A day at Hogwarts.

Chapter 1539 Extraordinary

Chapter 1541 Extraordinary

As Sirius said, plans often fail to keep up with changes.

After they suddenly received a warning from Zannah, they realized that Kingsley's group was in a very bad situation.

Then, it took them less than ten seconds to make the decision to let most people back in.

At least they must take advantage of the terrain to block the group of dark wizards who have gathered at the entrance of the stairs. Otherwise, once the enemy breaks through the blockade, they will be attacked from both sides and will not end well.

As for the original task of cleaning up the dark wizards on the fifth floor, they had to be left to Albert to complete. The only thing they could do now was to try to buy enough time for Albert.

Despite this, Albert still did not intend to give up on clearing out the dark wizards on the fifth floor. He knew very well that without two or three layers as a buffer, it would be difficult to block the next offensive of the dark wizards.

Because of Yaxley, the group of dark wizards who rushed into the castle but were brutally beaten in the head recovered much faster than they expected.

In particular, the frightened and angry group of dark wizards united and used their numerical advantage to push forward, causing the first and second floors of the castle to fall rapidly. Many teams suffered heavy losses, especially the Aurors who had not taken the Felixir. More than half of it.

Fortunately, Albert was not completely unprepared. With the help of Zannah and the house elves, most of the team completed the evacuation before being completely surrounded, and quickly re-formed a new line of defense, occupying favorable terrain and defeating the gang. The wizard intercepted them, and neither side could do anything to the other for a while, entering the garbage time of mutual confrontation.

In fact, the dark wizard didn't really want to fight.

They came all the way, and most of the corpses they saw on the way belonged to dark wizards. They knew exactly what that meant.

There's a bunch of assholes hunting them.

Although it sounds extremely absurd, if they hadn't subconsciously hugged each other tightly, they might have become one of the corpses.

Of course, neither side knew that the other side was wary of them, so in order to protect themselves, they attacked even more harshly.

Facing the current situation, Albert's reaction was very calm. He had expected it to be like this a long time ago, but he didn't expect it to be so fast.

Fortunately, the situation was not as bad as he thought. After all, Albert had spent so long preparing. It was not difficult to see this from the number of dark wizards killed.

However, the situation eventually gradually moved towards confrontation. This was also the inevitable result, and it was the result that Albert wanted.

For Albert, it was easy to destroy the group of dark wizards.

In fact, he did just that.

Under everyone's astonished gaze, Albert took out an earmuff from the deformed lizard skin bag and put it on. Then he took out a metal rod and used the Disguise Charm to hide it there. When the rod had gathered three people, he A team of more than ten dark wizards is approaching.

Then, amid a strange cry, the dark wizards of that team were taken away by Albert's Banshee's Wail.

After retracting the metal pillar and making the damn cry completely disappear, Albert took off his earmuffs and asked the stunned people to clean up the battlefield.

"It is never difficult to deal with a group of wizards who have not entered the extraordinary realm. After all, they are just a group of ordinary people."….

"Are they dead?" Lupine asked after swallowing his saliva.

"They're not dead, they just fainted temporarily. Take advantage of the time to replenish them."

While talking, Albert had already taken out the Marauder's Map and went to find another group of dark wizards blocking his prey.

It was also a battle without any suspense. The only problem was probably that even one of his own people was knocked down.

"Is this... the end?" Sirius was a little doubtful about life.

"Otherwise, you still want to have a thrilling and passionate battle with them?" Albert threw the antidote to Lupine and asked him to wake up his own wizard who was knocked down by the cry.

"Why didn't you do that in the first place?"

In fact, not only Sirius, but also Lupine is also doubting life. If Albert can take down his enemies so easily, then what's the point of their sacrifices.

"Why do you think you can succeed by doing that?" Albert raised his hand and tapped his head, then shook the Banshee's Howl and said, "I can solve them more by relying on this than this thing. At best it can only be a killer weapon."

"If you use this trick against the mysterious man..." Albert interrupted Sirius before he finished speaking.

"It's useless, the extraordinary wizard is more powerful than you expected." Albert looked at Sirius who was killing the dark wizard one by one, shook his head helplessly and asked, "Can't you find a faster way? "

Sirius and Lupine exchanged glances, obviously not knowing what a faster way was. Although they had killed many dark wizards, they were not madmen who killed without batting an eye.

"This is the fifth floor. Just throw them out of the window and fall to death." Albert looked at the disabled team, "Don't say I didn't leave you a chance for revenge."

"Thank you."

The remaining two people looked at each other, waved their wands, and threw the fainted dark wizard out of the destroyed window. While unconscious, he probably wouldn't survive if he fell from a height of five stories.

"What happened to the extraordinary wizard?"

Sirius asked suddenly as they rushed to the sixth floor to help.

"Literally, it refers to some powerful wizards like Dumbledore." Albert briefly introduced, "Not only the ones who are powerful in knowledge, experience, strength, but also in other aspects."

"The simplest example is that people like us can easily find the traces left by magic and see through the invisibility magic." Albert thought for a while and gave another case, "Even if you are really thrown into Az Kaban Prison can be easily escaped even if the wand is lost.”

Okay, now everyone knows what the level is. Although Sirius also escaped from Azkaban, Albert's tone sounded like he had escaped from a public toilet.

"That kind of all-round power is difficult to kill directly, even if the enemy is an equally powerful extraordinary wizard. This is the main reason why Voldemort never dared to directly confront Dumbledore, because he also knew very well that he could not kill him head-on. Damn Dumbledore, this is the main reason why I never tried to kill Voldemort, he can slip away from me at any time if he wants."

"So Voldemort resorted to other despicable means: asking Snape and Malfoy to assassinate Dumbledore."

"So, if we want to kill the extraordinary Voldemort, we have to use some alternative methods?" Sirius's mind was quite flexible.

"Yes, Dumbledore found the method a long time ago. Everything we are doing now is to make final preparations." Albert seemed to be saying to them, or to himself, "And that moment is very close. We must be patient, because that may be our only hope of killing Voldemort." 39314596.


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