A day at Hogwarts.

Chapter 792: The Wicked Black

Peter felt like he was being driven crazy by a cat, and he hadn't exercised as intensely as he was now in a long time.

A mouse's explosive power is limited, even if the mouse was originally a wizard, but when it becomes a mouse, its physical fitness and fitness are almost the same as that of a mouse.

Peter knew that he had to get rid of the mad cat that was chasing after him as soon as possible, get rid of Ron who was still chasing after him, and even get rid of Black who might appear at any time, escape from the scope of Hogwarts school, and find a place to Apparate leave.

However, before Peter could think of a way, he found a big black dog in front of him blocking his way.

The appearance of Sirius Black makes Peter very desperate.

There is a dog in the front and a cat in the back. How difficult it is for the mouse.

Just when Peter was almost desperate, Ron's shout came from not far away: "Banban, don't run around, come here..."

His little master Ron appeared, and Peter had no other better way. He suddenly stopped running, turned around and ran towards Ron, hoping to get the protection of his little master.

Crookshanks, who was chasing after him, didn't brake as hard as Banban did, and ran forward for a long distance before returning to continue chasing.

However, it's too late.

Scabbers was held in Ron's hands, and the cat that was about to pounce was almost kicked by Ron.Crookshanks stared warily at Peter, who was back in Ron's pocket, trembling slightly all over.

"Go away!"

Ron waved his hand rudely to drive away Crookshanks, but his attention was quickly attracted by the big black dog in front of him, and he involuntarily reached for the wand in his pocket, trying to use magic to drive away the dog that looked like a dog. Very dangerous big black dog.

However, the black dog Black's reaction was much faster than Ron's. It jumped, and its front paws had already landed on Ron's body, knocking him to the ground, and almost breaking his ribs.

The ferocious appearance of the big black dog made Ron turn pale with fright, as if his neck might be bitten off by it at any time. ?

Ron's neck was not bitten off, but he was bitten by the arm by the black dog and dragged towards the Whomping Willow effortlessly.

Harry, Hermione, and Hagrid rushed over and saw Ron being dragged away by a big dog. They hurriedly reached for their wands from their pockets. Hagrid even threw the lantern on the ground, and walked quickly towards the black road. The dog rushed forward, as if preparing to have a hand-to-hand fight with the black dog.

Before Hagrid and the big black dog started hand-to-hand combat, the black dog regained its human form, reached out to take Ron's wand from Crookshanks' mouth, and pointed at the sea that was flying towards this side. grid.

Hagrid looked in shock at Black who had regained his human form, and hurriedly protected Harry and Hermione who were running over behind him, and roared at Sirius Black in front of him: "You dirty, smelly traitor, you have It's coming at me!"

"My target is not Harry, I only want that mouse, only..."

"Rat, what rat, I want to avenge James and Lily." Hagrid rushed towards Black without fear. When he was close to Black, Black did not try to attack Hagrid, but pointed his wand upside down. Ron, who was at his feet, threatened hoarsely, "Don't touch Hagrid, I sure don't want anything to happen to this kid either!"

"You bastard, something is coming at me." Hagrid stopped, staring at Black in front of him, wishing to break off the other's limbs with his bare hands.

Just when Black was threatening Hagrid with Ron, a red light suddenly fell on the black dog Black without warning. Black's eyes widened, never expecting that he would be raped by someone, and his body shook violently. After a few times, he finally couldn't resist the drowsiness that hit him, and fell heavily on the ground.


Hagrid was stunned, not only him, but Harry, Hermione, and Ron were all stunned too. This accident was too futile.

"Hagrid, you are still as reckless as ever, it's not good." A familiar voice suddenly sounded.

"Who, where is who?" Hagrid was stunned for a moment, then shouted, "Is Albert you?"

"Well, it's me."

Albert appeared out of nowhere without warning, and Harry, Hermione and Ron around him were stunned again.


