A day at Hogwarts.

Chapter 870 Missing

Generally speaking, students at Hogwarts usually get up very late for breakfast on weekends.

However, today was the day when the Triwizard Tournament warriors voted, and George got up much earlier than usual.

When George got up from the bed, he found that there was an empty bed in the dormitory, and realized that Albert might not have returned all night last night.

Although this kind of situation has happened before, Albert usually asks the three people to help feed the cat in advance, and doesn't come back at night without saying hello to them, which is obviously not a good sign.

George immediately woke up the two roommates.

"What the hell are you doing so early in the morning?" Fred complained, rubbing his eyelids and struggling to open them.

Lee Jordan on the next bed stretched out his hand to cover his yawn, with an unconcealable sleepiness on his face.

"Did Albert tell you that he wasn't coming back last night?" George asked, touching Albert's bed.

"No, don't worry, it's not the first time, I guess I've gone out on a date with my girlfriend." Fred closed his eyes again, curled his neck and crawled into the bed, preparing to go back to sleep.

"His girlfriend graduated last semester." George frowned. If Isobel was still in school, this was very possible.

"[-]% hooked up with a new girlfriend." Fred closed his eyes and said, "After all, it's Albert. If he really wants to find another girlfriend, it's probably faster than you can change clothes."

"You don't need to worry about that guy. Remember to feed the cat for him." Lee Jordan muttered and lay back on the bed again. "If you are really worried, just go to the Room of Requirement yourself."

Although he didn't want to admit it, George also knew that his worries were unnecessary.He cast his eyes on Tom, the fat cat who was napping heartlessly in the cat bed, shook his head, walked to the cabinet next to Albert's bed, opened the drawer, took out the box containing cat food, and took out a large spoon Tom's rations were in Tom's bowl.

After smelling the aroma of the food, Tom, who was still dozing with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes, crawled out of the cat's nest, lay down in the food bowl and started eating.

As for where the shit shoveler went, Tom didn't care at all, as long as someone fed it on time every day anyway.

When the three of them went downstairs and entered the foyer, they saw a group of people gathered there, and a few of them were actually eating bread.

"Did someone throw their name into the Goblet of Fire?" Fred walked up to Shanna and asked.

"All representatives of Durmstrang and all representatives of Beauxbatons have put their names in." Shanna withdrew her gaze from the Goblet of Fire, and her eyes swept over Fred, George, and Lee Jordan. He couldn't help frowning and asked, "Where are the Alberts?"

"I don't know." Lee Jordan covered his yawn and said, "He didn't know where he went last night."

"Which one of you is old enough, go and register his name!" Shanna said suddenly, "in case Albert misses the registration time."

"Can someone help you sign up?" Ron asked in surprise.

"Theoretically, it should be possible. You can also stand outside the age line and try to throw the ball of paper into the Goblet of Fire." Fred frowned and said, "But whether you can be selected is another matter."

George distributed the slices of bread he got from the restaurant to Fred and Lee Jordan, and asked casually, "Has anyone signed up for Hogwarts?"

"Someone saw Wallins of Slytherin sneaking names in early in the morning," Ron replied.

"If that kind of thing can become a warrior, Hogwarts is really finished." Li Jordan said contemptuously, "It's probably just a make-up."

"And Diggory the Hufflepuff boy," Ron went on.

"Diggory is very good, even Albert admits this, they are still good friends." Angelina actually smirked and said, "The point is that Digory is also handsome."

"I thought you liked Albert better." Lee Jordan said sharply.

"Girls like Albert, but he has a girlfriend."

"Digory has a girlfriend too." Lee Jordan said without thinking.

"Who?" Angelina asked.

"Girl Ravenclaw, take your time to guess." Li Qiaodan continued to ask, "Who else?"

"Roger Davis of Ravenclaw also threw his name in just now." Ron asked suspiciously.

"Has Albert signed up?" Hermione asked, frowning.

