A day at Hogwarts.

Chapter 1535 A small bargain

Chapter 1537 A small bargain

They were already about to die, how could those guys from the Order of the Phoenix still dare to attack them?

This move undoubtedly made the Death Eaters, who thought they were in sight of victory, feel seriously offended.

In their poor minds, the Order of the Phoenix, which originally did not have any advantage in numbers, was now being diverted by the Death Eaters' three lines of attack.

With insufficient numbers and insufficient combat power, they should be trembling like mice.

As a result, these mice actually dared to wave their claws at the cats. How could they not feel angry?

However, what angered the Death Eaters the most was that they actually had no advantage when dealing with these nasty rats, and even fell into a disadvantage. This made the arrogant Death Eaters directly angry with embarrassment.

It's a pity that no matter how angry they are, it's useless.

It is undeniable that the guys who can become Death Eaters today are not weak, but what they encountered was a group of enemies who had been prepared for it. As you can imagine, they all paid the price for this, and their deaths were particularly painful.

There is no other way. Whether it is the Order of the Phoenix, the Defense Association, or even Dumbledore's Army, they are all studying how to defeat the enemy at the minimum cost. There is nothing wrong with using some obscene methods to fight against the dark wizard.

Sneak attack is undoubtedly one of the simplest methods, especially after taking the elixir of happiness, everyone is very good at seizing the opportunity to deliver a fatal blow to the enemy.

As for the possible damage to reputation caused by doing so, few people really care. After all, they are enemies fighting for life and death, and it is only normal to try their best to kill each other.

"What are you thinking about? We have to get out of here as soon as possible."

Bill frowned deeply when he saw that someone actually showed mercy to the fainted dark wizard.

"If we don't completely kill the enemy, will we wait for the enemy to finish Easter and come back to cause trouble for you?"

"Okay Bill, they're just... not used to war yet." Fleur comforted her husband beside her, gritted her teeth and said, "I'll do it."

"Albert still protects them very well."

Bill sighed, and in front of everyone, he waved his wand and killed the dark wizards who had been knocked down by them one by one.

Probably aware of other people's gazes, Fleur explained to everyone, "Our people have been monitoring Hogwarts Castle. If we only knock people down but don't deal with them, the people monitoring the castle will have trouble." Misjudgment.”

"War always requires death. If the enemy doesn't die, you will die. Or are you planning to endanger your life or the lives of your friends around you because of a few idiots?" Bill gave some tips for the sake of everyone fighting together.

As for whether they were willing to kill the enemy, Bill actually didn't mind. At worst, after the battle, they would spend more time finishing the kill.

Although he doesn't like killing, he doesn't mind killing either.

"Okay Bill, now is not the time to talk about this. Another team is approaching." Fleur interrupted directly.

"How many are there?" Bill took the wand away casually.

"There are only three of them." Furong collected the map and said, "But we have to hurry up, lest we be blocked by the enemy again later."

Bill glanced at the corpse next to him and murmured, "It's just a waste that can be reused."…

After a while, the three people were suspected of being attacked by their "companion", and they were suspected of accidentally killing their "companion" in the panic. They were killed directly by Bill's team who was hiding nearby.

"Speaking of which, how many of those guys are here? Why do they keep popping up like cockroaches?" Bill took the map from Fleur's hand, checking the surrounding situation while thinking about how to kill the enemy at the minimum cost.

"It's not a cockroach, it's a villain." Fleur corrected.

"It's the same anyway." Bill looked at the rapidly gathering red dots and frowned deeply. "It seems that a large number of dark wizards are gathering. Let's move faster."

He traced his finger across the map, raised his finger to point to a passage and said, "At the second corner, we will encounter a team of five people. We must kill them as soon as possible to avoid a direct collision with the large army at the rear."

This was actually a very wise choice, because not far from Bill's team, Yaxley, who had just invaded the castle, had already gathered a large number of dark wizards around him.

Although the original plan was to break into the castle in a scattered manner and occupy the castle after wiping out the remaining rebels, with the obvious numerical advantage of one's own side, it was natural to expand one's advantage.

The method Yaxley chose is the simplest and most reliable, which is to rely on the numerical advantage to push forward.

"Although we have expected this from the beginning, those stupid guys are still resisting, which makes the Dark Lord very unhappy." Yaxley glanced at the group of impatient guys and continued. , "Only by making those guys completely desperate can they surrender to the Dark Lord."

"What should we do?" one of the Death Eaters asked according to the script.

"I will select people from you to form three teams, each with fifteen people. I need you to sneak attack and flank the three teams that are still resisting us, and completely destroy the unrealistic hopes of the resisters."

"Are there too few people?"

"You are not the main force, but you are going to help those werewolves, giants and acromantics break through the Order of the Phoenix's blockage as soon as possible, and let them understand the consequences of continuing to resist tenaciously." Yaxley looked around the people present and asked, "Who is there? Want to go?"

As soon as he finished speaking, many dark wizards raised their hands. They looked at each other and soon formed three teams spontaneously.

To be honest, rather than staying in the castle and fighting against the Order of the Phoenix, it would be better to go outside and torture people. At least they think it will be safer outside.

"Why not send more people there?"

"If you don't mind giving the credit to others?" Yaxley glanced at the speaker and reminded: "This is your last chance. Don't blame me for not giving you a chance in the future."

Everyone shut up!

Because Yaxley is right.

This is probably their last chance.

After the Order of the Phoenix was completely wiped out, no one in Britain could resist them. Without enemies, it was natural that they would not be able to gain credit easily.

However, they soon ran out of time to talk, as a dark corridor suddenly blocked their way. It was a darkness that no spell could penetrate, and some despicable fellows actually threw gas bombs into the corridor, making them feel dizzy as soon as they got close.

Although Yaxley felt that this was a trick done by the enemy because they didn't want them to pass by, but after a guy almost fell into the swamp and suffocated to death, no one was willing to take the risk anymore. In this case, unless Yaxley wanted to risk his life, he had no choice but to take a detour. 39314829.


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