"Farewell, we've been waiting for this guy to show up." Albert added a stun spell to Black to ensure that Black would not wake up easily.

He wouldn't be so stupid as to think that tying people up with ropes would be safe.

At this moment, Banban struggled to escape from Ron's pocket, as if he was about to flee to a farther place, and his intuition told Peter that the guy in front of him was very dangerous.

He was the one who asked Hagrid to borrow the cat, otherwise how could he have ended up like this?

Just when Peter was about to escape at night, a white light suddenly lit up around him, and an invisible magic shield enveloped an area around Albert.

Immediately afterwards, a ball of light floated from the tip of Albert's wand, instantly dispelling the surrounding darkness.

Before the poor Scabbers could escape, he became a mouse in a cage. After Peter realized that he could not escape, he wanted to return to Ron to seek refuge, but it seemed a bit late, and a red light hit him Scabber's body caused the poor mouse to pass out directly.


Ron's body stayed in the throwing posture, and he fell to the ground in various ways. He was stunned. He watched Albert cast the stun spell on Banban before he went down to pick up the mouse and throw it into a metal box. In a small cage built.

Ron was stunned by the scene in front of him. He got up in embarrassment, looked at Albert angrily and asked, "What the hell are you doing? Why are you attacking Scabbers?"

He didn't understand why everyone hurt Banban like this.

At this moment, Ron wanted to rush forward to take Scabbers back from Albert, but just as he was about to take action, he was hit by a body-binding spell.

Harry, Hermione, and Hagrid froze again, wondering why George was attacking Ron, and where he came from.

Yes, the person who attacked Ron was George. Like Albert, he appeared in the magic shield without warning.

"Oh, I'm really not calm," George looked at Ron, who was bound all over, with helplessness and pity in his eyes. "Why can't you calm down? No wonder Albert always complained about Gryffindor's courage and turned into recklessness. Although I understand your feelings, sometimes anger is really useless."

"Next, you have to face a cruel reality again." George turned his head and asked, "Is it our goal?"

"Well, that's right, it's missing a toe." Albert said after careful inspection, "Things really went smoother than we thought."

"What the hell are you doing?" Hagrid asked, frowning.He was confused by Albert now, but Hagrid dared to pat his chest to assure that it had something to do with Albert.

Just like the last time Buckbeak disappeared without warning, this time Sirius Black, a serious criminal wanted by the Ministry of Magic, was clearly arranged without knowing anything.

"Ron was too excited just now, I just asked him to calm down." George shrugged, "In case he does something irrational and messes us up."

"Albert, what's going on!" Hermione asked tremblingly.

"As you can see, we caught Black." Albert swung his wand, easily trapping the roaring Crookshanks in the solid ball cage, and then turned into a chain to bind Black tightly.

"Okay, get this off quickly, I'm going to break Black's bones one by one." Hagrid urged, beating the magic shield in front of him with his fist.

"Sorry Hagrid, I can't let you do this. Sirius Black has a reward of [-] Galleons," Albert reminded kindly, "I need to hand over Black completely to the Ministry of Magic. As for how to deal with it It, let the Ministry of Magic decide."

As he said that, Albert added: "I estimate that Sirius Black will be executed by the Ministry of Magic in [-]%, so you don't have to bother about this matter."

Both Harry and Hermione were stunned, they suddenly understood why Albert was here.

Yes, just to catch Blake.

As for why Black was captured, of course it was because Sirius Black was worth [-] Galleons.

Hermione thought more than Harry, and she looked at Albert with a complicated expression, suspecting that Albert was responsible for the current situation.

"Mr. Anderson, you should be very clear that Black is innocent!"

A figure suddenly came out from the darkness, his face was bloodless, and he said helplessly: "I originally planned to go to you tomorrow to discuss this matter, but I didn't expect..."

"Innocent, how could Black be innocent." Harry looked angrily at the person who spoke just now, and when he realized that the person who came was actually Professor Lupine, his expression froze immediately, and even Hagrid was confused now.

