After Wormtail left, Voldemort, who was thinking about his next plan, suddenly felt uneasy, and the big rat that was possessed suddenly raised his head and looked around, with red lights shining in the rat's eyes.

It should be safe here, so what was overlooked?

At this moment, there were some small noises outside.

"Wormtail is back?"

The anxiety in Voldemort's heart grew stronger, and he knew that the person who came was probably not Wormtail.

"Good evening Tom, I know you're hiding in here."

The wooden door of the hall was creaked open, a familiar and annoying voice sounded in the corridor outside, and Dumbledore walked in holding a glowing wand.

Voldemort's mood suddenly sank to the bottom, he never thought that Dumbledore would appear here.

An inexplicable aggrieved feeling arises spontaneously.

Not long ago, I was blocked by Dumbledore, my original plan was completely disrupted, Nagini was beheaded, and I was driven to flee.

I didn't expect to be blocked by Dumbledore again now.

"Found you." Dumbledore raised his wand and shook it lightly.

Voldemort only felt his body suddenly levitate. The whole person, no, it should be said that the whole mouse seemed to be lifted by an invisible force, struggling feebly in the air, which looked very funny.

Voldemort, who originally wanted to take advantage of the possession of a mouse to hide, never thought that he would be easily found by Dumbledore.

"It really surprises me that you have become like this. It's really embarrassing."

Dumbledore stared at the mouse in front of him, he was sure that the mouse was possessed by Voldemort.As for Voldemort's possession itself, he had seen it from Quirrell years ago.

Dumbledore waved his wand, watching one after another magical mouse flying towards the sky, completely trapping it, Voldemort gave up struggling completely.

He finally stopped pretending.


Voldemort's remnant soul suddenly stripped from the mouse, and rushed out of the cage built by Dumbledore.

He floated in the void like a ghost, gnashing his teeth and looking at the old man in front of him.

"Good evening, Tom." Dumbledore greeted Tom Riddle happily, as if he met a familiar friend by chance on the way.

"How did you find me?" Voldemort asked through gritted teeth, staring at Dumbledore.

"I've been paying attention to Muggle newspapers. You killed a Muggle named Frank Bryce here in August, right!" Dumbledore said lightly, "And here is Old Tom's house, I am not surprised that you will hide here."

With that said, Dumbledore waved his wand and fired a golden spell at Voldemort's remnant soul, trying to destroy Voldemort humanely.

He didn't do nothing during this period of time. He read a lot of ancient classics, looking for magic to deal with ghosts, wandering spirits and souls.

Of course Dumbledore knew that it would be difficult to kill Voldemort without destroying the Horcruxes, but anything is possible and you have to try it.

That's why he tried his best to test the weakness of Voldemort's remnant soul, even if he failed, it didn't matter, and he could still mislead Voldemort.

As expected, Voldemort's remnant turned a blind eye to the magic, and the spell passed through Voldemort's body, blasting a large hole in the wall.

Voldemort floated directly to the big hole blasted by the spell, and sneered, "You don't want to kill me, Dumbledore."

Two more spells flew in, but all of them had no effect on Voldemort, as if Voldemort was a phantom.

"Perhaps, you need a stronger spell than this."

Voldemort looked down at Dumbledore indifferently, and sneered, "However, I remember that you don't seem to like using black magic, why don't you give it a try? Don't you always want to kill me? Don't tell me you can't use it." dark magic?"

As soon as the voice fell, more spells flew towards Voldemort floating in the air, but all of those spells passed through Voldemort, and none of them could really hurt Voldemort.

"It's useless Dumbledore, it's useless, I know you're looking for my weakness, but it's useless..." Voldemort laughed wildly, as if all the grievances accumulated in the past few days were vented at this moment.

There's no way, Voldemort has been really aggrieved these few days, he needs to vent his anger, lest he be ruined by anger.

"I'm curious, what are you now?" Dumbledore was not angry, but looked at Voldemort with interest. "A ghost, a wandering spirit? Or neither?"

