A day at Hogwarts.

Chapter 405 Knowledge Is Wealth

The effect of the happy spell did not gradually disappear until lunch, and the smile on Albert's face also subsided.As he ate, he listened attentively to Fred and George discussing the possibility of making Laughing Toffees, each trying to cast a happy spell into each other's pumpkin pie, which of course had no effect.

"It seems that your Laughing Toffee is going to fail." Lee Jordan poked the cursed pumpkin pie with his fork, and asked Albert, "Is this thing still edible?"

"probably not."

"What?" Lee Jordan was a little confused.

"I remember that there are magical animals and plants that can achieve a similar effect." Albert raised his hand and tapped his forehead, and began to look through the knowledge about potions and magical animals in his mind, "Oh, yes, it's velvet, That thing can be configured with laughter potion, I think it should be able to use laughter potion to make your laughing taffy."

"Laughter potion?" Both Fred and George could see the joy and excitement on each other's faces. They never thought that they could really make laughing taffy.

"There really is such a thing." Lee Jordan couldn't help asking, although he didn't doubt Albert's words.

"Of course, the famous potion master Sigismund Bach has records about the potion of laughter in his "Book of Potions". However, this book is in the restricted area." Albert reminded vaguely Said, "Be careful when you borrow books, don't get caught by Filch."

"It's not the first time we've been there, so we know what to do." Fred and George Qiqi showed Albert a reassuring expression.

"Well, that's right." Albert said again, "You can also use the leaves of Arriot, which is one of the raw materials of the Laughter Potion. As for the antidote, let me think about it... Well, I remember it should be Heartworms produce a syrup."

"You can also reverse the two ingredients and try it. You should be able to create a sentimental candy. As for how to adjust the ratio, you need to try it yourself." Albert gave the two of them some suggestions casually.

"Wow! Wow! Wow!"

"As expected of Albert!"

At this moment, Fred, George, and Lee Jordan all opened their mouths and stared in surprise. They didn't expect to be able to do this. They even saved the time to find the antidote, and Albert gave them Clear reminder.

The next moment, Fred and George made a gesture of reaching out for something.One of them took out a quill, the other took out a notebook, and put together a series of Puffy Fleece, Laughing Potion, Zygmunt Batch, "Book of Potions", Ariot's Leaf and Heartworm Syrup, etc. Write down the key words.

When they are free, they are going to the library to look up relevant information. The twins also know that Albert has no time and will not help them research these things. They can only spend time and energy on their own to try.However, now that there is key technical support, all that is left is to formulate the ratio of the medicine and make the corresponding antidote.

"Laughing taffy is good, but it doesn't feel like it can sell much." Fred and George glared at Lee Jordan as soon as he finished speaking.

"That's right." Albert nodded. "It's impossible to make a lot of money by laughing at taffy."

"Can you shut up?" Fred and George said in unison.

"Actually, through this research, you can make food that makes people feel happy after eating. This is the product that really makes money."

"Eat food that can make people feel happy?" Fred frowned and asked, "Is that what you said earlier? Can laughter potion really do this?"

"I don't know, it mainly depends on the proportion." Albert actually didn't know. He just gave the Weasley twins some ideas and asked them to try it. If they succeed, it means a huge profit. If it fails, it means losing some raw material costs and time.

"Do you mean magic food?" George asked. He felt that since Albert mentioned it specifically, it should be very profitable, otherwise how could he pay special attention to it?

"Honeyduke's sizzling bee candy is the sweet that can lift your feet a few inches from the ground when you suck it." Albert casually gave an example to the three of them, "I dare say there is some sugar in the candy." Dried Billywig sting."

Zizzy honey is indeed one of the best-selling products of Honeydukes. Students who go to Hogsmeade will taste the zizzy honey and enjoy the wonderful feeling of leaving their feet off the ground.

The twins quickly took notes again, still muttering to themselves: "This idea is good, it can be..."

