A day at Hogwarts.

Chapter 705 Outside the Competition

It is not so much a village as it is a botanical garden.

As far as everyone can see, except for a few houses, the rest are greenhouses, where a wide variety of magical plants are planted.

Before everyone came here, they had been told that the magic garden was actually a forest, that's why they had such weird expressions on their faces.

As for the two wizards at the entrance of the village, they were ignored by everyone. There was no way, most people couldn't understand what he was talking about.


Except for the three from Hogwarts, plus Karkaroff.

The wizard actually spoke English, but the accent was a bit weird.

"I'll take you to the temporary residence here to rest." The wizard repeated three times in English, French and Bulgarian respectively.

It is not easy for him to need a part-time translator and guide.

In fact, the most frustrating part of the School of Wizardry Potions Tournament is actually the translation problem.Most wizards come from different countries and speak different languages, so they can't communicate well at all. Wizards like Dumbledore who are proficient in multiple languages ​​and can speak to anyone without barriers are only a minority after all.

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is mainly English, Beauxbatons is mainly French, and Durmstrang School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is mainly Bulgarian.

The Durmstrang School of Magic is located in Scandinavia. The use of Bulgarian in the school is actually related to the founder of Durmstrang Academy, Nelida Vokanova.

It was a Bulgarian witch.

Therefore, if European countries want to enter Beauxbaton School of Magic or Durmstrang School, they need to learn the official languages ​​of the two schools first.

Otherwise, students from various European countries will not be able to speak or understand, and even life will be a problem, let alone class.Asking an 11-year-old to become proficient in another foreign language is a pain in the ass to think about.

Of course, the advantage is that most of the wizards from these two schools can use two languages ​​proficiently.

Everyone was taken to a bar, and the wizard Bobby who led the way introduced everyone to the bar owner Selina, who seemed to be an Englishman and was said to have stayed here for 23 years.

"For the rest of the time, everyone will live here and have meals here." While introducing everyone, Bobby led them to their respective rooms on the second floor of the bar.

The rooms of the respective colleges are connected in a row.

From the outside, it looks like a relatively thick wall, and a door is installed on the wall. After opening, there is a fairly spacious room inside, which has undoubtedly been expanded by the traceless stretching spell.

Beauxbaton's room is opposite Hogwarts, and Durmstrang is next door. It seems that everyone is worried that they can't find their own rooms. In the usual language, write the name of the owner of the room.

After putting away their luggage, Professor Slughorn knocked on the door of the two of them, intending to take them downstairs for a drink, and take someone to say hello to the bar owner Selina by the way.

Selina, the bar owner, is actually a part-time job as an herbalist.

This bar is actually a place for the herbalists and pharmacists living here to relax and chat, and it is usually managed by house elves.

Mrs. Selina and Professor Slughorn seemed to know each other, and the topic of the two quickly moved to Albert and Isobel.

She stared at Albert for a long time, and finally enthusiastically recommended a green healthy drink to the two of them, but Albert declined, and only wanted a cup of hot cocoa with milk.

Although the town is semi-isolated from the outside world most of the time, the house elves will take good care of the wizards living here.

Selina whispered to them that the potion competition would be held the day after tomorrow, and tomorrow they would be taken to visit the greenhouse here.

Selina reminds them that they need to pay special attention to the greenhouses with dangerous plants.

As for the magic garden, according to Selina, the only entrance to the magic garden is hidden somewhere in the village.

After drinking the hot cocoa, the two went back to rest, while Professor Slughorn stayed to catch up with each other and inquire about other news by the way.

Before going to bed, Albert went to Isobel's room, and the two sat on the bed chatting and playing wizard chess slowly.

After getting tired from playing, they got tired of talking together in a low voice, and Albert quietly returned to his room to rest until both of them felt sleepy.

The next day, at eight o'clock in the morning, after a hearty breakfast, Bobby and two other wizards came over and took everyone to visit the greenhouse in the village.

Only eight teams came.

The other three schools didn't come for some reason, which meant they gave up the Potions Championship.

Professor Slughorn was not surprised by this at all, and even secretly told the two that if there were no outstanding students in this school, they would not come to participate in the potion competition, so as not to embarrass the school.

Hogwarts has also given up on the Potions Tournament on more than one occasion.

"Are you worried that you won't be able to pass the first round of selection?" Both Albert and Isobel guessed the reason.

