A day at Hogwarts.

Chapter 668 It's All Fudge's Fault

After inviting Lucius to his home for that dinner, Fudge asked his assistant to arrange a visit to the Azkaban Prison.

To be honest, Fudge doesn't like Azkaban Prison, and it is estimated that no wizard wants to set foot on that island.If he could not go, Fudge would never go to that kind of ghost place.

Scrimgeour, the director of the Auror office, received the news, and he had no objection to Fudge's inspection, nor would he. To put it bluntly, Fudge was just making a formality.Especially after Scrimgeour heard some rumors, he was amused by their minister's so-called reason for maintaining peace in the wizarding world. This political show seemed a bit late.

The notorious Azkaban Prison in the magic world is located on a small island in the middle of the North Sea. The fortress stood upright in the storm, and the lights on the fortress could hardly penetrate the rain curtain and be noticed by the outside world.

There were no living creatures other than prisoners here, and employees of the Ministry of Magic simply couldn't work in such a harsh environment, and no wizard would be willing to stay and work here.

Under normal circumstances, only a few Aurors will deal with the jailers of Azkaban, escorting prisoners through Aurors, and then handing over prisoners to Dementors.

As for prison visits, there is no such statement in the prison of Azkaban.

Undoubtedly, Fudge made a lot of determination in this inspection.

On a snowstorm night, a ship sailed to the Azkaban Prison in the North Sea in the wind and waves.

There is a lot of space inside the ship, and Fudge is standing in the cabin illuminated by the warm yellow light, standing absent-mindedly by the window, looking through the glass at the dark night and the turbulent wind and waves outside, not knowing what to do in his heart. Think about something.

In the seat behind Fudge, the two Aurors who were traveling with Fudge were sitting in armchairs drinking hot tea and reading newspapers to pass the boring time.

As for driving, the ship will automatically drive to Azkaban Prison, which is the only way to Azkaban Prison.

Everyone knows that there is Azkaban Prison, and that this prison is located somewhere in Beihai, but since the location of the prison cannot be marked on the map, there are actually very few people who really know the exact location of the prison.

The ship passed through the storm smoothly, approached the fortress of Azkaban prison, and stopped in the port,

Fudge reached for his wizard hat and boarded the notorious prison.

On the pier, there was a strong wind, and the torrential rain poured down, instantly drenching the three people who had just disembarked into drowned chickens.

Fudge regretted that he hadn't added an extra thick cloak when he came.

Suddenly there was a flash of lightning in the sky, and the dark night was instantly reflected into day. Above the fortress, a large number of dementors watched over the island.

The chill penetrated into the skin little by little, and Fudge couldn't help shivering. In order to maintain the image of the minister, he was able to grit his teeth for support.

The three walked across the pier to the entrance of the fort.

The Auror named Dawlish came forward to deal with a dementor, and had some simple exchanges, indicating that the Minister of Magic came to inspect the Azkaban Prison.

The dementors didn't really care about this kind of thing, they could barely understand what the wizard meant, opened the entrance of the fortress, and led the three of them to inspect the prison in Azkaban.

There are actually not many wizards imprisoned in Azkaban Prison. Most of them just committed some minor crimes and will be imprisoned here for a few months.

If they were not tortured madly by the dementors, they would be released. Most wizards who have entered Azkaban Prison are afraid to make mistakes, afraid that they will be imprisoned in this terrible prison. in the prison.

In fact, this Azkaban Prison maintains the authority of the Ministry of Magic. Even if Fudge is unwilling to admit it, most wizards are willing to keep their own place because they are afraid of being imprisoned in Azkaban Prison and facing those evil spirits. of dementors.

The longest-lived residents here are the Death Eaters who committed countless heinous crimes when the mysterious person gained power last time. In fact, there are not a few Death Eaters who have been sentenced to life imprisonment.

However, to Fudge's dismay, the Death Eaters themselves are a group of extremely evil guys, and they are much less affected by dementors than ordinary wizards. After staying here for more than ten years, they still cannot completely wipe out their crimes , fortunately they will still be affected by the dementors.

When Fudge inspected the situation of the prisoners, he saw that they were all sitting in the cell, muttering something to themselves in the dark, and they seemed quite delirious.

There is nothing more comforting than a mad prisoner, at least they can no longer pose a threat to the wizarding world.Of course, it would be even better if they could die quickly. This is probably the last contribution that group of people can make to the magic world.

When Fudge visited prisons one by one, he finally came to Black's cell.

Fudge was shocked by Black's situation. He didn't look crazy like other wizards imprisoned here, but "normal".

This is undoubtedly not good news, the wish of the old man Lucius may come true.

"Cornel Fudge, why did you appear here?" Black was also surprised that a wizard appeared in Azkaban Prison. He hadn't spoken to anyone else for a long time, his voice was hoarse and ugly, and he spoke very slow.

"I'm here to inspect Azkaban Prison. This is the responsibility of the Minister of Magic." Fudge glanced at the two Auror guards beside him, and then at the two dementors standing on both sides of the cell, trying to hide Inner unease.

Those dementors had no effect on Blake. You must know that every prisoner has a dementor standing guard at his door.

"Minister of Magic?" Black seemed to be bored with this place, and said in a hoarse tone: "I didn't expect that there would be a Minister of Magic willing to come to such a ghostly place. It's so boring here. By the way, do you have any newspapers that you haven't read yet?" , I want to do newspaper crossword puzzles to pass the boring time, those crossword puzzles in the "Daily Prophet" should not be cancelled!"

Fudge seemed to have been greatly insulted, and his slightly pale face suddenly turned rosy. He didn't want to pay attention to Black at first, but before leaving, he finally asked the Auror beside him to ask Dawlish to squeeze him. The "Daily Prophet" in his pocket was given to himself, and then he handed it to Black through the iron cabinet bar, which was regarded as fulfilling the other's little wish.

"I was shocked that Black was not affected much." After Fudge left the prison, he turned and said to the two Aurors beside him, "It seems that it is still necessary to come to inspect, and send more guards to keep an eye on Black. Whatever the situation, you must report to me as soon as possible."

"I can understand your concerns. I'm afraid only those very evil wizards can ignore the influence of dementors." Dawlish was also very surprised to see that Black was not affected, and nodded to express that he understood Fudge's concerns. Just to get the jailers to send more men to keep an eye on Black."

However, Fudge didn't know that he had gotten into trouble.

Something changed after he handed the copy of the "Daily Prophet" to Blake. The man who was preparing to do the crossword puzzle in the prison had his eyes wide open at the moment, staring at the headlines of the newspaper. The Weasley family won the Galleon Award for a family photo of a trip to Egypt, and Blake's eyes were fixed on the mouse with one toe missing on a boy's shoulder in the photo.

"He's not dead, he's at Hogwarts, he's at Hogwarts!" Blake stared at the newspaper, muttering these words softly.

He suddenly raised his head and looked towards the entrance of the prison, his eyes glowed brightly, as if someone had lit a fire in Black's eyes.

He knew he had to do something.

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