A day at Hogwarts.

Chapter 650 Village Chief

"What's up with him."

"I have epilepsy!"

"Take him to the school hospital quickly."

On the night of returning to school, there were some accidents in the common room of Gryffindor. Kenneth Tolle learned that the heir of Slytherin was captured, and Harry Potter was killed and hid in the secret room After seeing the monster, he felt his chest swell, his eyes rolled, and he almost passed out.

Everyone thought Kenneth had epilepsy, so they rushed him to the school hospital.Madam Pomfrey administered a large cup of sedative to this unlucky guy, and managed to calm down. He was muttering something, and now he has to stay in the school hospital for observation.

As George laughed at in the library, Kenneth did get a lot of amulets with good effects, and was going to take the opportunity to make a fortune, but found that all the goods were in his hands, and he almost passed out on the spot. .

This incident also caused a small commotion.

However, everyone's attention is now mostly focused on Harry Potter and Albert Anderson.

As for Lockhart's resignation, it has also become a topic that people talk about.

Many students were surprised to find that earth-shaking changes had taken place in the school after they went back for Easter. What surprised them even more was that the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets really existed, and there was a terrifying basilisk hidden there.

Such discussions continued until late April, when they were replaced by the subject of the Quidditch game.

As the school regained its usual calm, the originally suspended Quidditch match resumed.

Wood was probably the happiest.

This year's Quidditch competition, the Gryffindor team is expected to win the championship again.

After all, the Gryffindor team had already defeated Slytherin, their formidable opponent, ahead of schedule.

As for the House Cup, Gryffindor House's leading score directly made the other houses despair. Even Snape had to give up struggling. Although he still often found excuses to deduct Gryffindor's points, he still couldn't shake Gryffindor. Multi-faculty leadership.

Time slipped past May like this, and Hermione told Albert one thing.

"Fred and George think that before doing this, it is best to come to you. If you think the plan will be successful, then our plan will have a great chance of success."

After hearing Hermione's words, Albert was speechless for a while.

"Tell me about your plan!" Albert agreed to help.

The task panel triggers a "liberation" task. Although the reward is very general, but the friendship of the house elf Dobby, considering the possibility of employing house elves in the future, he is still willing to help.

After all, Albert has never disliked the fact that there are many house-elves. They have always been very reliable and hard-working helpers.

"We're going to send Lucius Malfoy a package, and it's going to be stuffed with a bunch of odds and ends, including socks. I think Lucius Malfoy is going to throw the package at the house-elf, the problem is we Let the house-elf discover the socks in the package in time, so as to be liberated." Hermione talked about her plan.

"You haven't gotten in touch with that house elf, maybe you can secretly send it a few letters and tell it about it." Albert said without thinking.

"This...we are worried that the envelope will be discovered by Lucius Malfoy, which will lead to the failure of the plan!" Harry explained, "We hope you can help us with divination, or Fred and George say that your words are very accurate. "

"Well, I think you have a good chance of success." Albert also thought that the house-elf would leave the Malfoy house.

If Harry did send the package.

"You can write out the speculation and send it to Lucius together. I think that guy will be very angry after reading it." Albert gave Harry some advice, "By the way, tell him, when the mysterious man comes back, he finds that the He will be very angry if his treasure is lost."

"You-Know-Who kept it for the Malfoys?" Harry asked in surprise.

"You think Lucius Malfoy's house would have something like that. That diary is a very weird thing, otherwise it would be impossible to open the Chamber of Secrets."

"So Lucius Malfoy is going to be unlucky soon?" Ron looked very happy.

"No, he's out of luck. I think you probably didn't read the "Daily Prophet" a few days ago carefully." Albert handed a newspaper to Ron, pointing to a part of the content below:

Lucius Malfoy was expelled from the school board.

Of course, the "Daily Prophet" will not write the reason, only a few short sentences, but Albert's words are undoubtedly fulfilled.

"Brilliant!" exclaimed Ron, "I don't think Malfoy will be able to hold his own again."

Harry was also glad to see Malfoy unlucky.

Fred and George laughed outside the door, followed by a knock on the door.When the door was opened, Fred, George and Ginny were standing outside the dormitory.

"What are you whispering here again?" George asked.

"Let old Malfoy lose his servant." Albert changed the subject: "What were you laughing at just now?"

"We bumped into Percy on a date." Fred laughed horribly. "Kissing in an empty classroom, a Ravenclaw prefect named Penelope Clearwater."


Albert looked at Fred and George quite speechlessly, obviously bumping into them on purpose.

"If you look like this, you will be beaten by Percy. No one wants to be disturbed when they are dating." Albert reminded.

"including you?"

"Of course including me." Albert said noncommittally, "Actually, they started dating very early."

"You already knew!"

"If you go to Mrs. Puddiffe's teahouse, you will run into them. Of course, I promised Percy that he would keep it a secret." Albert stopped Fred and George's complaints back.

"Will they get married in the future?" Hermione and Percy had a good relationship, and they also liked to hear this kind of gossip.

"It's a bit difficult." Noticing that everyone else was looking at him, Albert shrugged helplessly and said, "Percy will probably enter the Ministry of Magic. In fact, it shouldn't be difficult for you to guess this. If he wants to If you want to climb up, you need to find a powerful pure-blood wizard family to marry to ensure a smooth future."

"I shouldn't have asked you." Fred and George couldn't help covering their faces with their hands, no longer having any expectations for Percy's love.

"Is it really?"

The cruel reality was a big blow to Hermione.

"The magic world is actually very exclusive. The top officials of the Ministry of Magic are controlled by pure-blood wizards, and Muggle wizards can't get along in the Ministry of Magic." Albert said to Hermione: "I guess you will enter the Ministry of Magic in the future, and the road may be very difficult. Difficult, unless you find a backer. As for Potter, there should be no such problem, the Potter family can be considered an ancient family, and Harry Potter is also a savior, which is a plus."

"What about you?" Hermione asked again.

"I never thought about entering the Ministry of Magic, and I'm not interested in the power of the Ministry of Magic." Albert asked with a smile, "Do you know how many people there are in the British magic world?"

"Ten thousand?"

"I don't know. I don't think there should be ten thousand. The number of wizards is actually very small."

"The total number of wizards in the UK probably makes up the entire village! It is not difficult to estimate the approximate number from the number of students who enter Hogwarts every year." Albert sneered: "The Minister of Magic is, to put it bluntly, a village head."

As ironic as it sounds, it is the truth.

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