"Professor Lupine, you should stay in the office, you shouldn't be here." Albert released the magic shield, looked at Professor Lupine who came out of the darkness and said, "It seems that I saw an old friend It makes you so excited that you even forget that today is a full moon, do you know how dangerous your behavior is now."

Albert raised his hand and interrupted what Professor Lupine wanted to say, and continued: "You are putting everyone, and even the students in the entire school, at risk. There is a problem with Caban Prison."

While Albert was speaking, the weeds around Professor Lupin turned into vines, and automatically wrapped around his wrists and ankles, binding Professor Lupine. These vines eventually turned into strong chains, like a It is firmly nailed to the ground like an indestructible cage.

"What the hell are you doing?" Harry growled angrily.

"If I were you, I would stay away from Professor Lupine." Albert reminded, "He may transform at any time."

Hermione understood what Albert meant, and stretched out her hand to grab Harry's arm, trying to keep him away from Professor Lupine. Although Albert trapped Professor Lupine, God knows if he will break free after becoming a werewolf. .

"Hermione, do you know something?" Harry felt like an idiot, everyone knew what was going on, but he didn't know, and was kept hidden from everyone.

"Professor Lupine is a werewolf." Hermione pursed her lips. "Today is still a full moon, and Professor Lupine may become a werewolf at any time."

"Yes, Professor Lupine is indeed a werewolf." Albert nodded, "However, what he did today was very unwise."

"I have to come, I can't let Blake..."

"If I were you, I'd stay away from him Potter."

Snape came out of the darkness, staring wildly at the unconscious Black, then moved to Lupine who was trapped in chains, and said with a sneer, "Someone is going to Azkaban again tonight. I'd rather Interesting to see what Dumbledore would say when he heard that, you know, Lupine, Dumbledore believed you were harmless, yet you dared to run out alone on a full moon."

"Severus, don't be blinded by hatred," Lupine said anxiously. "Albert, you should know that Peter Pettigrew is still alive. His Animagus form is a mouse. Black was innocent from the beginning. Don't let an innocent life die because of yourself."

"Whether Black is innocent or not, let him tell the principal himself." Albert shrugged. "I think Principal Dumbledore must have a way to judge."

"Professor Snape, if you want this honor, if you want to seek revenge on Black, I can sell it to you. If you catch Black, you should be able to exchange for the Order of Merlin from the Ministry of Magic." Albert grinned. "You know, I'm actually not very interested in these honors."

"Pfft!" George couldn't help laughing out loud.

Snape stared at Albert fiercely, and was interrupted when he was about to say something.

"Don't stare at me like that, a deal is a deal, not even if Dumbledore comes. If you're really not interested in that, write to the Ministry of Magic and tell them that Black has been caught and ask the Ministry to send Someone came to take Black away. By the way, remember to remind the Ministry of Magic to bring my reward of [-] Galleons. I don’t pay on credit here, and I pay the money with one hand and Black with the other.”

Albert didn't care about the astonished gazes of others, turned his head to Hagrid and said, "You go to Professor Dumbledore, I think he might want to understand the current situation and control the situation by the way, if Professor Lupine If you become a werewolf, it's not easy to deal with. Well, by the way, let the headmaster come over and give me a forensic test. You know, the reputation of the Ministry of Magic has always been very bad. Maybe they will think it is too expensive and unwilling to pay the bounty. The parchment came to fool me."

"How dare you say that." Snape narrowed his eyes. He had already heard Albert's warning. The guy in front of him didn't care about him at all, and even directly despised the Ministry of Magic. You can see this.

"Uh, what are you still doing here?" Albert didn't care about Snape's murderous eyes, and asked calmly, "Why don't you go soon? Or are you going to spend [-] Galleons to buy this credit?" With the bounty, if you want, we can sign a magic contract first..."

"Enough...shut up!" Snape snapped.

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