A day at Hogwarts.

Chapter 345 Letter from the Owl

Since the last letter from Hogwarts, Nia has been depressed, and her inability to go to Hogwarts to study magic has brought her a big blow.

After discussing with Herb privately, Albert called Grandpa Luke on Charles Street and invited them to come to his house as guests.

This trick worked really well. The arrival of Grandpa Luke made Nia feel better. He undoubtedly knew how to comfort Nia better than the rest of the family.

Of course, Tom the Fat Cat also contributed a lot.

Pets can be really soothing sometimes.

At the beginning of August, Nia was going to make the school uniform of Casterton Middle School, but Albert didn't go with him and needed to stay at home to finish the remaining holiday homework.

Outside the door, there was the sound of Tom scratching around the wooden door.

"Stop messing around, Tom."

Albert got up and opened the door, and let the cat into the room.

Immediately after entering the room, Tom jumped onto the desk and lay down on the books in front of Albert. His fluffy tail swayed from side to side, and he seemed to be in a good mood.

Albert looked at the uncle cat in front of him, shook his head helplessly, and stopped doing his vacation homework, picked up the newspaper next to him, and read the headlines from the previous few days:

Gringotts break-in incident.

The goblins at Gringotts claim that the intruders failed to steal anything, as the contents of the vault had already been taken.

"Quirrell failed to steal the Philosopher's Stone!"

Albert took out a notebook from the drawer, all of which were recorded in Chinese characters, and he recorded the plots of the Harry Potter novels he still remembered.

Now, one has been successfully fulfilled.

"It seems that even if there is a little butterfly like me, part of the inertia of history will still continue." He looked at the notes and muttered in a low voice.

Philosopher's Stone!

It's a nice thing.

After all, the Philosopher's Stone can configure the elixir of life.

Nicole Flamel and his wife drank that stuff and lived for hundreds of years.

Albert is not too eager to live forever.

After all, Mandrake roots can be turned into anti-aging potions through complex potion technology. He has the formula of this potion here.

Although it is just a formula, as long as Albert is willing to spend some time, he believes that he can successfully prepare this potion.

After all, he is a man with a plug-in.

Albert fiddled with Tom's tail, flipped through the dense notes, and couldn't help sighing.Hogwarts has been less safe since the savior went to school.

Although Voldemort can get a lot of quests and experience rewards, Albert doesn't want to face Voldemort head-on at all.

After all, your own life is more important.Moreover, Albert prefers to make a fortune in silence, and it is best to slander the other party secretly, so that Voldemort can't figure out who is targeting him.

Harry Potter, savior, I hope you can be more reliable!

Albert looked at Tom who was nibbling his finger, and hesitated for a moment, "Hogwarts is so dangerous, do you think I should take you to school?"

Albert was really worried about his cat.

No way, Tom is too fat, which is definitely a big problem.

Having said that, last time there was a task to help Tom lose weight on the task panel, he hadn't completed it.

Albert rubbed Tom's fat belly and sighed softly, guessing that he would not be able to complete this task.

When Albert was distressed by the obesity of his cat, Sheila flew in from the window and threw a letter on the desk in front of Albert.

"It's hard work! Go and rest!" When Albert was about to feed it with nuts, Tom suddenly jumped up, hugged his hand with all four feet, and occupied the owl nuts in his hand, just like a cat and a cat The owls resumed their daily confrontation.

It took Albert a lot of time to appease the angry Sheila and let her return to the cage to rest.

After tidying up the messy desk, I picked up the letter I just received from the floor.

It was from Fred and George, inviting Albert to his house, where the twins were complaining about Percy becoming a prefect, and complaining that Percy was nagging about it all day.

Albert pushed Tom's head away, and said angrily, "You can't understand it, or are you already mature?"

Just at that moment, another owl flew in through the window, threw the letter on the table, and flew away.

Albert opened the letter and found that it was an invitation from Professor Broad.Last time, Professor Broad said he would give them an explanation, and it seems that this is about the time.

Albert flipped through the calendar next to him, planning to find a suitable time to get these two things done at once. Well, three things. He still needs to go to Diagon Alley to buy all the items he needs.

Just as Albert was thinking, a third owl flew in from his window, and now Tom was furious, he hated owls, and these guys flew into his territory one after another, it was a dead end !

Fortunately, Albert caught Tom who was about to pounce quickly, otherwise it would have been another scuffle.

The owl was not afraid of Tom at all. It stared at the fat cat in front of it, uttered a menacing cry, and was about to fight Tom.

"Okay, don't get excited, it will leave soon." Albert looked helpless, he never thought that so many letters came at once today, what's going on!

At this time, Tom suddenly broke free from Albert's arm, and used his size advantage to press towards the owl, successfully scaring the owl away.

"Okay, okay, I know you are better." Albert looked at Tom helplessly, opened the letter and read the letter from Selah Harrisis to him.

I thought it was an academic exchange in the past, but I didn't expect Selah Harrisis to say in the letter that he would introduce some alchemy masters to Albert and asked if Albert was free recently.

The last academic exchange?

To be honest, Albert has always felt that this Serra Harrisis might have something to do with Brod and the others.

In the afternoon, Nia finally came back from shopping.

At Daisy's urging, she put on the new school uniform she had just ordered.

"How?" Nia asked shyly.

"It suits you very well." Albert said, the school uniform was a bit like a nun's uniform, and it looked very good.

He helped Nia take several photos from various angles as a souvenir. He has taken many photos in the past two years, and his photography skills have improved.

When Albert was about to help the three of them take a photo together, Nia suddenly disappeared from the camera.

"Nia, where are you going?" Albert raised his head and asked suspiciously.

"There is an owl." The girl picked up the letter dropped by the owl, looked at the sender on it, and the original smile disappeared immediately.

"your letter."

"Thank you." Albert glanced at the letter. The sender was Isobel. When he stuffed the letter back into his pocket, Nia couldn't help asking, "Who is Isobel McDougal?" ?”

"A pen pal I met by learning runes." Albert opened the letter, glanced at the contents, and handed the letter paper to Nia.

"Is it really possible?" Although Niya said so, she still reached out to take the letter. Looking at the densely packed strange words on it, she felt a little dizzy.

"She asked me if I had bought the latest complete solution of the ancient runes." Albert smiled and put away the letter, explaining casually.

"I can't understand, who knows if you're lying." Nia muttered dissatisfied.

Albert was also very helpless for his younger sister.

However, he did lie.

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