A day at Hogwarts.

Chapter 360 Knock on the Door

While several people were talking, the train had left London and was speeding across the fields, leaving behind white smoke that drifted with the wind.

In the carriage, Fred and George were talking to Albert about the harvest of the whole summer vacation. The twins originally wanted to try to crack the laborious fireworks, and wanted to use this to develop their own fireworks. Unfortunately, funding limited their research.

"Your knowledge accumulation is not enough!"

Albert broke the unrealistic fantasy of the twins, "Many things are difficult to achieve results."

In fact, when Fred and George said this, they hoped that Albert could help them study together.They naturally know what they lack, but as long as Albert is willing to help, many problems will no longer be problems.

At this moment, there was a loud clicking sound from the aisle, and Albert opened the door of the carriage and went out to buy snacks from the witch pushing the cart.

Although Daisy helped prepare the sandwiches, it didn't affect Albert's interest in buying snacks. Who gave him Galleons!

Lee Jordan also bought a box of Bibi's multi-flavored beans and four bottles of pumpkin juice.As for Fred and George, they planned to leave Gallon to Hogsmeade's shop.

At lunchtime, Fred pulled out a bulging cardboard box, opened it, and filled it with sandwiches.

"Beef sandwich." George reached for a piece from the carton, took a bite, and muttered, "It's a bit dry, though."

"Don't look at me, I didn't bring food, but I have this!"

Lee Jordan divided up the four bottles of pumpkin juice he had just bought.

Albert also took out his share, a ham and egg sandwich, plus the pumpkin pie and mince pie they just bought. They put the food on the table and shared it together. They didn't plan to eat too much, anyway, go There is also a big meal after school.

While a few people were eating, someone was knocking on the door of the carriage.

When Fred opened the door, he saw a round-faced boy standing outside.

"I'm sorry..." the boy said anxiously, "I wanted to ask... have you seen my toad?"

"No, you can look for it elsewhere." Albert replied, he remembered the name of this person, it seems to be Potter's roommate, the guy who finally killed Voldemort's Horcrux snake with the Gryffindor sword .

"Which academy do you think he will be assigned to?" Fred suddenly asked after the carriage door closed again.

"Hufflepuff." Lee Jordan said without thinking.

"I think he's going to Hufflepuff, too," echoed George.

"Certainly not Slytherin." Albert said, "I guess one of Gryffindor and Hufflepuff."

"Gryffindor?" Fred raised an eyebrow. "I think he looks lacking in courage."

"I think you have misunderstood courage." Albert raised his eyebrows and said, "Although he is very nervous, he is still looking for his toad in this strange place, one car after another. What about courage?"

The three looked at each other in blank dismay, and finally decided not to argue with Albert. Judging from past experience, they couldn't argue with Albert.

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After lunch, Fred and Lee Jordan played two rounds of wizard cards, George wanted to reach out to lick Tom, and Albert was flipping through the contents recorded in the golden book, considering the possibility of making a double-sided mirror.

At this time, there was another knock on the door of the carriage.

This time it was a little brown-haired girl, and beside her was a round-faced boy who had lost his toad.

"Did any of you see a toad?" she said to those in the carriage. "Neville lost a toad."

Hermione Granger?

Albert glanced at the last of the savior trio, and quietly compared it with his sister.

Well, as expected, my younger sister is cuter.

"No." Albert said, "You can look for it in other places. If you really can't find it, go to the president of the student union and ask him to use the Flying Charm for you to summon the toad."

"Oh, thank you." Hermione froze for a moment and nodded her thanks, although she didn't understand what Albert said.

After the door closed, George suddenly asked, "I thought you would help him."

"Let the chairman of the student union do it, otherwise what should they do." Albert curled his lips and changed the subject, "Which college do you think she will be in?"


"I also think it might be Ravenclaw." Lee Jordan said, "It is said that the people who are assigned there are a bit weird. Having said that, many people thought that you would be assigned to Ravenclaw."

"What do you think?"

"Ravenclaw. Of course, it may also be Gryffindor." Albert said casually, "Why do you want to be assigned to Gryffindor?"

"Because we think it's the best place, and our family is from Gryffindor." George said after thinking about it.

"Dumbledore came from Gryffindor," Lee Jordan added.

"That's the reason." Albert said, "Who made Gryffindor a great Dumbledore? Just like many people don't want to go to Slytherin, the mysterious man made most Slytherin Notorious."

The faces of the three couldn't help twitching. Albert's explanation made them feel that it was too reasonable.

They didn't talk about it anymore. An owl delivered today's Prophet newspaper, and Albert opened the newspaper to read the latest headlines.

Rita Skeeter ridiculed the Ministry of Magic in the newspapers, because their incompetence allowed a serial smuggler to escape smoothly, and several wizards were injured and sent to the hospital during the pursuit.

Albert flipped through it and found that the newspaper had no longer published a reward for finding Rowena Smith, and it had probably been given up.

After all, as an insider, Gerber Smith's announcement of the reward is nothing more than a statement.

"Have you finished reading it? I want to read the sports section." George said when Albert closed the newspaper.

"If you need it in the future, you can advertise in the Daily Prophet, but I don't know how much it will cost at one time." Albert muttered, he still didn't know much about the magic world.

"I know this, I've already asked Dad, the kind of advertisement that takes up most of the page is very expensive." George pointed to the advertisement of Nimbus 2000 and said, "One time needs hundreds of Galleons, and the other kind is very cheap. "

He pointed to the ad that occupied only a small corner of the newspaper, and the ad simply said: "Mrs. Skoll's All-Purpose Miracle Stain Remover: Removes Stains Effortlessly!"

At this moment, the door of the carriage was knocked again.

Fred opened the carriage and found that the fat kid with the round face was still standing outside the carriage.

When the four of them turned their heads to look, the boy seemed very disturbed.

"We haven't found Neville's toad, can you..."

"Can you help me find Toad?"

"Yes, use the flying curse you just said."

"You didn't go to the student council president for help?" Albert raised his eyebrows. Seeing that the two were silent, he picked up his wand from the table and cast a spell, "Neville's toad is flying."

After a while, a toad flew in through the window.

"Lyfe, thank God!" Neville shouted ecstatically, extending his hands to protect the flying toad.

"God, the old man doesn't have time to help you." Albert teased.

"Why did the toad fly in through the window?" Hermione asked puzzled.

"The toad just flew over from another car." Albert turned his head and said to the round-faced boy, "If you don't want to lose it again, you'd better put it in a cage."

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