"No, he didn't know where he went last night. He didn't go back to the dormitory. We can't find him now."

"I think someone wants him to participate in the Triwizard Tournament." Shanna said to George: "You'd better sign him up in advance, so that he won't miss the Warrior selection."

The three looked at each other, and after some discussion, they finally decided to wait until the afternoon. If Albert still didn't show up, they would find a way to sign up for Albert first.

During lunch, Albert still didn't show up, as if the whole person disappeared out of thin air.

"I heard that Katrina, the prefect of Ravenclaw, is also missing, and she didn't go back to the dormitory to rest last night." Shanna brought them a breaking news, "Some people say that Katrina seems to want to give Anderson Using a love potion, taking her from her sister, a lot of Ravenclaw girls are talking about it."

After finishing speaking, Shanna stared at Fred and George, knowing where Katrina's love potion came from without thinking.

"You really think Katrina would do that?" Fred said, frowning. "I remember Katrina did ask us to buy a bottle of Love Potion."

"This should not be possible. Albert himself is an expert in potions and is quite vigilant about potions, not to mention that she carries a love potion antidote with her." George shook his head and said, "I think this matter is more like a smoke bomb. "

"The target of vigilance depends on who it is," Lee Jordan said beamingly. "Maybe Albert wants to get their sisters, so...maybe he got Katrina's love potion on purpose."

"It's unlikely. I'd rather believe that Albert hid himself and prepared to tease everyone." George shook his head, and what Lee Jordan said was just a joke.If Albert was really caring, there would already be a bunch of beautiful girls around him, and he still needs to wait until now?

"I think someone sneaked up on them while they were talking, and temporarily stunned and hid them." Fred speculated.

"Do you believe that?"

"Anyway, first find a way to sign up for Albert." George lowered his voice, "Actually, I think this matter is quite suspicious."

"In what way?"

Looking at the parchment that said Albert Anderson——Hogwarts, the three of them discussed together and decided to adopt the first method. Anyway, they also brewed an aging potion, so they should try it anyway!

"Who's drinking?" George asked.

"Let's go together, it's a rare opportunity." Fred took the aging agent.

"Don't drink too much, we just need a few more months to grow," George reminded, "A drop or two is enough."

"Together!" Fred handed the potion to George after taking the aging potion, "When Albert wins the championship, we must let him treat us to a big meal."

"Want to be together?" George handed the potion to Lee Jordan.

"I'll forget it, I won't steal your limelight." Li Qiaodan shrugged and refused. He always felt that the aging agent was unreliable.

"I'll leave it to you to sign up." With that said, Lee Jordan handed over the note with Albert written on it.

"If you succeed, the aging agent will definitely sell well." Fred and George walked shoulder to shoulder and walked towards the edge of the golden age line.

"I'm sure Dumbledore will take this into consideration." Hermione was not optimistic about the twins signing up in this way, as if to verify Hermione's words, when the Weasley twins stepped into the golden line, I saw them flying upside down, falling painfully to the marble floor ten feet away.

Not only that, but the two of them also had white beards growing out of their chins.

"What the hell are you doing?" Professor Moody came out of the auditorium, bent down to pick up the parchment on the floor, and said, "You want to sign up for Anderson?"

"Albert went out last night, and now he doesn't know where to go. We suspect that someone is trying to prevent him from signing up for the Triwizard Tournament, so we want to sign up for him to prevent Albert from missing the registration time." Lee Jordan He quickly walked over to help Fred and George, looked at Professor Moody and said, "Professor, can you help throw that note into the Goblet of Fire, you know, Albert originally planned to participate in the competition."

"Stop, who wants to stop, who does he think he is, he really thinks he is a warrior?" A senior Slytherin student sneered, "I think Anderson is just afraid that he won't be elected as a warrior, so he found an excuse to hide Woke up."

"Wollins, even if Albert didn't sign up in the end, the Hogwarts warriors won't be your turn." Lee Jordan said contemptuously.

