A day at Hogwarts.

Chapter 736 The Robbers

"He won't sit in that position for long."

Sitting next to Isobel, Albert took a big sip of the bubbling hot butter beer, feeling his body warmed up from the inside out.

"That's really sad news."

Isobel felt that Cornelius Fudge was quite unlucky. Since Albert said so, he would probably lose the position of Minister of Magic in the near future.

"At the beginning, I predicted his success on the Hogwarts Express train, and for this I earned the first pot of gold coins in the wizarding world." Albert said with emotion.

"At that time, you should know how to divination, right?"

Isobel felt that this possibility was very high, otherwise, how could Albert, who had just entered the magic world, invest a lot of Galleons to participate in the guessing activity?

"It's pure luck. I'm very confident in my luck, and my wand can bring me luck too." Albert took out the red cedar wand and added with a smile: "Mr. Ollivander said it himself Passing a redwood wand brings luck to the user."

Isobel took a sip of butter beer silently, completely disbelieving Albert's nonsense.

"Thanks to the money we earned, our subsequent transaction came about. Speaking of which, we should be grateful to him for being able to get together." Albert looked over the tables in front of him, looking at the back of the Minister of Magic, Said in a peaceful tone: "Now, I am here to predict his failure. The summer of graduating from Hogwarts was the moment when he was kicked down from his height."

"You just thank him like this?" Isobel raised his eyebrows slightly, as if he wanted to laugh.

"The result was not caused by me, it was his own problem."

"Am I becoming more and more like a magic stick?" Albert said suddenly: "Actually, I am considering whether to give myself the title of prophet. I heard that this profession is quite respected by everyone."

"Well, yes, I can make up a pretense that I can see some fragments of the future since I was a child, and disguise myself as a genius who has a talent for prophecy since I was a child." Albert seems to be seriously thinking about the feasibility of this plan .

"Did you learn this deceptive rhetoric from Professor Trelawney?" Isobel felt that he had discovered what Albert had learned from Professor Trelawney.

"It was discovered by you." Albert reached out and grabbed Isobel's soft palm, and said to himself: "Professor Trelawney often complained to me that she was regarded as a liar by others, and no one believed her. She has the ability to predict, but I think it's all because she can't prove to everyone that she can predict the future, otherwise, who would take her as a liar instead of thinking that prophets are mysterious guys."

"Are you sure those so-called prophets are not afraid of making mistakes, so they pretend to be mysterious, and only deliberately speak ambiguously?" Isobel unceremoniously exposed the tricks of the "prophets".

No prophet can guarantee that the future he predicts will not change. In order to preserve the "title and reputation" of the prophet, it is obviously necessary to be ambiguous, because no matter what the result is, he can give a "reasonable" explanation of.

"Sometimes even if you see it through, don't say it."

"Did you tell the whole tavern, Hagrid?"

Professor McGonagall's angry voice suddenly came from the bar, and the atmosphere in the bar stagnated, and everyone secretly turned their heads to look in the direction of the bar, pricking up their ears to eavesdrop.Everyone was curious about what the professors were talking about and why Professor McGonagall was so emotional.

However, the five people sitting at the bar seemed to be in order to prevent people around from eavesdropping, and deliberately lowered their voices when speaking, so that they could not hear what they were saying from a distance, not to mention that the bar was already very noisy.

However, Albert couldn't help it at all. He took out a small box from the right pocket of his robe, and there was something like an earphone in it.

"what is this?"

Isobel noticed what Albert took out and asked in a low voice.

"Gizmos for eavesdropping."

When Albert first went to buy butter beer, he quietly threw the magic bug in the corner of the counter.

"The principle of this thing is a bit like a magic version of the radio, but it is still a semi-finished product with many defects. It will not work if it is too far away." Albert motioned Isobel to come and listen together.

"They're talking about Blake."

Isobel moved closer to Albert, and heard the voices of the professors.

"You'd think Black and Potter were brothers, they're almost inseparable!" Professor Flitwick's voice came from the headset.

"...When James and Lily got married, Black was the best man, and they called Black to be Harry's godfather." This time it was Fudge, and a lot of news was revealed.

"Things seem to be getting interesting."

Albert looked towards the fireplace, where Hermione and Ron were pretending to be drinking butterbeer, and they had obviously heard Fudge's words.

As for Harry Potter hiding under the invisibility cloak, even if Albert couldn't see it, it's not difficult to guess what the other party's expression is now.

Isobel followed Albert's gaze, and also noticed Ron and Hermione who were eavesdropping by the Christmas tree, and Harry Potter was obviously eavesdropping on the conversation over there.

They listened quietly to the conversation over there, and quickly weaved the thread of the whole thing.

Harry Potter's parents were hunted down by a mysterious man, and they used the Loyalty Curse to protect themselves. As their best friend, Black became their secret keeper, but Black finally betrayed, causing the Potters to be killed by the mysterious man.

"Fate, sometimes it is so ingenious." Albert said softly, "It made Harry Potter hear the truth."

Isobel also felt that this matter was indeed a bit dramatic.

Harry Potter just sneaked into Hogsmeade village, and then heard the professors talking about Black and his father in the bar?

As if the professors came to drink with the Three Broomsticks just to let Harry Potter know the whole thing, what a coincidence.

"Dirty, stinking traitor!" Hagrid's angry voice resounded throughout the bar, so that the whole bar fell silent instantly.

The students in the bar pricked up their ears, listening to Hagrid's loud recounting of his encounter with Black.

However, they had no way of knowing the dramatic changes that followed.

Black and Potter's good friend Peter Pettigrew first found Black by the Ministry of Magic and asked him why he betrayed the Potters, but was killed by Black using a spell.

Blake was caught by the Aurors who came, and he was sent directly to Azkaban Prison without trial.

