A day at Hogwarts.

Chapter 647: Secret Room Sightseeing Group

"You want to enter the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets?"

Fred, George and Lee Jordan were all taken aback by Albert's proposal.

"But... how do we enter the secret room?"

Lee Jordan was very interested in Albert's proposal. He heard that Harry defeated the heir of Slytherin in the Chamber of Secrets and killed a terrible basilisk with Gryffindor's sword.

"Stupid, of course, open the secret room and then go in." George rolled his eyes at Lee Jordan, and was also very interested in Albert's proposal. The last time he searched for the Gryffindor treasure was still fresh in his memory.

"Harry can speak Parseltongue, let him open the Chamber of Secrets for us." Fred blocked back what Lee Jordan wanted to say.

"That's a good proposal." Lee Jordan muttered, walked to the corner of the three Harrys who were playing "Tong" cards, cleared his throat, and said, "Harry, we have something to ask for your help !"

"What's the matter?" Harry looked at the cards in his hand and asked suspiciously.

"We want to open Slytherin's chamber of secrets and explore inside. Can you help us open the entrance of the chamber of secrets? We know you have the ability." George said first.

Even though he had lowered his voice, he still caught the attention of several other people. Ginny's face was slightly pale, and the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets had obviously left a bad impression on her.


Harry never thought that someone would ask him to open the Chamber of Secrets.

"What are you doing in the Chamber of Secrets?" Hermione threw away the cards in her hand and stared at Albert with wide eyes, trying to get an answer from the other party.

"Adventure, anyway, there is no danger in the Slytherin chamber of secrets." Fred winked at the three of them and said, "Don't you think that if you miss this good opportunity, it will be a great regret in your life?"

"Would it?" Harry dropped the card and muttered softly, "I don't think there's anything to explore in the Chamber of Secrets."

"We plan to organize a sightseeing group to Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets. The opportunity is rare, and you can go together." Albert said to Hermione and Ron: "Of course, the premise is that Harry agrees to help us open the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets." .”

Secret room tour?

Hermione and Ron stared at Albert dumbfounded.

"Don't you want to see the legendary chamber of secrets?" Lee Jordan asked back, "And, there is also the legendary basilisk."

The two looked at Harry in unison, with expressions on their faces that almost said, "Harry, agree!"


Everyone is actually very curious about what the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets looks like.

In the words of Albert, it is a rare opportunity!

In the end, Harry compromised under everyone's expectant eyes and agreed to participate in this secret room tour.

The next morning, a group of people sneaked into the abandoned girls' bathroom on the second floor.

Seeing that everyone was here, Harry went to the sink and reached out to turn on a faucet, but no water came out.

"The entrance to the secret room is here." He pointed to the side of the faucet, where a small snake was engraved, and said to Albert, "It's similar to what you told me back then, and I spent a lot of time on it just found its place."

"Let's get started!" Albert signaled everyone to step back.

"Turn on," said Harry, staring at the tap.

Everyone only heard a creepy hiss, but Albert, who mastered the Parseltongue, could understand the meaning of Harry's words.

Suddenly a dazzling white light came out from the faucet, and the pool slowly unfolded in front of everyone, revealing a very thick water pipe, which could allow a person to get in.

"Okay, the entrance to the chamber of secrets is open. However, I guess the air below is not very good, so put a head-soaking spell on yourself before going down!" Albert took out his wand and cast a blow on his head first. Bubble curse.

Fred, George, and Lee Jordan followed immediately.

Then, under Harry's astonished gaze, he cast the Bubble Curse on them as well.

"The effect of the Bubble Curse can last for about an hour." Albert looked at the crowd shrouded in the Cannon Curse with funny expressions and said, "Okay, I'll go down first, and then go down after hearing my voice."

With that said, Albert cast a shock-absorbing spell on himself, and jumped directly from the pipe, a bit like sliding down a slide.

It was wet under the pipe, but fortunately Albert stopped in time.

He waved his wand to create a ball of light out of thin air, dispelling the surrounding darkness, and then let the people above come down.

Ron looked up at the pipe above and muttered, "How are we going to get up later."

