A day at Hogwarts.

Chapter 427 The formula of the magic stone

Isobel didn't care too much when Albert mentioned that he was going to sell the 2.0 version of the Redness Eliminator. In fact, she didn't care too much about Garen's problem.

At the beginning, when he gave up becoming the heir of Wild Smith, he had already given up a large amount of wealth.

"When will you launch version 3.0 of Redness Eliminator?" Isobel has always wanted to complain about this name. Albert's naming level is really average, and most of the things he manufactured are named like this.

"Not yet."

"Not yet?"

Based on what she knew about Albert, she didn't think that Albert would give up the Redness Eliminator easily. Just earning 500 Galleons was undoubtedly a loss-making business, and Albert had never been a person who liked to suffer losses.

"In the future, there will be version 3.0 of the Redness Eliminator." Albert said without thinking.

"It's the same as I guessed." Isobel leaned over and kissed Albert's cheek, and walked towards the door of the Room of Requirement with the packed schoolbag.

"I should go, remember to call me if you need it."

"I will."

Albert took out the pocket watch from his pocket and glanced at the time. After Isobel left, he took out the time converter and set the time back an hour.

After leaving the Room of Requirement, Albert walked directly towards the hall. Lee Jordan was already eating, his mouth was full of beef, he greeted Albert inarticulately, and then continued to bury his head in eating.

"Where's Fred and George?"

Albert served himself a large bowl of goulash and sat down on the chair next to Lee Jordan.

"The Gryffindor team had a Quidditch practice today." Lee Jordan swallowed the food in his mouth, looked at the top of his head and said sympathetically, "Their luck is not very good."

Albert knew what the other party meant by the bad luck. Recently, it has been raining continuously, and it is still raining on the ceiling of the hall. It is undoubtedly very hard to train Quidditch on rainy days.

"Well, it was very hard."

Albert responded, stuffed a piece of beef into his mouth, and ate silently.

"I'm going to the library, see you later." Lee Jordan left in a hurry after dinner.

He went to the library not because he wanted to study hard, but because he hadn't finished his homework this week. If he didn't work hard to do his homework now, his trip to Hogsmeade in mid-February would have to stay School is doing homework.

The Weasley brothers were in a similar situation. Because of Wood's special devil training, they also accumulated a lot of homework. I'm afraid they won't have time to go to Hogsmeade next time.

very pitiful.

It really was the right choice not to join the Quidditch team.

Just after dinner, when Albert passed the hall, he happened to meet the Gryffindor team who had just returned to the castle after training.

George was in a bit of a miserable state, filthy as if he'd just been fished out of the mud, and if Filch were here, he'd probably be happy to charge them with desecrating the castle.

"Fall off the broom?" Albert asked jokingly.

"How did you know I fell off the broom."

Albert was speechless immediately, did you really fall off the broom?

"Did you fall on purpose?"

"No." George deliberately lowered his voice, as if he was talking about something very scary, "I heard Wood say that Snape was going to be the referee, and he accidentally fell off the broom."

"That's really bad news."

Albert didn't feel much about Snape's role as referee. He took out his wand from his pocket and helped George clean most of the muddy water off his body.

"He will definitely do everything possible to find an excuse to deduct points from the Gryffindor team!"

Not only George, but the faces of others are not very good-looking.

"This matter is very unfair. I really don't know what Professor McGonagall thinks. Does she really believe that Snape can preside over the competition fairly?" Fred couldn't help complaining.

It's better to expect Snape to give everyone candy on Halloween than to expect Snape to be fair.

"Any good suggestions?" Wood asked Albert.

"How about adding some laxatives to the food, so that the old bat can't play and host the game that day." A malicious smile appeared on Albert's face.

"That's a good idea." Fred and George almost agreed with both hands and feet.In fact, all the players except Wood agreed with Albert's plan.

"Stop it," Wood interrupted.

"I think you should end the match as soon as possible, so that Snape doesn't have much time to favor the Hufflepuff team." Albert reached out and patted Harry's shoulder, "You need to work hard."

"I want to catch the Snitch as soon as possible." Harry said helplessly, "It's just that the Snitch is not so easy to catch."

"Okay, don't think too much, today's dinner is very rich, there is beef stew with potatoes, if you go late, there will only be potatoes left." Albert casually comforted a few words, and prepared to go back to the common room , I am too full to eat tonight, and I am too lazy to do other things.

"Go to dinner first!"

Wood used the drying spell to evaporate the water on everyone's bodies, and went straight to the hall. They didn't want to miss dinner.

On the way back to the common room, Albert ran into Hermione, or rather, Miss Granger was waiting for him there.

"You want to ask about that old parchment?"

When Albert saw Hermione appear, he had already guessed what the other party wanted to say.

Hermione's little thoughts were seen through, and she nodded in embarrassment.

"I've already translated it. That piece of parchment records the method of making the Philosopher's Stone." Albert glanced at the figure at the corner, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch with pleasure.

What a coincidence!

Professor Quirrell originally planned to take a detour, but he probably changed his mind and walked towards them when he heard Albert talk about the Philosopher's Stone.

asked Hermione in confusion, "Sorcerer's Stone, what's that?" "

"You can go to the library to look for materials by yourself." Albert took out a prepared parchment from the shapeshifting lizard's belt and handed it to Hermione.

"Thank you."

Hermione took the parchment, flipped through it hastily, and went straight to the library to find information about the Philosopher's Stone.

Professor Quirrell, who had eavesdropped on their conversation, left in a hurry.

The formula of the Sorcerer's Stone is very tempting to Quirrell, who had the idea of ​​​​the Sorcerer's Stone. He even couldn't help but have the idea of ​​​​making one by himself if he couldn't steal the Sorcerer's Stone.

Of course, Quirrell also knows the preciousness of the Sorcerer's Stone, and he also knows that the Sorcerer's Stone cannot be easily produced by himself, but everything needs a little hope, and he doesn't mind taking some time to try it.

So, when Albert met Hermione again, she had forgotten about the Philosopher's Stone, and the parchment that recorded the formula of the Philosopher's Stone had disappeared.

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Undoubtedly, Quirrell quietly took the formula about the Sorcerer's Stone from Hermione, and cast the Forgetting Charm, making Hermione forget about the formula for the Sorcerer's Stone.

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