"As far as I know, the biggest wreckage of Peter Pettigrew found by the Ministry of Magic is a finger." Albert said softly, looking at the back of Professor McGonagall and the others.

"A finger?"

Isobel also noticed some problems. Evil spells can indeed make people disappear, but leaving only one finger is a bit suspicious.

After all, it's hard to believe what kind of duel would cause someone to lose a finger first.

From the perspective of a bystander, Isobel saw it more clearly than others, and there were obviously other reasons why Albert deliberately mentioned this matter.

"What secret did you discover?" Isobel said with a strange expression, "You don't think that Black is the innocent, and Peter Pettigrew is the traitor."

If you think about it carefully, it is really possible. Reality is sometimes more magical than fiction.

Moreover, Isobel suspected that Albert might have a key clue.

"I found something." Albert said mysteriously after making sure that no one was eavesdropping.

"what's up?"

"Who is the maker of the Marauder's Map?" Albert raised his magic wand to create an umbrella to shield Isobel from the flying snowflakes above his head.

"Is that the map you used before?"

"Prongs, Padfoot, Wormtail, and Moonface."

"You mean the moon face is Professor Lupine?" Isobel felt that this nickname was very appropriate, directly implying Professor Lupine's identity as a werewolf.

And Professor Lupine is a friend of Potter's father, plus Black and Peter are exactly four people.

Professor McGonagall had just said that James and Black were mischievous, and Hagrid thought the Weasley brothers were a lot like them.

"Prongs should refer to James Potter. He is good at Quidditch and likes to show off. Wormtail refers to Peter Pettigrew, who follows the two of them, and Padfoot refers to Sirius Black." Isobel Quickly match the nickname with the first name.

But what exactly do their nicknames stand for?

Isobel couldn't figure it out, and looked at Albert beside him, waiting for the other party to reveal the secret, but Albert didn't seem to intend to say it, it was too irritating to tantalize people.

So, she reached out and pinched Albert's waist secretly, but unfortunately he was too thick to feel anything.

"It's not the right place to say that."

Albert bared his teeth, pretending to be pinched.

The two went to Hogsmeade's cabin and returned to Hogwarts Castle through the disappearing cabinet there.

"Okay, tell me what you know." Isobel asked.

"The moon face refers to Professor Lupine's identity as a werewolf, so will their nicknames represent their transformation?" Albert expressed his speculation.

"Deformation?" Isobel asked incredulously, "You mean Animagus? If that's the case, the prongs should refer to the horns of some kind of animal, sheep, cow or deer. Porter likes the character of the wind, and the Bucks are more suitable."

"Padfoot should be a beast's foot. By the way, the previous black dog was not looking for food, but looking for newspapers. There was a newspaper around at that time, but we stared at it, so it took it away. Half a slice of bread."

"Black itself means black. No wonder you noticed that black dog at the time. Did you already know that dog was Black?" Isobel thought that if the Ministry of Magic didn't know that Black could become a black dog In the case of a dog, it is basically impossible to catch him.

Moreover, if Black turns into a dog and wants to escape from Azkaban prison, it is not impossible.

After all, Dementors are blind and can only be judged by emotions, and animals obviously have no rich emotions, and they don't think of Black as a dog.

"So, what is Wormtail?" Isobel asked.

"I suspect it's a mouse." Albert said his findings and conjectures, "There is a mouse in the Weasley family that has lived for five or six years or even longer. It's name is Scabbers. It used to belong to Percy and was sent to It was given to Ron, Potter's friend. Blake saw the Weasley family photo from the Daily Prophet, and probably saw the mouse. He found that Peter Pettigrew was still alive, and that By my godson's side, if I were Black, I would crawl out of hell, not only for revenge, but also to prevent my godson from being in danger."

"Once the mysterious man returns, Peter Pettigrew will definitely hand over Harry Potter to the mysterious man, and who dares to say that he betrayed the mysterious man."

"This is really a dramatic change. A traitor has become a hero, and a hero has become a traitor." Isobel looked at Albert and asked, "Speaking of which, why are you so clear? You really did make relevant predictions Alright, and then work backwards from the result."

"Well, it's almost as you guessed." Albert didn't deny it, there must be a reason, "Actually, I once saw the name Peter on the Marauder's Map in the common room, and I thought it was someone the name of a cat or other animal."

"What are you going to do?" Isobel frowned and asked, "If the truth is revealed to the public, not many people will believe it."

In most people's perception, Blake is a traitor and a wanted criminal, and Peter Pettigrew is a hero who has died.

If Albert spoke the truth rashly, people would just dismiss him as a lunatic and a grandstanding buffoon.

Harry Potter is the best example.

Well, almost forgot, Potter hasn't been the case yet.

"I'm waiting for the right time, maybe I can earn Black's bounty and successfully reveal the truth to the public." Albert said carefully, "I have a plan."

"If the Ministry of Magic knows that Black is innocent, they will definitely not be willing to pay you the bounty." Isobel reminded, "Also, they don't want to see that Black is innocent, do you understand what I mean? ?”

If Sirius Black is innocent, that means the Ministry of Magic locked a hero in Azkaban prison for a dozen years.

If this matter is exposed, the face of the Ministry of Magic will be thrown to the ground and trampled on.

The arrest of Black during this period of time will also become a big joke.

No one wants to admit their mistakes, and no one wants to be a laughing stock.

"I know, but there is always a chance." Albert said, "It depends on how I handle this matter, and there is no need to worry. The future Ministry of Magic will be dismantled and reorganized, and the group of pure-bloods will become a thing of the past."

"You always like to take risks, which is not good." Isobel suspected that Albert wanted to make something big again, and it was planned for a long time.

"Don't worry, I will bring in other helpers to make arrangements for everyone clearly."

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