwarts, I'm afraid it will take some time. It's better...the master personally leads the team to attack the Auror coalition. I want to do it in a short time. It shouldn’t be a problem to defeat them internally.”

"You are questioning my decision." Voldemort looked at Yaxley.

The latter immediately lowered his head to show his respect.

"Master, what should the Auror coalition in Europe do? If our people evacuate directly, they will definitely..."

Before Thickness could finish speaking, a green light suddenly appeared in his eyes.

"Avada Kedavra……"

A ray of green light flew out from the tip of the wand in Voldemort's hand and directly hit Thicknesse, killing the Minister of Magic who was still trying to say something.

This scene scared everyone present into silence and dared not speak.



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