"What am I?" Voldemort was silent for a moment, then suddenly showed a strange expression, "Actually, I don't even know, but I know that I'm still alive, and that's enough."

"Alive? Are you sure you're still alive?" Dumbledore looked at Voldemort with pity, and said softly, "Few people think like this, Tom, very few, and it's easier to die."

"There is nothing worse than death, Dumbledore!" growled Voldemort.

"Death is just another great adventure." Dumbledore waved his wand, propped up a large enchantment and enveloped the hall.

"To put it lightly, why don't you die now?" Voldemort sneered. "If you die now, I agree with you."

"Someone once told me that you should never try to convince anyone, it is too difficult, and you will never be able to convince the other party." Dumbledore said calmly, "So, I never expected to persuade you, I just talked to you Just stating the facts."

"Hahaha, hypocrite." Voldemort glanced at Dumbledore contemptuously, and left the house directly through the magic barrier.When Voldemort came out through the roof, he found that the whole house was surrounded by a magical barrier.

At this moment, Voldemort understood.

Dumbledore didn't come to find himself, but to catch Wormtail, and they were obviously aware of their dire situation.

After losing his body, Voldemort could not save himself, because every spell that could help him required the use of a wand.

Therefore, a loyal servant is very important. As long as there is a loyal servant, he can let the other party use the magic he researched to help him recreate a physical body.

If he lost his loyal servant again, he would lose his chance to make a comeback again.

Fortunately, Wormtail escaped unharmed because he went out to deliver news to Batty. Otherwise, Arthur, Sirius and Kingsley would spread an enchantment outside to cover the entire house, and even Peter would not be able to escape. .

"Hahaha, I'm afraid you will be disappointed, Wormtail is not here." Voldemort glanced at Dumbledore, rushed into the dark sky, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Is that Voldemort?"

Sirius looked in the direction where Voldemort disappeared, his face was ugly.

"I feel like he looks like a ghost." Arthur's face turned pale. It was because he was so close to Voldemort, and that guy was so ugly.

"It's not a ghost, ghosts can't easily pass through here." Kingsley said in a low voice, "It feels a bit like a wandering spirit, maybe we can consider dementors."


Both Arthur and Sirius froze.

"Dementors can suck human souls, and maybe it can suck Voldemort's soul too." Kingsley explained to the two, "That form should be very weak, and if we are lucky, maybe we can succeed. "

"It's a good idea, but I think it's very difficult." Dumbledore was not optimistic about Kingsley's idea, "Not to mention that there is no magic that can effectively restrain Voldemort, even if you want the dementor to suck Voldemort's soul , I’m afraid we have to wait for him to recover.”

"Maybe, we can start with Peter. I dare say that Peter will definitely return to Voldemort. If we use the Imperius Curse to control Peter, maybe we can... subdue Voldemort. After all, it becomes the kind of baby that needs to be taken care of." Xiao Xiao There was a dangerous light in Sirius' eyes, "We can use the potion to fascinate Voldemort, and then let the dementor absorb Voldemort's soul and destroy him completely.

"Voldemort is a master of intuition, few people can deceive him, and it is not easy to find Peter Pettigrew." Dumbledore is still not optimistic about this seemingly promising plan.

"Should I reveal this to the Ministry of Magic and let them send Aurors to watch here?" Kingsley asked Dumbledore for advice.

"I don't think they'll come back." Arthur didn't think it was a good idea, and if Voldemort did come back, the people watching here would probably be in danger.

In the face of dark wizards, and even the more dangerous Death Eaters, the wizards of the Ministry of Magic are no match at all, even the Death Eaters are no exception.

"He just said that Peter Pettigrew is not here." Kingsley grasped the point again, "I suspect Peter Pettigrew just left not long ago."

"Maybe, Voldemort has some way to inform their subordinates?" Sirius was also not optimistic about having someone stay here to ambush Peter.

However, Sirius would not mind at all giving the job to the Ministry of Magic.

