A day at Hogwarts.

Chapter 728 Little Tricks

After the unconscious Harry Potter was carried away by Dumbledore on a stretcher, Mrs. Hooch, who descended from the sky, directly blew the whistle to announce the end of the game.The Hufflepuff team captures the Snitch and wins the Quidditch match.

As for Diggory's proposal for a rematch, Madam Hooch rejected it.

Harry Potter's life and death are unknown, and the Gryffindor team has suffered another disastrous defeat, which is undoubtedly good news for Slytherin House.

On the way back to the castle, Albert even saw Malfoy, who was holding a big umbrella and almost went crazy with joy, directly removed the bandages wrapped around his arms, imitating the appearance of Harry Potter falling from a broomstick , making the servants around him laugh out loud.

"It's ugly." Isobel said softly.

Under the circumstances that most people thought that Harry Potter was dead, they could still joke about Harry Potter.

To be honest, this kind of person is either stupid, bad, or both stupid and bad.

Many Gryffindor students glared at the three of Malfoy after seeing them, but no one went up to beat him, which disappointed many onlookers around.

"It's normal for a kid who is completely spoiled by his family to do such a thing." Albert was not surprised at all. There are many similar guys in Slytherin House. It's hard to have a day when you wake up.

However, Malfoy's ugly face made Albert feel disgusted. He quietly raised his hand towards Malfoy who was laughing, and the corner of his mouth trembled slightly.

The big umbrella held by the three of them was blown away by a sudden gust of wind, and the torrential rain poured down from the top of their heads in an instant, drowning Malfoy and his two little friends.


Seeing Malfoy's distressed appearance, the Gryffindor students didn't hide the schadenfreude on their faces, and couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Amid the ridicule of the crowd, the three of Malfoy had to lower their heads and hurried to the castle.

Once upon a time, Malfoy laughed at Harry Potter like those Gryffindor students laughed at him, but he never thought that the person who was laughed at would become himself one day.

Although the three of Malfoy were very embarrassed, Albert still didn't intend to let them go.

So, the three of them ran towards the castle, accidentally slipped, fell into the mud, and drank a big mouthful of muddy water. They were all dirty and unlucky, causing more students around to laugh.

"Deserves it, disgusting guy."

The whole figure, like George who was fished out of the water, spat contemptuously aside, with unconcealable malice on his face.

Fred had already drawn out his wand, ready to hold the three unlucky ones in front of him and let them wake up in the rain.

"Leave them alone, let's go to the school hospital." Alia urged Fred, holding him back.

"Does Albert want to go with you?"

"The school hospital can't hold so many people, Madam Pomfrey will definitely be angry." Albert comforted softly: "Don't worry, Potter will be fine."

"See you."

The Quidditch players hurried back to the castle to visit Harry in the school hospital, leaving Albert and Isobel to stroll leisurely in the heavy rain.

"When did you master wandless magic?"

Isobel was very surprised to see Albert using wandless magic. Although she had already guessed that Albert would use wandless magic, she didn't expect to be able to use it so skillfully.If she hadn't been with Albert, it would have been hard for her to find out that Albert secretly used magic to trick Malfoy and the three of them.

"I've been practicing it all the time." Albert didn't lie, he had indeed practiced wandless magic for a long time, and he could barely use some relatively simple magic.

However, being able to use wandless magic as skillfully as he is now is really thanks to the selfless contribution of the black boy in Waggadu.

After Albert successfully completed the task of "framing the Waggadu player", he specified the skill of wandless magic from his skill panel.

Before that, Albert thought that wandless magic was not a skill, but an advanced use of spells, but he obviously misjudged it.

After acquiring the wandless magic skill, Albert directly invested some experience to upgrade it to level three. After simple training and familiarity, he was able to skillfully use some relatively simple magic without a wand.

As for using advanced magic like the Patronus Charm without a wand, Albert is still unable to do it. He doubts that even Dumbledore can't do it to this extent.

After mastering wandless magic, Albert's strength has improved a lot.

Casting spells without a wand and casting spells silently are simply the sharp weapons of the Yin people.

Most wizards don't go out of their way to guard against a wizard without a wand, just like ordinary people would be wary of someone with a gun.

It means negligence.

There is a saying that is very good, no matter how powerful a wizard is, he may be knocked down by the stun spell if he is not careful.

At the beginning, the black guy from Waggadu relied on this trick, and he tried everything. If Albert hadn't noticed the task on the panel, he might have been eliminated by the same trick.

As soon as the two returned to the front hall, they noticed Professor Flitwick approaching, still holding the wreckage of the broomstick in his hands.