"That's right." Professor Slughorn nodded.

If you can't even pass the first round of selection, that would be a real embarrassment.

After all, the first round of selection is actually based on the potion level of the players from each school. If they can't even match the potion, it means that the foundation is not solid enough.

At that time, even if the referee team deliberately let the water go, and wanted them to participate in the second round of the competition, they would not know what excuses to find.

Therefore, it is better to give up from the beginning than to become someone's after-dinner joke.

Anyway, everyone has had similar cases, and no one can laugh at anyone.

After being taken around the village, the feeling that this place is actually a botanical garden became more obvious. Many strange magic plants and fungi were planted in the greenhouse.

If you tell others that this is a magic garden, people who don't know will probably believe it.

In fact, this place was originally the entrance of the magic garden. Later, some herbalists temporarily lived here to study the precious herbs in the magic garden, and gradually formed this village.

Planting a large number of magic plants is actually a helpless move. Wild magic plants can't meet the supply and demand of pharmacists, so herbalists have to cultivate those precious but rare plants in the greenhouse to supply those potion masters to avoid wizards. Take the risk.

A small number means that it is valuable, and it means that some people will go crazy and take risks because of it, and even cause some particularly precious magic plants to become extinct because of the supposed destruction and picking.

Such cases are not uncommon.

Along the way, Albert saw many rare plants that he had never heard of.

Unfortunately, they were not allowed to come close.I can only take a look at it from a distance, and then listen to the people around me introduce the uses of these plants.

The young wizards who can come to participate in the Potions Tournament are all leaders in the field of potions in various schools, and they are all potential customers in the future.

Moreover, it can be regarded as a reminder to everyone to prevent them from destroying the environment inside at will after entering the magic garden, or especially some precious magic plants.

Because, wizards who enter the magic garden will be closely monitored.

On the one hand, it is to protect the magic garden from damage, and on the other hand, it is to protect the safety of the contestants and provide a basis for the referee's scoring.

Finally, everyone was taken to visit the greenhouse of dangerous plants.

Actually, it's a reminder.

"After entering the magic garden, you may have to face these dangerous plants." The herbalist explained to the impatient students, "The magic garden is not as safe as you think. You need to be vigilant at all times, any carelessness may cost you your life."

"Has anyone died in the Potions Tournament?" A man in a golden school uniform with an oriental face asked curiously.

"I have died. The most recent time was at the beginning of this century. An unlucky man was bitten by poisonous tentacles. He died before he could be rescued."

The wizard glanced at the man with an oriental face, and said to the contestants behind him, "Among the wizards who participated in the Magic School Potions Tournament in the past, there will always be one or two unlucky ones who were accidentally injured by poisonous plants. And was sent to the hospital, I hope you don't become one of those unlucky ones.

Next, he explained in detail the dangerous plants and precautions in the greenhouse.

Most of them are Class C Prohibited Trade Items. These plants are undoubtedly dangerous, but they are also extremely valuable.

Suddenly, Albert heard the sound of falling to the ground. Everyone turned their heads and saw a black boy lying on the ground with a gorgeous and enchanting golden trumpet-shaped flower beside him.

"Idiot, is his head full of mud?"

The complexions of those wizards were all ugly, and one even yelled at the principal of Waggadu directly with a rather hot temper, and even sent them to the village hospital to explain the temporary first aid.

The boy from the Ouagadou school simply sent himself to the village medical room because of his cheap hands.

The headmaster of Waggadu's face was very ugly, and he didn't expect his students to do such a stupid thing. What are you doing picking flowers?

There are quite a few guys who gloat about this, which means they have one less potential competitor.

"You'd better be vigilant. Although there are not many dangerous plants in the magic garden, if you encounter them, it is not worthwhile to save your life and lose your life." The herbalist looked at the plant that was carried away sideways. The man said helplessly: "He is lucky. There are a bunch of experienced pharmacists and herbalists here, but I hope you learn this lesson and don't make such stupid mistakes again."

After the conservatory tour, everyone was talking about the hapless Ouagadou student.

"I saw."

Isobel said to Albert privately, "That unlucky Waggadu student actually couldn't resist Miss Veeva's charm, and probably wanted to pick a flower for her, so..."

After being dazed by the charm magic, he accidentally got hit and was carried away sideways.

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