A day at Hogwarts.

Chapter 804 Unreasonable

In the common room that afternoon, the fifth grade students headed by Albert were toasting to celebrate that the end of the exam was one day closer.

"Where did you get so much butterbeer?" Angelina remembered that these guys had been drinking cold butterbeer lately.

"You have to ask Albert about that." Fred said that the butter beer was brought by Albert, and it didn't matter to them.

"I asked the house-elves to go to Hogsmeade to buy them." Albert felt the girls' eyes and explained with a smile, "As long as you have a good relationship with the house-elves, they won't mind helping you once in a while." You run errands to buy something."

"It's really you!" Lee Jordan admired.Of course he'd seen the house-elves in the kitchen stuffing their hands with enthusiasm for cookies and pies, but that was about it.

Most of the students had never even seen house elves with their own eyes, only heard that there were many house elves in the school, and it was completely unimaginable that Albert could ask the house elves in the school to help purchase butter beer.

In fact, everyone was misled by Albert's words. The house-elf actually refers to Albert's house-elf Bit, not the house-elf at school.

There is an exam tomorrow, so naturally everyone dare not drink too much.After resting and chatting for a while, I consciously reviewed the content of tomorrow's exam.

As long as you have read the previous astronomy theory test papers, you will know that tomorrow's astronomy written test is actually not difficult, just fill in the names, positions and modes of operation of stars, constellations, planets and satellites.What's more, it takes time and energy to memorize the knowledge points in class. As long as you memorize it well, it's not difficult to get a high score.

The most difficult thing is the astronomy practice exam tomorrow night. They need to arrive at the top of the astronomy tower before eleven o'clock in the evening.

The content of the exam is to observe the astrology, and to fill in the blank astrology chart by observing the actual starry sky. Everyone has done this kind of thing before, as long as you listen carefully in class, there is basically no problem.

As for the divination class tomorrow afternoon, no one really cares about it, and no one intends to waste precious review time on it.

"I think the arrangement of the Wizarding Examinations Administration is very unreasonable." Shanna tapped the exam timetable on the table lightly with her fingers, and raised her own doubts, "They actually squeezed all the exams of the three subjects into one day, it's simply Just crazy, I don't understand why the Wizarding Examinations Authority doesn't move Divination and Arithmancy to Fridays?"

In fact, not only Shanna felt this way, but other fifth graders felt that such an arrangement was very strange.Especially for a student like Albert who needs to take [-] exams, wouldn't he have to take [-] exams tomorrow, and the exam time for divination and arithmetic divination overlaps.

In the eyes of unsuspecting students, the brains of the Wizarding Examination Authority must have been caught by the door.

Of course, no one would worry that taking four exams in a row would affect Albert's performance. This guy is obviously still able to handle these exams with ease. Look at everyone being embarrassed by fire crabs in protecting magical creatures, he is the only one who has nothing to do.

Aliya looked at Albert, blinked and said, "I'm actually more curious about how you can participate in divination and arithmetic and divination at the same time?"

This is also a question they are curious about, and Albert has never missed an elective class so far.

How exactly he was in two places at the same time remains an unsolved mystery.

"Don't ask, it's the clone spell." George joked solemnly, "I asked Albert to teach me the clone spell, but he told me that the spell was too dangerous."

Everyone asked in unison: "What spell?"

"Isn't it good to live?" Albert asked back.

"The spell is dangerous?"

Everyone stared at him suspiciously, trying to force Albert to tell the secret.

"It's very dangerous, and the spell is still very unstable. If you use it indiscriminately, you will either kill yourself first, or be invited by the Ministry of Magic to visit Azkaban Prison." Albert did not lie, the hourly reversal spell is really tricky , Most of the warriors who dare to use it against themselves have grass on their graves.

Of course, if you first use experience and skill points to fill up the Hourly Reversal Curse through the panel, you may be able to use it safely, but the cost is too huge, and it is obviously safer and more stable to use the time converter, so it is impossible for Albert to It was a waste of their valuable experience and skill points.