"Professor Flitwick, is that Harry Potter's broomstick?" Albert stopped in the foyer and waited for Professor Flitwick to come over.

"Yes, after Potter's broom was blown away by the wind, it hit the Whomping Willow." Professor Flitwick said rather helplessly, "His luck is not very good. If it was just blown away by the wind, he could still use it. The Flying Curse is recalled, but the broom has become like this, I’m afraid it needs to be replaced with a new broom.”

"What happened to the group of dementors? Has the Ministry of Magic lost control of the dementors?" Albert asked knowingly.

Isobel took a deep look at Albert, silently took out his wand, and helped the three of them clean up the water on their bodies.

"They are hungry. However, the headmaster has already dealt with this matter. I think similar things should not happen again." Professor Flitwick smiled approvingly at the two most satisfied students: "I just now See, it's remarkable how few people can master a real Patronus Charm at this age."

"Professor Flitwick, do you need me to help you take the remains of the broom to Harry?" Albert changed the subject. "I was just about to go to the school hospital to visit him."

"Then I'll trouble you." Professor Flitwick handed the remains of the broomstick to Albert and left.

"It really taught me a lot."

"It's not the first day you know me."

"See you tonight."

Isobel knew that Albert needed to comfort his group of friends, and it happened that she also wanted to go back and change into clean and comfortable clothes.

When Albert was about to go to the school hospital, an owl suddenly flew into the hall, which immediately attracted his attention. He had encountered this kind of thing too many times, and the owl hovered above his head for a while, After throwing a letter at Albert's feet, he flew away directly.

Albert bent down to pick up the envelope and walked towards the school hospital.

As soon as he entered the school hospital, Albert saw Mrs. Pomfrey directing the mop to clean up the mud on the floor. The head nurse was obviously very unhappy that someone had soiled the floor of the school hospital.

"Professor Flitwick asked me to send over the remains of Potter's broom, is he all right?"

"It's nothing serious, but it's still in a coma. Dementors have a great influence on those who can't stand it." Madam Pomfrey was still friendly to Albert, "Go in, they're all inside."

Albert nodded slightly towards Madam Pomfrey, and walked towards the school hospital, where the Gryffindor Quidditch players were surrounding Harry's hospital bed.

Ron and Hermione were there too, dripping wet.

"Is Potter awake?" Albert asked.

"Not yet, what are you holding?" Fred stared curiously at the backpack in Albert's hand.

"Potter's broom,"

Albert put the backpack containing the fragments of the broomstick on the ground, and explained, "Professor Flitwick just brought back the broomstick, and I heard that he hit the Whomping Willow, and you all know that willow tree has a bad temper. So... unfortunately, the Nimbus 2000 has become like this, and it is beyond repair, and Potter will probably have to buy a new broom. By the way, why didn't Wood come?"

"He's probably still drenched in the rain." Angelina said rather helplessly, "Maybe he's very upset about this defeat. He's always hoped to win another championship for Gryffindor."

"Wood really loves Quidditch, and he will probably join the team after graduation!" Albert could understand Wood's thoughts, "By the way, if you don't want to catch a cold, you'd better go back and change your clothes and come here. I just asked Madam Pomfrey that Potter was only unconscious because of the dementor's influence."

"Back then, I was really terrified."

"You should trust the ability of the professors. If you fall off the broom, they will cast a shock-absorbing spell on you in time, and you will be fine." Albert waved his wand, conjured a bunch of cornucopia and put it on the vase, Patted Aliya on the shoulder and comforted: "Don't be sad, we will win the championship."

"That's the best news I've heard," grunted George.

"See you later."

After Albert returned to the common room, he heard many students talking about dementors.After he appeared, a group of people surrounded Albert and asked him how to get rid of the dementors.

"The Patronus Charm is one of the more difficult spells to master."

In the face of everyone's inquiries, Albert did not hide his secrets, and taught the students in the common room how to use the Patronus Charm.

"Aren't you afraid that they won't learn it, and instead blame you for deceiving them?" Lee Jordan is not optimistic about those people. The three of them have not fully mastered it after studying for so long, let alone the others.

"If you can't master the Patronus Charm, will you blame me instead?"

Albert took out new clothes from the closet and put on himself, then took out the letter from Bard to himself from the pocket of his robe, opened the envelope and began to read the contents inside.

"Don't tell me, some people are so inexplicable." Lee Jordan noticed something wrong with Albert's expression, and asked suspiciously, "What's wrong with that letter?"

"Look for yourself!" Albert handed the letter to Lee Jordan, and said, "Don't tell me."

After reading the letter, Lee Jordan looked at Albert in disbelief, and asked in a low voice, "Does the Minister of Magic have any grudge against you?"

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