"Don't worry, Albert must have a solution." Fred patted Ron on the shoulder and reminded, "Let's go."

"However, it's really stolen here."

"Do you think something is wrong here?" Hermione looked away from the ball of light floating above everyone's heads, looked at the pipes in all directions and said to Albert, "I dare say that 1000 years ago, Hogwarts must have There is no such drainage system."

"This place was remodeled by the descendants of Slytherin." Albert said without hesitation: "Probably a descendant of Slytherin, when transforming Hogwarts, changed the entrance of the Chamber of Secrets by the way.

"How do you know?" Ron asked.

"Of course it's a guess," Albert said.

"If it wasn't for the descendants of Slytherin to keep the secrets, do you think no one in the school would know about the so-called legend of the Chamber of Secrets?" Hermione couldn't think of the reason, "The only possibility is that the guy who made these changes was Slytherin's." Descendant."

"We must be several miles deep below the school." Albert's voice echoed in the dark tunnel, "probably under the lake."

"It's much more boring than Gryffindor's Chamber of Secrets!" Fred looked at the darkness around him, a little disappointed in the so-called Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets.

"Gryffindor's Chamber of Secrets?" Hermione raised her eyebrows slightly and couldn't help asking, "Gryffindor also has a Chamber of Secrets?"

Harry and Ron secretly listened to their conversation.

Albert glared dissatisfiedly at Fred who liked to show off.

"In the Forbidden Forest," he said. "At the beginning, those two idiots were almost eaten by the acromantula."

"What's in the Gryffindor Chamber of Secrets?" Harry asked.

"Some interesting traps, in advance, you must have enough courage to help you break through the traps." George introduced excitedly.

"very dangerous?"

"The journey to find the location of the secret room is considered dangerous." Albert explained, "Because of Hagrid, there are a lot of acromantids in the Forbidden Forest. Believe me, even giant monsters are not willing to cause those troubles." guy."

After finishing speaking, Albert added: "Of course, the venom of the giant acromantia is very precious, and a pint is worth a hundred Galleons."

"One hundred Galleons!" Ron's breathing became rapid, and he couldn't wait to ask, "Where's the basilisk's venom?"

"It's probably worth a lot."

"Don't you think so!"

"The basilisk has been dead for several days, and my Protection of Magical Creatures class is only average, and I don't know how to take the basilisk's venom." Albert glanced at Ron, whose eyes were shining, lightly said, "However, the fangs and snakeskin should be of great value."

There was a click, and I don't know who stepped on the bones of the small animals on the ground.

"There's snakeskin up front," Harry reminded.

Everyone looked along Harry's fingers, and they were stunned by the shedding of the basilisk's skin.

It was a pair of huge snake skin, tens of feet long, full of green, it was the skin of a venomous snake, coiled and lying on the ground of the tunnel.

"Who wants to take pictures?"

An untimely voice suddenly sounded, and when everyone came back to their senses, they saw that Albert got a camera out of nowhere and took a picture of their stunned appearance.

Are you really here to travel?

Suddenly this weird idea popped up in everyone's mind.

Then, led by Albert, they took a few photos standing next to the snakeskin.

"This thing can make a bunch of snake belts." Albert raised his hand and knocked on the snake skin and joked.

"Snake belt?"

Everyone wanted to laugh, but couldn't.

Even if it's just the shedding of the basilisk's skin, it's still very deterrent.

"Are you going to take it out?"

"If it can be shrunk, I don't mind, but I'm afraid this thing is not inferior to dragon skin. There is no good way for now!" Albert tried it. The skin of the basilisk has strong magic resistance and is not easily affected by magic. It is simply impossible to reduce the influence of it.

"Is it worth it?" Ron asked cautiously.

"That's right!" Albert nodded. "After all, dragon skins are not rare, but basilisk skins are very rare. Rare things are more expensive!"

"Don't be stupid, even if this thing is valuable, there must be a way to get it out of here, and then turn it into Galleon." George did not forget that they had found a valuable snow mushroom, but In the end, because they couldn't sell it off, they all ended up in the mouths of the four of them.

That thing tastes great, but it hurts to eat.

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