This was the deal he had previously made with the Order of Merlin, not just to complete the task, but also to give Fudge an irresistible reason to get the Time-Turner he wanted from the Ministry of Magic.

"What kind of spell is it? Don't make people hungry." Angelina gritted her teeth in hatred. This kind of guy who likes to make people sick is the most annoying.

"I promised Professor McGonagall that I would keep it a secret." Albert shrugged. Is it my fault that I killed him?"

If it wasn't for the inability to play in the common room, several people would have started chasing Albert.

The astronomy theory test the next morning was very simple. Albert answered all the questions easily. The questions were similar to those of the previous exams, and some questions were even repeated.

After the written test of astronomy theory, Fred, George and Lee Jordan suddenly had an idea and discussed selling these test papers to the next owls candidates.

The price can be lower, one Sickle per test paper, with so many test papers, it will definitely sell a lot of galleons, and it will also help everyone pass the owls exam easily.

Well, this is more reliable than cheating.

Albert is very suspicious of letting these three guys do that, the owls exam and N. E. w. Will the Ts exam be spoiled by them?

The afternoon divination test is not in the auditorium, because the auditorium needs to be used for arithmetic and divination. Albert plans to take the arithmetic and divination test first, because that way, when you use the time converter to go back to the past to take the divination test, you don’t need to take the divination test After the end, I have to find a place to count the time.

Arithmetics and divination are somewhat similar to probability and statistics. The core of this course is to use numbers to predict the future.

To put it bluntly, it is a matter of probability.

The content of the test is actually some arithmetic filling in the form.

There are no weird mathematical formulas on the wizard's side, just pure arithmetic, as long as the calculation ability is good, basically they can pass.

Of course, this class is not very friendly to students who are not good at arithmetic, and Muggle wizards have an advantage in this regard.

In Albert's view, the difficulty of the arithmetic and divination test paper is related to the owls test. If the difficulty is too high, most wizards will probably be directly brushed off.

"Have you passed the divination test?"

As soon as she left the hall, Katrina approached Albert.

"Not yet, let's go together!" Albert invited, "How did you do in the arithmetic and divination test?"

"I think the arithmetic and divination test went well, and it's not particularly difficult." Katrina secretly glanced at Albert, hesitated for a moment, but couldn't help asking: "How did you do it, so quickly? Arithmetic divination is done."

When everyone was working hard to calculate, Albert finished the test papers and began to sleep on his stomach.

"My mathematics in primary school is not bad, and it doesn't feel difficult to calculate those things." Albert noticed the confusion on Katrina's face, and explained with a smile: "Muggles started going to school when I was very young. I remember wizards It doesn't seem to be necessary, it's actually a waste of time."

"Sounds like a lot of work." Katrina really can't understand what it's like to start school at a young age.

"It never hurts to learn more."

The two spent some time going to the Room of Response on the eighth floor of the castle. In fact, it is okay to find a secret passage, but it may be the last time to use the time-turner, and Katrina feels that she should be careful.

After entering the Room of Requirement, Katrina took out the Time Converter from her pocket, wrapped a gold chain around Albert's neck, and took him back two hours.

When the two left the Room of Requirement, Katrina suddenly asked, "Is it true that Isobel said that we are going to watch the Quidditch World Cup during the summer vacation?"

"Really, someone said they would give me some tickets to the Quidditch World Cup." Albert said casually.

Well, Albert really didn't lie, Black did say that he would give him some tickets to the Quidditch World Cup.

"Just the three of us?" Katrina asked again.

"I actually asked Isobel to invite your family, but it seems that Mrs. McDougal is not available, so Isobel will take us with you."

Albert walked down the stairs, and they were going to take the divination practical exam in the empty classroom on the third floor.

As for the content of the divination test, everyone already knew it, namely palmistry divination, tea divination and crystal ball divination.

