A day at Hogwarts.

Chapter 689 It's All Malfoy's Fault

"I hate that broken mouth of yours."

Lee Jordan looked at the Flobber caterpillar in front of him, and gradually put on a mask of pain on his face.

As Albert said, that little idiot Malfoy managed to destroy Hagrid's confidence in teaching, and by the way, he ruined the Protection of Magical Creatures class.Hagrid's classes have become pretty dreary except for the first class, and all the students need to learn how to take care of Flobberworms!

"Why do we bother to take care of these bugs? o.w.Ls don't test this stuff." Fred looked annoyed at the whispering Slytherin students, as if thinking about how to ruin their courses Guy looking for trouble.

"I hope Albert can cheer Hagrid up again, otherwise I doubt that the o.w.Ls exam of our Protection of Magical Creatures class will be over." George looked at Albert who was talking to Hagrid, and put everything together. All hopes are pinned on their little friends.

"Are you okay?" Albert looked at the lonely and embarrassed Hagrid in front of him, and said softly, "I've heard about what happened yesterday."


The word seemed to be forced out of Hagrid's throat, and he said hoarsely, "I should have followed your advice instead of screwing up my first class like I'm doing now."

"Okay, cheer up, this is just a small setback you encountered after becoming a professor of protection of magical creatures." Albert comforted softly.

"...Little setback, you sound nice, but it's not you..."

Looking at the big boy with a lonely expression, Albert couldn't help but sighed softly, feeling helpless at Hagrid's fragility in his heart, and asked again: "Harry should have brought my words to you yesterday, right?"

"Last night, I drank some wine, and when Harry came... well, I hurried him back to the castle." Hagrid's memory of last night was a little fuzzy.

he's drunk.

"They're really unreliable!" Albert muttered in a low voice, raising his hand to signal Hagrid to be quiet and listen to him for a while: "Actually, you don't have to worry about being expelled at all, Professor Dumbledore will help you settle the matter." this matter."

"I don't want to give..."

"No, don't say that again, you've already caused trouble for Professor Dumbledore." Albert looked at Hagrid sternly.After the latter looked at Albert, his body shrunk, and he seemed a little afraid of Albert's gaze.

"They will investigate you, but Professor Dumbledore will vouch for you, and you may have to go to the wizarding court next..."

"Wizards' Court." Hagrid's voice trembled slightly.

"Don't worry, Professor Dumbledore will help you solve the Ministry of Magic's problems by the way." Albert's tone was calm, as if he was talking about something trivial.

"So, I'll be fine?" Hagrid asked, blinking.

"Yes, you will be fine." Albert said seriously: "So, if they ask you, you have to insist that Draco Malfoy did not listen to advice, violated classroom discipline, violated safety rules, anyway It's all Malfoy's own fault, and it has nothing to do with you. If they tell you a bunch of nonsense, you can just reply: Why is Malfoy hurt when everyone else is fine? It's because he violated the rules and made himself Hurt. Actually, you should have put Malfoy in detention."


"No, but, anyway, put the problem and responsibility on Malfoy," Albert reminded, "In fact, this matter is Malfoy's own problem, isn't it?"


Hagrid could hardly believe what he had just heard.

"Yes, that's it. But, I always feel that..." Hagrid still lacks confidence, which is a common problem for most people when facing authoritative institutions.

Albert took out a bottle of potion from his pocket and handed it to Hagrid, "Another day, you will go to court or be questioned, remember to drink some of this stuff, if you don't have enough dose, you can ask Madam Pomfrey for another."

"what is this?"

"Tranquilizer." Albert said calmly. "Panking will never solve the problem."

"Does this thing really work?"

"Try the effect!" Albert handed the medicine bottle to Hagrid, and asked, "What did I tell you just now?"

Hagrid took a sip of the tranquilizer, thought for a while and replied, "Malfoy didn't listen to advice and violated safety rules, that's why he was injured."

"What else?" Albert continued to ask.

"Why is everyone else fine, but Malfoy was injured, because he didn't listen to advice and violated safety rules."

"As long as you memorize these two sentences." Albert reminded: "Don't say unnecessary nonsense, because you will always be led by the nose, you don't have to quibble, just listen quietly, wait They want you to speak, just answer them with those two sentences, with Dumbledore here, the Ministry of Magic dare not get you into Azkaban again, because you have been innocently imprisoned twice."

"Is that really all right?" Hagrid asked.

"As long as you don't forget to take the sedative, you'll be fine." Before leaving, Albert warned, "And don't let the people in the Ministry of Magic know that you took the sedative."

