A day at Hogwarts.

Chapter 680 Who is he?

Boom, boom, boom!

There was a knock on the door.

"The door isn't closed."

Dumbledore, who was sitting behind the desk, looked up at Snape who walked into the headmaster's office.

"What do you have to do with me?"

"There will be a Magic School Potions Tournament in the Magic Garden this year." Dumbledore said straight to the point, "Do you have a suitable candidate?"

"Miss Isobel McDougal is a good candidate. If she is willing to participate in the Magic School Potion Championship, she should be able to get good results."

"Where's Mr. Anderson?" Dumbledore asked suddenly.

"Anderson, I remember that he is not yet of age." Snape raised his eyebrows slightly and reminded, "It seems that there is no precedent for underage wizards to participate in the Potions Tournament."

It is "too dangerous" for underage wizards to participate in potions tournaments.

This is usually a good excuse and works well with most students.

In fact, the potion level of most senior students is indeed much higher than that of lower grade students, so basically this situation will not happen.

However, Snape didn't know whether this excuse would work on Anderson.

"Someone recommended Mr. Anderson to me." Dumbledore put down the letter paper in his hand.

"Someone, who?" Snape asked suspiciously.He didn't like Anderson very much, in fact, he didn't like most of the students.

"Mr. Hutt Dagworth." Dumbledore said without hesitation, "He thinks that Hogwarts school has not won the trophy of the magic school potion championship for decades, and needs a trophy to tell other schools, Hogwarts Potions at Gewarts School aren't as bad as you think."

"Why would Mr. Huttok Dagworth recommend an underage wizard to participate in the competition?"

"They exchanged letters. Hetok said that Mr. Anderson has passed the assessment of the Extraordinary Pharmacist Association and has a good chance of winning the championship. Can you tell me how good Mr. Anderson is in potions?"

"His potions are of a high standard," Snape agreed, "but I doubt he'll be able to compete, you know he's underage."

"I don't think this should be a problem." Dumbledore said calmly, "There is no age requirement for the Magic School Potions Tournament. The so-called adulthood is actually just an unknown rule of each school, just like the previous Triwizard Tournament. , nobody wants casualties during a game."

Participants need to go deep into the magic garden to collect the potions they need, and return within the specified time to refine the potions into potions.

That's why the contestants are required to have a certain ability to protect themselves, so as not to be injured when collecting potions.

"I see, I will find time to teach them the skills of handling those ingredients."

"What's the matter?" Dumbledore asked suspiciously when Snape hesitated to speak.

Snape was silent for a moment, then suddenly asked: "Are you really going to let that end..."

"You mean Professor Lupine?" Dumbledore interrupted.

"They used to be good friends. I think... that Professor Lupine is unreliable, especially at this time. We can't take this risk." Snape said with a gloomy face, that Professor Lupine bit him very hard. , "Besides, he is extremely dangerous. If you are not careful, you may... We can't take this risk. Even brewing Wolf's Potion requires a lot of money."

"You will help him brew the wolfsbane potion, right!" Dumbledore asked, looking at Snape.

"Okay, as you wish." Snape compromised, and before turning to leave, he said, "But I still insist on my opinion, we shouldn't take such a risk, even if I'm the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts."

Watching Snape's leaving back, Dumbledore walked to the cabinet where the Pensieve was placed, and continued to look through the memories about Black.

Since he received that Harry was the target of Black's escape, Dumbledore often used the Pensieve to sort out his memories of Black.

More than ten years ago, Black was arrested by the Ministry of Magic because he betrayed James Potter and killed Peter, along with half a street of Muggles, and was even sent directly to prison without trial.

Fudge says that Black's target is Harry Potter, but Dumbledore is skeptical, and the Dementor says that Black kept saying, "He's at Hogwarts" before breaking out.

Does "he" really refer to Harry?

The newspaper Fudge handed to Blake appeared in the Pensieve. Dumbledore looked through the newspaper more than once, and the only thing he found related to Hogwarts was the family portrait taken by the Weasleys when they traveled to Egypt after winning the Galleon Prize. .It was mentioned that the Weasley children were still at Hogwarts.

"He" obviously couldn't be referring to the Weasleys, so what did Blake see in the paper?

This is what Dumbledore was wondering about. He must have seen something in this newspaper, so he decided to escape from prison.

As for, Fudge said that Black's mind is not clear, but Dumbledore doesn't think so. How can a guy who can escape from Azkaban Prison have a clear mind?

Moreover, how did he escape from that prison?

The matter remains a mystery to this day, not even the Ministry of Magic has figured it out.

"What did I overlook?"

Dumbledore put his wand to his temple, and put his thoughts into the Pensieve, the memory of the time when he had persuaded James Potter to use the Fidelity Charm.

The secret keeper is Blake.

Only if Black leaked the secret, could Voldemort find the Potters.

Dumbledore put another memory into the Pensieve, which was the memory of the four of them at school.

James is dead.

Life wasn't good for Lupine.

Blake was imprisoned.

Peter was killed by Black, and the biggest wreckage people found of him was a finger.

The biggest wreck the Ministry of Magic found of Peter was a finger?

Dumbledore knew that a lot of black magic could destroy people, but... He took out another bottle of memory and put him in the Pensieve, it was the memory of when the Auror captured Black.

There was a huge hole in the middle of the street, so deep that it broke the sewer pipes below, and there were Muggle corpses everywhere, and the Muggles were screaming.And Black stood there laughing wildly, in front of him was a pile of blood-stained robes?

Dumbledore narrowed his eyes when he saw this.

At this time, there was another knock on the door, pulling him out of his memory.

Dumbledore walked to the door, opened it and saw Snape standing outside, with an Auror beside him.

"The Ministry of Magic sent someone to look for you." Snape pointed to the Auror beside him.

"Come in, what's the matter, Dawlish?" Dumbledore asked, looking at the Auror beside Snape.

The Auror named Dawlish said with a blank expression: "The Ministry of Magic is ready, the dementors will be stationed around Hogwarts from tomorrow, you sure don't need them to station in Hogwarts ?"

"No, as long as I am headmaster, they will never be allowed to cross the threshold of the school." Dumbledore said firmly. Suspect."

"Dementors have no eyes," Dawlish reminded dryly.

"I know." Dumbledore said coldly: "So I am more worried about the safety of my students now. You should be very clear about the character of those dementors. They have never been kind people, let alone their targets. Whether it is my student or not, I don't want them to think of my student as Black one day..."

"The dementors are under the control of the Ministry of Magic." Dawlish was a little embarrassed, and Dumbledore almost wrote his distrust of the dementors on his face, and he knew that the other party was very unhappy with Fudge.

"I have always hoped so." Dumbledore reminded, "You who often deal with them should be very aware of the threat they pose to students. I don't want them to step into Hogwarts without my consent." range, hurt my students.

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