Wallins seemed to be able to say something, but he was stared at by Moody and shut up obediently.

"I'll take care of this matter. Apparently there's a despicable guy trying to prevent Hogwarts from winning the championship. I have to go to Dumbledore." Moody walked into the auditorium with a note.At this moment, Moody looked very angry on the surface, but actually he was in a good mood. The disappearance of that Mudblood meant that his plan had succeeded.

"Even Professor Moody thinks that Albert can help Hogwarts win the championship. As for you..." Lee Jordan made a rude tidying up to Wallins, and Fred and George went to the school hospital.

"This thing is really weird!"

On the way to the school hospital, Fred stroked his beard and said, "With Albert's vigilance, he will definitely not be easily recruited. Last night..."

"Katrina seems to have something to stop him." Lee Jordan reminded.

"There's no reason for her to do that!" George shook his head, "Unless, she's being controlled."

"The Imperius Curse?" The three said in unison.

"Professor Moody?"

"Probably, if he is a fake, he will definitely not sign up for Albert." George speculated, "If Professor Moody is really optimistic about Albert, he should just throw that note into the flames Sign him up in the Cup instead of going to Dumbledore, because Moody must have known Dumbledore wouldn't allow that to happen."

"Then what should we do?" Li Qiaodan asked with a frown.

"You can go to Angelina, she celebrated her birthday a while ago, and you can ask her to sign up for Albert." Fred suggested.

"It can only be this way."

When they entered the school hospital, they saw several students with white beards waiting for treatment. Lee Jordan found that two of them were girls, and the long beards might be Dumbledore's punishment for them.

"I'm afraid you will have to stay here for a while, and the potion to get rid of your beards will take a while." Madam Pomfrey was not very happy to see two more students with white beards, "I hope Professor Snape brewed it." There are enough potions."

Fred and George suddenly had a bad feeling. They quickly noticed the hostile gazes from the white-bearded grandfathers next to them. These people obviously drank the aging potion they sold to become what they are now. It looks like this.

Lee Jordan quietly distanced himself from the two to avoid being affected by innocence.

When they were cured and left the school hospital, Fred, George and Lee Jordan were beaten up by a group of people outside the school hospital.

"Why do I have to be unlucky with me?" Lee Jordan angrily applied anti-swelling ointment on himself, while complaining that he had suffered an unwarranted disaster.

"It's not very nice," Fred said with a smile.

"Stop making trouble, first ask Albert if he has signed up, if you still can't find anyone, ask Angelina to help Albert sign up." George said before walking towards the hall.

"What if he becomes a warrior but disappears?" Lee Jordan asked suddenly, "Don't forget Professor Dumbledore's warning."

All three of them stopped and remained silent.

"I don't think Albert will disappear inexplicably." George said affirmatively, "You go to Angelina, and we go to Professor McGonagall to discuss countermeasures."

"Really do this?"

"It's better to find a professor for this kind of thing. I always feel that this is a bit unusual. Obviously, some people don't want Albert to become a warrior." George said affirmatively.

After the three reached a consensus, they immediately split up.

When Fred and George knocked on Professor McGonagall's office, they found that Professor Moody was also here.

"What's the matter? Mr. Weasley." Professor McGonagall looked at Fred and George suspiciously

"Professor, Albert seems to be missing, we suspect..." George was interrupted by Professor McGonagall before he finished speaking.

"I already know about that." Professor McGonagall asked, looking at the Weasley twins, "do you want to sign up for him?"

"Yes, Albert will definitely not want to miss the Triwizard Tournament because of this kind of thing." Fred said affirmatively.

"Sorry, we can't do that. Now we should find Anderson first, and not care about the registration." Professor McGonagall obviously disagrees with their approach. In her opinion, Albert's safety is obviously better than that damn three The competition for hegemony is much more important, it's just one game, if you lose, you lose.

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