A day at Hogwarts.

Chapter 639 Ambush

After finishing the Transfiguration class, Albert followed the others to the hall. When passing through the foyer, he saw a group of students gathering around the bulletin board, reading a piece of parchment that had just been nailed.

"Percy, do you know the content of the announcement?" Albert greeted Percy in the crowd and asked about the information posted on the bulletin board.

"It's about arrangements during the Easter break."

Percy glanced back at the crowded bulletin board, and told Albert what he knew: "Professor McGonagall requires that the students staying at the school during the holidays can only be active in the hall, library and common room of each college."

"This is definitely the worst Easter ever at Hogwarts!"

Albert was not surprised. If the control over the students was loosened during the Easter holiday, then what was the point of strict control before.

Lee Jordan squeezed out from the crowd and couldn't help complaining: "If you want me to say, don't take the Easter holiday at all, the situation is the same anyway, and you don't have to do that pile of annoying holiday homework!"

After listening to Lee Jordan's words, Percy frowned and said to several people: "Professor McGonagall did this for everyone's safety, and she has been working hard to maintain the normal operation of the school."

"Why not send all the students home for Easter?"

Abbott believes that in the current situation, the Easter break is definitely a headache, and it is not a good idea to keep students in school for the holidays.If everyone was forced to go home for Easter, there would be no trouble like this.

"The situation is not that bad. It is impossible for Professor McGonagall to drive all the students... home." Percy originally wanted to use "drive", but felt it was inappropriate, and finally changed his words temporarily.

Anyway, nothing happened, so continue to procrastinate.

Albert is no stranger to this kind of fluke mentality. It will be too late until something happens. This sentence is not just talking.

However, Professor McGonagall gently suggested that everyone go home for the holidays through the bulletin board.

In fact, she did.

During lunch, Professor McGonagall began to sign the list of students staying in the school. I have to say that the information on the bulletin board is very effective. Many students have reserved seats on the Hogwarts Express train and plan to go home for the Easter holiday .

Shanna saw Albert signing the parchment of the students staying in school, and finally couldn't help asking: "Are you really not planning to go home for Easter?"

"No, I don't plan to go back." Albert casually found an excuse to perfunctory, "It's almost a holiday anyway, and there are a lot of homework during the Easter holiday, and [-]% of the students who go back can't finish it."

"I don't think anyone believes your nonsense now." Fred and George Qiqi cast contemptuous glances at Albert.

If you don't count the first and second grade students, Albert is probably the one who has the least pressure of holiday homework. They know that Albert is about to finish his holiday homework a few days ago.

"Don't worry, we will take good care of him and won't let Albert be attacked." Lee Jordan patted his chest while not forgetting to plant a flag on Albert's head.

"Shut up, don't set the flag on me." Albert forked a large potato and stuffed it directly into Lee Jordan's mouth, blocking what he wanted to say again.

Lee Jordan picked up the fork indifferently, took a bite of the potato on it, and said inarticulately: "I'll just talk casually, and it's not you. Whatever you say will hit you."

In a blink of an eye, the Easter holidays begin.

On Saturday morning, many students dragged their suitcases and appeared in the foyer in twos and threes, preparing to take the Thestral carriage to Hogsmeade Station.

In fact, the Hogwarts school that lost the protection of Professor Dumbledore made many students lose their sense of security, and most Muggle wizards were unwilling to stay at the school for the holidays.

After most of the students left, the castle suddenly became empty. According to Fred and George, there were more students staying at school for Easter than for Christmas holidays.

Albert plans to do his vacation homework first, so as not to rush to do it a few days before the end of the vacation.Although Fred, George and Lee Jordan didn't want to do their homework as soon as they were off, they went to the library with Albert to do their homework.

Anyway, you have to do it, so naturally you have to hug your thighs.

They also have to struggle with this, with an overwhelming amount of Easter homework every year.

Albert shuttled between the bookshelves, looking for useful spelling papers, and he had only the last few papers left for his vacation homework.

I don't know how to fill twelve inches of parchment without enough material to fill it.

As soon as he took out the book from the bookshelf and was about to flip through it, Albert immediately noticed that someone had stuffed a note in the book.

He took out the note and found that it was written in a man: it is today.

What is today?

Seeing the Chinese on the note, Albert understood the meaning after being silent for a moment.

The attack happened today.

He even deliberately left a note to remind himself that something will obviously happen.