"It's done?" The three looked at Albert expectantly.

"I don't know." Albert shook his head.

"You have no confidence."

"I can only say, I have said everything that needs to be said, and the rest depends on when Hagrid can get out of the shadow in his heart." Albert said calmly.

"What did you tell Hagrid?"

"I told Hagrid it was all Malfoy's fault, and if anyone asked, say the same."

"Is this really okay?"

"No problem." Albert said, "Malfoy didn't listen to persuasion and hurt himself, can you blame Hagrid?"

All three of them felt that what Albert said was reasonable, and this was indeed the case, but could such words really convince others?

"No, because what Hagrid said is useless. This matter must be resolved by Professor Dumbledore." Albert said lightly, "This is politics."

The weather was gloomy and windy, and the four of them were walking towards the castle along the dead grass slope after finishing the protection of magical creatures class. Sporadic raindrops fell on them, making them shiver uncontrollably.

"It's cold, as hell."

"It was caused by the activities of the dementors. You have to pay more attention to the patron saint. This spell is very important." Albert reminded.

"Very important?"

"Yes, it's very important. The Patronus Charm has always been associated with those wizards who fight for noble causes." Albert calmly told the news he knew: "It is said that those wizards who can summon physical patron saints often Elevated to high office in the Wizengamot and Ministry of Magic."

"I feel like that's a bit of a nonsense."

"Perhaps, we should advise Percy to practice the Patronus Charm." George complained, "That guy has always been ambitious to become a high-ranking official in the Ministry of Magic."

"The main reason is that most evil wizards cannot summon the Patronus," Albert continued, "and the Patronus Charm is widely regarded as a "specially advanced" spell, which is used by many senior wizards and witches. It will be difficult from time to time. If you can use it skillfully, it means that you are a wizard with integrity and powerful magic power."

"It seems to make sense." Hearing what Albert said, the three of them felt that they needed to work harder.

"Well, you didn't complain about using spells to judge whether a person is upright." Albert himself complained first, "But it is undeniable that the Patronus Charm can indeed delete most of the dark wizards."

All three looked at Albert a little speechlessly.

Albert said mysteriously: "Secretly tell you a secret."

"What secret?" The three asked casually.

"If you can let the examiner know that you can summon a physical patron saint during the o.w.ls exam, he will definitely be willing to give you high marks."

"Sounds good, but..."

The three of them looked at each other, and they all felt that it was too difficult to condense the patron saint of the flesh.

Still, they decided to put more effort into the Patronus

Although the twins don't care much about grades, it would be great if they could get an excellent in the Defense Against the Dark Arts exam.

"By the way, we plan to test the effect of magical candies on Malfoy." Fred said excitedly about the plan to trick Malfoy, "We have invented many candies that can make people suffer from various diseases. , but more or less there are some side effects."

"That thing is not safe yet." George reminded with a frown, "I think the candy invented last time based on the bowel cleansing pill can be used to deal with Malfoy, but after this incident is over, we have plenty of opportunities to trouble him. "

"How many special effect candies have you produced now?" Albert had never paid much attention to Weasley's research and development.

"Thirteen kinds." Fred introduced to Albert excitedly, ""floating, calm, joy, laughter, sadness, fat tongue, face change, fever, diarrhea, nosebleed, coma, vomiting, and swelling, This is where Harry got his inspiration from. "

"However, most of the candies are still in the testing stage." George reminded.

"There will only be more and more candies with various effects in the future. Candies can be divided into three categories: skipping class candies, joke candies and special effect candies." Albert asked again, "Which candy has the most stable effect at present?"

"We still have a lot of heartworm syrup in there." Fred blinked, "Maybe, we can add them to Slytherin's jam or honey, a group of Slytherin students collectively sad look It's sure to be fun."

"You prodigal son, the price of heartbreaker's syrup is not cheap." George whispered, and they bought a jar and used it until now. "I think sparking his anus is a good choice, and we are only targeting Malfoy. If too many people are involved, Snape will definitely search for the culprit and make trouble for us, and the extract of Mutra Rat is comparable to Malfoy. Heartworm syrup is much cheaper."

"I think George's method is more interesting." Li Jordan asked, "If you increase the dose, can Malfoy not dare to squat on the toilet, it would be even better if Malfoy can fart loudly in the hall. I think he will be remembered by countless students."

"I'm afraid not." George shook his head, "And Snape, or Madam Pomfrey can solve these problems."

"When you do it, be clean and neat. Don't let them catch it, and it's best not to know that you are up to it." Albert warned, "Otherwise, don't take risks."

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