A day at Hogwarts.

Chapter 1528 Neville the Brave

The fighting on the stone bridge continues.

The knight statue blocking the road was smashed to pieces by the giant's wooden club, but several spells also exploded on the giant.

Young wizards riding broomsticks are casting spells while looking for opportunities.

But everyone can see that the balance of victory is tilting to one side, and it is only a matter of time before the wizards completely wipe out the remaining giants on the bridge.

There was a "bump", and with the cover of the statue, Fred and George successfully used the rope to trip a giant, and covered Lee Jordan, who controlled the axe, to deliver a fatal blow to the fallen giant's neck.

After the three of them turned their brooms and high-fived each other in mid-air, they did not forget to shout to others around them: "Guys, you have to work harder, otherwise we may not be able to catch up with the next big show."

The young wizards who dare to participate in hunting giants are all core members of the Defense Association. Unlike Dumbledore's Army, which is responsible for intercepting werewolves and sniping down Acromantulas, they will also participate in more brutal fighting in the future.

But no one was afraid of this, because they knew in their hearts that everything in front of them was within Albert's plan.

Although everyone has never understood how Albert did it, the current situation is indeed much better than originally expected.

Now they have another Auror team as strong reinforcements (cannon fodder).

So many people suspected that Albert had used the mass Imperius Curse to make those timid Aurors willing to fight against Voldemort with them. It was incredible to think about it carefully.

"Don't be so arrogant, you are just lucky enough to succeed first."

"If you are really free, help keep an eye on the dementors. Those guys seem to have gathered together again."

Cedric rode his broom and rose from under the stone bridge. He had just gone down to check whether the giant he had pushed off the bridge had fallen to death. He was very satisfied with killing the giant alone.

In just the blink of an eye, there were not many giants left alive on the bridge. If it were not for the purpose of avoiding more heads, these giants would have been killed long ago.

After all, the number of giants is not enough for everyone to share, and if some bastard kills one more, it will not be enough to share.

Who would want to miss the opportunity to brag to others in the future?

Before all the giants fell, the dementors that had been dispersed gathered again and swept in in a mighty force, probably to catch them off guard. Fortunately, everyone was prepared and summoned their respective patron saints in advance. , once again defeated the wave of dementors, and did not let them succeed.

But this incident still aroused everyone's vigilance.

"How to deal with these dementors? We can't allocate manpower to keep an eye on them!" Lee Jordan frowned and looked at the dementors who were defeated by the patron saint again, and stopped next to Fred and George. Talking about his concerns.

If the dementors come back again and there is no one to guard this place, this group of dangerous dark creatures will probably sweep through the entire castle and cause them big trouble.

But if someone needs to be left to keep an eye on them, it will be a waste of combat power, because the number of wizards left cannot be too small, otherwise their patron saint may not be able to withstand the Dementors' offensive. ….

"Don't worry about the dementors for now. Our mission is to clear out the giants here and then go over and join the others immediately." George was not worried about the dementors and told his companions about Albert's He warned, "Don't forget that the dark wizards haven't appeared yet. Albert thinks they will take the opportunity to raid the castle."

Albert didn't give any special instructions, he obviously had other arrangements.

After the last giant fell, everyone turned their brooms and flew towards the castle.

“It’s so relaxing here, I don’t know what other places are like!”

"As long as nothing happens and you're not too stupid, it'll be fine!"

Fred was not worried. He knew that in order to ensure the success of the plan, Albert also distributed the elixir to the guys responsible for leading the team to ensure that they could seize the opportunity as soon as possible and make the most accurate judgment. Minimize losses when taking out enemies.

Well, the group of werewolves who tried to invade the castle from the viaduct really weren't much of a threat in the eyes of everyone.

From the very beginning, our side had all kinds of advantages. Not only were we well prepared, but we also dug holes for the enemies to jump into. It was even easier to deal with the hundreds of werewolves than the group of giants. We might accidentally kill them all. Went out.

"By the way, who came up with the idea of ​​throwing mandrakes?"

"Eighty percent it's Albert."

"I heard that the number of mandrakes cultivated this year is particularly large. I guess we will have to wait for today."

"How about I take someone over to take a look?" Cedric said, not worried.

"Don't be stupid, you can't make anything out of it now, we can only trust Neville."

"If you have enough blessed elixir, you can probably beat the shit out of the enemy."

In fact, Dumbledore's Army, who had never taken Felixir, was not as confident and calm in mentality as the members of the Defense Association.

Even though Neville Longbottom was trying to improve everyone's morale through the final review, he still couldn't avoid the nervousness of the newcomers when they first entered the battlefield. This was because their leader showed that he was going to give the group trying to invade Hogwarts from here. A lesson learned by a werewolf that sticks with him.

"Unless those werewolves can fly over, they are definitely dead."

Neville was distributing earmuffs to everyone and said loudly, "But I believe they have no brains and no extra time to find broomsticks, so those damn werewolves can only pass by the viaduct in front of us, here It’s their only option.”

"At that time, we only need to throw mandrakes at the werewolves trying to pass through the viaduct according to the original plan, and we can use the cries of the mandrakes to kill the group of werewolves." Hannah Abbott asked the mandrakes to be thrown away Pots of Drakopia are placed against the sides of the wall so that they can be easily accessed without confusion during the ensuing battle.

"This is probably the case. If we are lucky enough, maybe we won't have to blow up the viaduct."

Neville noticed the uneasiness in other people's eyes and continued to explain their concerns to the dozen or so companions present.

In fact, Neville knew what they were worried about. After all, doing that might kill countless werewolves at once, but he had no other better choice, because even if he blew up the viaduct in front of him, it would only be able to temporarily prevent the werewolves from attacking Hogwart. Due to the threat of ci, they may also go around here and go to other places.

No, that's the inevitable result.

And that huge gap in numbers will definitely lead to collapse in other places or unnecessary casualties.

Therefore, taking this opportunity to completely eliminate the werewolf threat is the most correct approach.

In times of war, any kindness to the enemy would be irresponsible to one's comrades. When Neville took on this task, he was already mentally prepared to have his hands stained with blood. 39314945.


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