Albert stuffed the note into the pocket on his robe, then stuffed the book back into the bookshelf, and continued circling around the library until he reached a place where no one else could see him, then took out the shapeshifting lizard skin bag, and took it out of the skin. A small golden medicine bottle was taken out of the bag.

It was the Felicia, the legendary potion of luck.

At critical moments, it is suitable for life-saving.

In order to ensure that he is safe, Albert has always carried these things with him in order to deal with all possible unexpected events.

Using his nails to scrape off the sealing wax on the bottle mouth, pull out the cork, Albert pinched a good amount, took a small sip, and used up about a quarter of the amount, which could bring him a few hours of luck.

As soon as the Felicia Elixir was taken, Albert could clearly feel the potion starting to take effect.

A feeling of incomparable excitement flows through the whole body, as if he has become omnipotent, no matter what he can do easily.

That feeling of being able to do anything, as if it were all so easy, is fascinating.

Of course Albert knew that it was a small side effect of Felicia Potion, but as long as it was handled carefully, it was not a big problem compared to the powerful effect of Felicia Potion itself.

Under the effect of Felicia, Albert's brain has never been as clear as it is now, and he is confident that he can win.Especially in the case of long-term preparations, Albert really doesn't know how to lose.

Well, Felicity Potion, or intuition is telling Albert that the parchment may have other meanings, and he may use the Time Converter to escape the basilisk in the end.

Now, I should go back and continue doing my vacation homework, and then give Ginny Weasley some tips so that she has time to prepare for the attack.

Albert returned to the crowd with a few books, flipped through the materials, and followed the prompts of his bliss (intuition), and whispered to a few people, "Oh, I almost forgot something, tomorrow is Easter Well, last time someone sent me an invitation to attend the Easter dinner, and now that this happened, I don’t know if Professor McGonagall will allow me to use the Floo network to leave school.”

Fred, George, and Lee Jordan were already used to Albert going to a banquet on Easter, and at most they complained about Albert in person and wanted to sneak away to eat delicious food again.

Albert pretended not to hear the complaints from several people, and continued to immerse himself in writing the thesis on spells. He secretly glanced at Ginny Weasley not far away from the corner of his eye, and muttered in his heart: "Tom, don't let me down." what!"

The spell paper was completed faster than expected. Albert handed the paper to Fred, tactfully rejecting the plan of several roommates (who wanted to take the opportunity to be lazy) to accompany him to find Professor McGonagall, and left the library alone , go to Professor McGonagall's office.

The trip from the library to Professor McGonagall's office was short, but certainly a golden opportunity for Tom Riddle.

Albert is naturally aware of the danger of this journey, because this is the best opportunity he created for Tom Riddle to attack.

As soon as the front foot left the library, Albert took out the map from his pocket and locked the exact location of Ginny Weasley.

Ginny was in the abandoned girls' bathroom on the second floor, and the hapless Miss Phantom had apparently been petrified.

A slight smile appeared on the corner of Albert's mouth, and he walked towards Professor McGonagall's office.Along the way, there was another ghost patrolling the corridor, but the location of that ghost never changed. Albert suspected that he had been attacked by a basilisk.

When he walked to a corridor near the stairs on the third and second floors, Albert began to slow down his pace. Felicia (intuition) told him to stop, and Albert squinted his eyes and looked at the corner. Direction, he could feel a deep malice coming from the corner at the end of the corridor.

This was the first time Albert felt this way. The hairs all over his body stood on end, and the sense of crisis of death rose from his heart.

The Felix Elixir really couldn't bring him real luck, but it greatly enhanced Albert's abilities in all aspects and magnified his five senses.

The Felician (intuition) told him not to pass, otherwise he might die here.

He stopped, reached out his hand and took out the hot detection ball from his pocket, with a malicious smile at the corner of his mouth.

Tom Riddle was probably waiting for her on the other side of the corner, and with her was the basilisk in the secret room.

As long as he passes the corner, he will definitely bump into the basilisk, and the result can be imagined.

Tom Riddle was spying on him, waiting for him to take the bait, and why wasn't he?

"Come on, the game begins!"

Albert took a deep breath, suppressed his beating heart, reached out from the bag at his waist and took out the things he specially prepared for the basilisk, turned around and walked back without hesitation, and began to move according to the predetermined route.

He knew that the moment he turned around, the expression of Tom Riddle who tracked him through the footprint spell must be extraordinarily wonderful.

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