A day at Hogwarts.

Chapter 1537 Hypocritical and ruthless person

"Why don't you kill them yourself? Wouldn't that be faster?"

Sirius didn't understand Albert's approach. He believed that as long as that guy was willing, he could definitely easily deal with the group of dark wizards just now, instead of hiding and cooperating with them.

"Some things cannot be overdone." Albert's voice came from the empty place next to him, "Besides, I am only one person."

"It's time to stop being the Riddler." Several people traveling with him couldn't help complaining, "And you can't lift the Disillusionment Curse. It's really weird to talk like this."

It's really useful to use the Disguise Charm to hide yourself and sneak up on others, but in large-scale melees, it will cause them trouble.

"If I directly use black magic to massacre dark wizards, Voldemort will definitely not let it go, and he will do the same to you when the time comes, so it is a tacit understanding between the two parties to contain each other."

"That guy did that in the last wizarding war."

"That's because Dumbledore is a person with a bottom line, but that can't make Voldemort feel threatened." Albert said in a self-deprecating tone, "Bad people also have their advantages."

Everyone was a little stunned, they didn't expect Albert to evaluate themselves like that.

Well, although some of Albert's actions are indeed beyond the bottom line, in everyone's eyes, Albert is still a good person, just like Dumbledore.

"Of course, you can't expect everyone to abide by this tacit agreement honestly, just like what I am doing now, but Voldemort will not do it as secretly as I do."

Albert knew what everyone was thinking, but this wizarding war never belonged to one person, let alone him who should directly wrap up everything.

He is not a nanny, and the others are not giant babies.

"Such a tacit understanding means that both parties must know how to exercise restraint and not dare to go too far."

"If Voldemort becomes so angry that he chooses to massacre our people, I will use the same method to retaliate. By then, this wizard war will become a meaningless massacre. I think you don't want to change either." Let it be like that."

Several people looked at each other, suspecting that Albert had casually found a reason to deal with them. Maybe that was one of the reasons why Albert was unwilling to take action directly, but it was definitely not the whole story.

"Don't forget, our mission is to kill Voldemort. Clearing out these dark wizards is just incidental. Killing them is more to clear the way for the next plan."

Albert didn't actually lie. As everyone guessed, he just kept a billion bits of his own thoughts.

Lu Ping, who had been staring at the map, suddenly stopped and reminded everyone: "On the right corner, there are five people."

Not long after everyone was alert, they saw several figures rushing out from the corner. As a result, before they could wave their wands to attack, three dark wizards accidentally fell to the ground, and the remaining two were killed by their companions' tricks. Confused, he was stunned for a moment and was knocked down by the incoming spell.

"This gap is really not small."

Sirius, who was responsible for last-hitting, couldn't help but muttered.

"Sometimes the gap between people is wider than the gap between people and dogs."

Kenneth Toller complained while waving his wand and expertly collecting the loot. ….

"It really looks like adults are bullying children."

With Albert's help, the follow-up operations have been smooth. During this period, they successfully merged with other teams and pushed forward with an almost unstoppable trend.

"I'm lucky. There aren't many people on the fourth and fifth floors. There are only about a hundred people. It shouldn't take too long!"

Albert put away the communication bookmark and made the next arrangements for everyone at the stairs.

"Aren't you coming with us?" Kenneth asked suddenly.

"No, I'll go to the fourth floor by myself. You can move faster from the fifth floor. If you move on both floors together," Albert said hello to everyone and left directly.

"So, you're not pretending now?" Sirius couldn't help but complain, "I knew that guy was just perfunctory with us."

"Let's go." Lupine patted Sirius on the shoulder and said

Without Albert's assistance, everyone can clearly feel that the battle with the dark wizard has become much more difficult. Even if they still have the advantage of the blessed elixir, they can no longer push all the way like before.

On the contrary, Albert, after being separated from the others, was like a fish entering the sea and stopped being a human being.

He used the Imperius Curse to control several dark wizards and asked them to form a standard team, pretending to be the dark wizards' "people" and bringing them surprises.

No one could have imagined that Albert would directly break through his own bottom line and directly copy the Death Eaters' methods and use them against themselves.

He really didn't intend to kill anyone, but countless dark wizards died because of him.

As for the beautiful words he said in front of other people before, of course he said them deliberately to others, to give himself a card.

In order to win this final decisive battle, Albert has made countless adjustments since he first entered school.

From the beginning, he planned to reap the benefits of being a fisherman, to wanting to get more tasks and gain more experience from the task panel and actively intervene in the wizard war, so that it was difficult to escape easily after being completely involved in the war.

Today, Albert is standing here not only to complete the panel task.

After marrying Isobel and choosing to fully integrate into the world, Albert knew that he had to consider his family.

Especially after you have offended Voldemort's Death Eaters, you need to be especially careful. No one can be sure that after this wizard war is over, those dark wizards who are lucky enough to survive will find opportunities to retaliate against themselves, or whether Your own family?

Albert didn't want to take any chances.

But if he doesn't want to be unlucky next, the best way is to completely eradicate them and let them all die in this wizard war.

It's not that Albert is too cruel, but that there are similar cases among Death Eaters.

Moreover, even though Albert had extraordinary strength and an almost invincible wand, he never considered himself invincible.

"So, you'd better go die!"

Albert raised his wand and pointed it at a knocked down dark wizard, muttering, "The soul is out of body."

The dark wizard stood up again, reached out and scratched his head, looked at the corpses around him with confused eyes, and then trotted to follow amidst the greetings of his colleagues.

Those despicable people were hiding and attacking them. If they didn't want to be killed inexplicably, they had to join other dark wizards as soon as possible. Then, according to the backup plan Yaxley prepared for everyone, use the human sea tactic to directly bulldoze the enemy. 39314227.


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