"Knowledge is the greatest wealth of human beings." Lee Jordan couldn't help but sighed, and he also realized that just a few suggestions from Albert would be able to make Fred and George's future stores several times more. Planted products, and it's just what he said casually.

"Extraordinary ingenuity is the greatest wealth of human beings." Albert corrected seriously, "That's Ravenclaw's motto."

Lee Jordan was a little dazed, but heard Albert say again: "However, I agree with what you said just now: knowledge is the greatest wealth of human beings."

"If you don't have a job in the future, you can develop magic food, which should be very popular." Albert took out his notebook and wrote this down.

Well, it's another way to make money.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione, who were sitting next to them eating, were a little dumbfounded when they heard the brief conversation between the four of Albert.

Ron was even more surprised and speechless. It never occurred to him that Albert opened his mouth as a so-called way to make money, and seeing how Fred and George took notes quickly, he couldn't help wondering whether he should also He took out his notebook and recorded what he said just now.

Ron also knew that Harry had bet money from Slytherin, but he hadn't been able to get his bet back from Slytherin yet.

Fred and George must have won the bet. What made him feel complicated was that although they hadn't gotten back the money they won from the bet, they still believed that they could get it back.

"Albert, do you know who Nico Flamel is?" Hermione asked expectantly.

"Well, why are you asking this?" Albert looked at the three people with expectant faces, and raised his eyebrows.

"We have flipped through a lot of books, but we haven't even found his shadow." Harry said hastily: "You must know, right!"

If you can get the answer from Albert, you can save a lot of trouble.

"Well, I know." Albert nodded to show that he did know.

"Who is he?" The three said in unison.

"Nicole Flamel, he is..." Albert paused suddenly, looked at the three of them again, narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "It seems that you are very interested in the thing guarded by that big dog." interest?"

"You know what's in there?" Hermione was surprised, she didn't understand how Albert knew these things.

Could it be Hagrid?

"This has nothing to do with you." Albert said seriously, "Of course, it has nothing to do with me either,"

"We just want to know who Nicole Flamel is, and we have no other ideas." Hermione tried to argue that she hadn't given up on getting answers from Albert.

"Don't get involved, it's a big pit, there are a lot of troubles in it." Albert reminded kindly: "Of course, if you want to know, you can go to the library to find it yourself, or ask Hagrid. Know something."

"Hagrid won't tell."

"But how do you know?" Harry asked curiously, "I mean you seem to know a lot."

"I won't tell you." Albert shrugged. "Anyway, you will never guess."

"I hate his bad taste." Ron muttered under his breath. He must have done it on purpose, or didn't know it at all.

Of course, this is angry talk.

Just as the three of them were whispering together, Flint of Slytherin came out of the toilet angrily, and seemed to be planning to settle accounts with those who attacked him.

After all, anyone who has been dealt with like this several times will feel angry.

"cover me."

Fred secretly drew his wand, gave George and Lee Jordan a look, and used their cover to cast the Happy Charm on Flint.

The next moment, the anger on Flint's face disappeared immediately, replaced by a silly-looking smile, and then he couldn't help laughing out loud.

This sudden laughter made everyone feel a little inexplicable.

In order to prevent the Slytherin people from making trouble, Truman also led the debt collection team to surround him.

"What are you doing?" Professor McGonagall, who already smelled something wrong, walked towards this side, looked at the laughing Flint, and frowned.

"He seemed to be suffering from some kind of illness, and suddenly he couldn't stop laughing." Truman covered his face with his hands, with a sick expression on his face.

"Maybe, we should send him to Madam Pomfrey, he obviously needs treatment."

"Is this... a happy spell?" Professor McGonagall saw Flint's situation at a glance, "Which of you cast a spell on him."

"Spells? I thought Flint had a disease that would kill him if he didn't laugh." Lee Jordan almost had shock written all over his face.

The members of the debt collection team surrounding them couldn't help laughing, as if infected by Flint, they looked very stupid.

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