Of course, knowing the content of the exam is a different matter from passing the practice test.

Candidates need to enter the examination room in order to take the test, while Professor McGonagall maintains order outside the examination room. As for the order of entry, they have memorized it after several exams.

Albert was among the first to enter.

"I've been looking forward to this day for a long time."

Professor March class greeted Albert warmly. Ever since she knew that Albert was a prophet, she wondered whether Albert could really predict the future.

Professor March spread out his withered and wrinkled palms on the cushion, and said to Albert, "What did you see from my hand?"

Albert gave some simple judgments based on the palmistry knowledge he learned in the divination class.

"Generally speaking, if there are no accidents, you will definitely not die within two or three years." Albert pointed to the slender and deep lifeline of Professor Marchban and said, "However, your lifespan will not be too long. It will be about seven or eight years, and if there are no accidents, the time can go on for a few more years."

Albert didn't give a specific time, he thought it was pure nonsense, no wizard could accurately judge someone's life span just by looking at their palm.

Professor Marchban was indeed very old, older than Dumbledore.

It has to be said that many wizards live very long lives.

Professor March class withdrew his palm, pointed to the teapot next to him and said, "Use the tea leaves to help me divination!"

After finishing speaking, she poured herself a cup of tea, drank the tea in the cup, and handed the cup to Albert after leaving only the tea leaves at the bottom of the cup.

Albert shook the tea leaves three times with his left hand, then turned the teacup over and put it on the teacup holder; he waited until the last bit of tea had run out before he began to observe the tea leaves in the cup.


He cleared his throat and said: "You may encounter some troubles, I can't be sure when, but I don't think it will be recently, it may be a few years later, if you want to know what troubles, I can help you with a crystal ball." You do divination. To be honest, tea divination is not my strong point."

"Well, if you can do it, I can give you full marks." Professor March class raised his eyebrows slightly, his eyes fell on the tea dregs in the cup, and he looked up at Albert.

In fact, as long as Albert can really predict the future, he can directly give full marks in the divination test.

As for the exams, everything is secondary. Even those candidates who are excellent, there is no one who can predict the future through divination.

Most of the time, I just tell the examiner according to the knowledge in the book. This is actually very boring, and the score is useless even if the score is high.

Albert focused on the crystal ball in front of him, stretched out his palm and touched it lightly. In Professor March's vision, the white mist in the crystal ball quickly spun, and then it seemed to push away the fog The mirror surface became clear and ethereal.

Professor Marchban's eyes widened because she actually saw something in the crystal ball, a small part of a newspaper, a story about her.

The content is to accuse Mrs. Marchban of secretly colluding with goblins to subvert the group.

"Secretly colluding with goblins to subvert the group?"

Professor Marchban felt the report was absurd. She was sure what happened during the period, otherwise the Daily Prophet would not have dared to report a senior member of the Wizengamot like this.

Just verified the previous tea divination.

Can you see something more detailed? "Professor March class asked curiously.

"The longer the interval, the less things can be predicted." Albert stared at the crystal ball, raised his hand and touched it lightly, the fog in the crystal ball swirled again, and this time a person appeared in the crystal ball.

"Your matter is related to this person." Albert said, pointing to the reappearing figure.

A photo of a newspaper reappeared in the crystal ball, and it was Umbridge on it. I have to say that Umbridge is too recognizable.

Professor Marchban looked at the figure in the crystal ball and murmured, "Dolores Umbridge?"

"Is this guy Dolores Umbridge?" Albert asked, looking at the woman in the crystal ball.

"You know her?"

"Heard something about her, I was told to stay away from her."

"You really brought me an unexpected surprise." Professor March brought the topic back and said, "You are the second student who has been in charge of my exams for so long and can do this."

"Who's the first one?" Albert asked curiously.

"Inigo Inmag, the author of "Guide to Interpreting Dreams." After Professor Marchban finished speaking, he signaled Albert to leave.

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