"Where do you think the last cemetery will be?" Sirius paid more attention to the prophecy, "Will it be the public cemetery of this village?"

"But why a cemetery?" Arthur asked back, "What can there be in a cemetery?"

"Coffin, bones, tombstone, ashes?" Kingsley didn't understand either.He decided to go back and report this matter to the Ministry of Magic, so that someone could be sent to monitor the place.

"It seems that our luck is not very good!"

Dumbledore was also very helpless. If they could meet Peter, they wouldn't have to guess so wildly. They could easily get information if they poured some veritaserum on Peter Pettigrew.

At the same time, Peter Pettigrew, who just got food from the Muggle supermarket, suddenly put his hands on his shoulders and couldn't help shivering. An inexplicable sense of anxiety surged in his heart. He looked around nervously, and changed silently. Became a mouse and hid.

I don't know how long it took, but after making sure the surroundings were safe, Peter couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and hurriedly picked up the food he had thrown away, Apparated and left the supermarket.

Before returning to the Riddle Mansion, Peter made a detour to several places, shook off the possible tail and appeared outside Little Hangleton Village, and found signs of wizard activities around the Riddle Mansion. terrified.

Moreover, as soon as Peter Apparated, he triggered the wizard's alarm mechanism, almost frightened it, and immediately Apparated and ran away.

Thanks to Peter's decisiveness when running, otherwise he would have been blocked by the Auror.

"Peter Pettigrew is actually hiding here."

The two Aurors looked at each other, and both saw the annoyance in each other's eyes. They actually missed this good opportunity and let Peter Pettigrew escape.

This is not good news.

In order to prevent being tracked back by the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic, Peter Pettigrew apparated several times in a row, and finally fled to a remote coast, and he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Peter's mind was blank right now, he couldn't figure out how the Aurors could be there.

Where is the Dark Lord?

He somewhat regretted leaving the Dark Lord at the Riddle House instead of carrying it with him in his pocket.

Now how to do?

Peter Pettigrew's mind was in chaos, and he didn't know what to do now.

Finally, after much hesitation, Peter turned into a mouse and sneaked back to the Riddle Mansion. He believed that those Aurors would stop monitoring him after seeing him running away, at least they would relax their monitoring.

The black magic used by the Dark Lord to restore his body obviously needs to use his father's bones. Peter believes that the Dark Lord will definitely not give up on this. Perhaps, the Dark Lord is hiding somewhere in that house.

Peter really guessed right. After being chased away by Dumbledore, Voldemort quietly turned back, possessed himself on a mouse, and hid in that house waiting for Peter's arrival. Voldemort is still not the most loyal to himself. The servant lost contact with him, and he still needs to use the other party's power to restore his body, and the feeling of aggrievedness has returned.

Barty Crouch Jr., who was affected by this incident, was actually aggrieved.

Because the old Batty's family was kicked out by Dumbledore, all the medicinal materials that had been hoarded were confiscated by the Ministry of Magic. Little Batty, who lost the supply of raw materials, has already encountered a problem of urgent materials.

Although the compound medicine stored by Barty Jr. is still enough for him to use for two months, what should he do after two months?

The brewing time of the compound medicine is very long, so you can't run away early because you run out of the compound medicine?

That's ridiculous.

Moreover, he himself is being watched by Dumbledore now, and he has no time to get those medicinal materials. Originally, Peter promised to prepare the compound potion for him, but an accident happened on the same day.

The only good news is that Peter is still alive. As for where that guy is hiding, Little Barty doesn't know.

Barty Jr. is now considering whether to leave Hogwarts. If the Dark Lord can't make arrangements before the Triwizard Tournament, even if he finally brings Harry Potter there, it will be useless and will only put himself in danger .

Moreover, Dumbledore had already begun to doubt him.

Little Barty knew very well that once he showed a flaw one day, Dumbledore must be the first to see the flaw, and he didn't even have a chance to escape.

"We must prepare in advance." Moody put down the "Daily Prophet" in his hand and muttered.

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