A day at Hogwarts.

Chapter 576 Tom doesn't know

"Albus, why are you here?"

After seeing Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall asked subconsciously.

"I just came downstairs to serve a cup of hot chocolate, what happened here?" Dumbledore asked, and he noticed the change of expression on Professor McGonagall's face at a glance.

"I heard a strange voice... By the way, I just found Mr. Creevey. He is very likely... to be petrified." When Professor McGonagall was talking to Dumbledore, he looked up at the end of the corridor , there seems to be something over there.

"What did you find?" Dumbledore followed Professor McGonagall's gaze.

"I think that voice just now... is most likely made by the guy who attacked Mr. Creevey and Argus's cat." Professor McGonagall hesitated for a moment, and expressed his opinion on the matter, "That voice is not The sound of walking is more like the sound of something being dragged on the ground."

"Go and see..."

Dumbledore drew out his wand and walked forward briskly, and Professor McGonagall followed immediately. When they passed through the corridor, they stood at the corner, and there was a dead silence around them, without any strange sounds.


Professor McGonagall listened attentively, and said in a low voice, "But how did he do it? Could it be a secret way?"

"Okay, calm down, Minerva." Dumbledore said calmly, looking into the deep darkness at the end of the corridor, "Now that the attacker has run away, I think we'd better send Mr. Creevey to the school first." Hospital, where is he?"

"Over there on the stairs."

Professor McGonagall took a deep breath and followed Dumbledore towards the stairs. The two soon found the petrified boy.

Dumbledore squatted down, checked the boy's condition, and found that he was only petrified, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, "He was petrified, we sent him to the school hospital."

As he spoke, Dumbledore reached out and lifted Colin's shoulders, and Professor McGonagall also lifted Colin's feet in coordination. The two slowly lifted Colin's body up the stairs one after the other, toward the distance The school hospital not far from here has passed.

On the other side of the castle, Tom Riddle has successfully recalled the basilisk.

The appearance of Professor McGonagall was a bit unexpected.

Fortunately, the other party did not chase after him immediately, otherwise there would be an accident.

After all, as the professor of transformation at Hogwarts, Professor McGonagall's ability should not be underestimated. Once the basilisk fails to kill or petrify it in the first place, a series of chain problems will follow.

The aftermath of the battle would most likely wake up all the students in the school, not to mention that Dumbledore was nearby.

Tom Riddle didn't want to be exposed just yet.

However, the situation is going well.

The basilisk returned to the secret room, and the two behind chased after it, but it was already too late.

Only Parseltongue can open the Chamber of Secrets.

After Dumbledore and McGonagall chased and lost the basilisk, they immediately gave up looking for him and went to the school hospital together.

Tom Riddle had already steered Ginny Weasley towards the Room of Requirement, where he planned to have Ginny Weasley stay for the night.

After all, returning to the Gryffindor common room in the middle of the night looked suspicious no matter what, and the portrait of the gatekeeper would definitely raise suspicions.

As for, not returning overnight?

Tom made preparations a long time ago, and before he left, he cast a spell on several of Ginny Weasley's roommates, so that they could sleep until dawn, without worrying about waking up in the middle of the night to find that Ginny was not in the dormitory.

It was repeatedly confirmed that Dumbledore and McGonagall had gone to the school hospital, and Tom Riddle had reached the eighth floor through the secret passage, standing in front of the Room of Requirement.

"Dumbledore is as nasty as ever."

Tom stared at Dumbledore's footprints on the map, and the expression on his face became more ferocious, "However, you can't stop me. You couldn't stop me 50 years ago, and you can't now."

After speaking, Tom closed the diary and was about to enter the Room of Requirement when he suddenly felt as if someone was staring at him.

He suddenly turned his head and looked around, but found no one else, the quiet darkness was thick and terrifying.

Tom opened the Room of Requirement, and when he pushed the door to go in, he suddenly noticed a magical light behind him.

Before Tom could react, a magic hit Ginny Weasley from behind, causing her to stagger forward two steps, and the whole person fell to the ground like this.

Who the hell attacked me.

Tom Mingming also deliberately used the human presence spell to make sure that there were no other people around.

How did the other party hide it...

Even though Tom tried his best to resist the Stunning Spell, he still lost control of Ginny Weasley's body, and until the end he didn't know who attacked him.

After Ginny Weasley was knocked down by the Stunning Spell, Albert emerged from the void without warning, followed him into the Room of Requirement, and closed the door behind him.

"Things are going better than expected."

Albert lifted the wand from Ginny Weasley's hand, and took out the box that Nico Flamel had sent him from the shapeshifting lizard pouch.He began to wear dragon leather gloves before putting Tom Riddle's diary from Ginny's hand into the box.

"In this way, I'll see how you trouble me."

Albert hummed happily, planning to make this diary another day.With a flick of his wand, he cast the Disillusionment Charm on Ginny Weasley, temporarily sending her out of the Room of Requirement.

Albert will then be sent back to the rubbish dump in the Room of Requirement with the box containing Tom Riddle's diary.

It's kind of funny to say it.

At the beginning, Albert designed Dumbledore to take away Voldemort's crown Horcrux, and now he has hidden Voldemort's diary Horcrux here himself.

He needed to buy himself enough time to be fully prepared to work on Tom Riddle's diary.

Albert firmly believes that as long as he controls it properly, Tom's Horcrux will be a hen that lays golden eggs, which can provide him with sufficient mission experience and rewards, and can also minimize risks. Lo is fine.

Well, it can also reduce the influence of the Slytherin Chamber on Hogwarts.

I am indeed a good person.

After leaving the Room of Requirement, Albert took Ginny Weasley back to the Gryffindor common room immediately.

), and then look at it more conveniently.

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