A day at Hogwarts.

Chapter 946 Shady

After a few days of corrupt life, Albert's life became busy again.He had to spend a lot of time every day to complete the heavy Easter holiday homework. Although some holiday homework was unnecessary, he had to take several classes, so the holiday homework naturally far surpassed that of Hogwarts students of the same year.

For this reason, the three good roommates gloated a lot.

Who made them take fewer courses and less homework during the holidays?

In the past, Albert always gloated and watched them rush to copy their vacation homework, but now it was finally their turn to watch Albert rush to do their vacation homework.

After seeing the duel between Albert and Professor Flitwick last time, the three good roommates suddenly wanted to learn some powerful dueling skills from Albert.

No way, who made that duel so cool, I imagined that one day I would be able to reach that level.

Recently, they all began to hold their breath and practice silent spells. As a result, when Albert returned to school, he mistakenly thought that the three of them were constipated, and gave them a small bottle of mysterious candy to treat constipation.

That was a beautiful misunderstanding.


Those three guys are still holding grudges!

"The apparition test is coming up tomorrow, and I don't know if I can pass it smoothly." Lee Jordan rested his chin on his hand, flipped through the materials casually, and casually chatted with everyone about the apparation test.

"Why do we have to do the Apparation exam at Easter," Fred grumbled under his breath. "Won't they wait until our Easter break is over?"

"Others don't have Easter holidays." Albert reminded without looking up, "For them, this is the normal commute time. Moreover, the general sixth grade students start practicing Apparation from early February, and they need Twelve lessons are over, so the time is set on the 23rd, and it just so happens that we finish twelve lessons today, and go to Hogsmeade's special training tomorrow morning, and take the Apparition test together."

"What about the students who go home for Easter?" muttered Fred.

"Those who don't want to take the exam naturally don't need to take the exam. They are adults, so they naturally need to experience what the adult world is like. No one will continue to spoil them." George glanced at the twin brothers and explained in a low voice.

Fred was still a little naive, and of the Weasley twins, George was clearly more mature than Fred.

Several girls around frowned. They also understood that what George said was right, they were all adults, and some things could no longer be willful.

Except for a few people whose life has already been covered by someone who can continue to be self-willed until graduation, then marry someone, have a few children and continue to mess around for the rest of their lives, most people have to find their own way.

This is also the reason why the girls envy Isobel, because someone has already covered her life, and she is still a very good guy, a proper winner in life.

Just when the girls were envious and jealous, a Beauxbaton girl walked into the library, causing the students who were doing homework during the holidays to fall into a brief commotion.

"You shouldn't mind if I waste a little of your time!" Yanila walked to Albert and said gently. She didn't worry about other people around eavesdropping. Anyway, these guys who pricked up their ears to eavesdrop probably wouldn't be able to hear Know Spanish.

"What's the matter?" Albert put down his quill, and looked up at this beautiful girl who had harassed him for half a semester and still hadn't given up.

"I have something to leave early. It's a pity that I can't see the moment when you won the championship. Remember to send me some photos of the moment when you won the championship." Yanila is still smiling, but there is a trace of helplessness and loneliness in her tone .

Albert raised his eyebrows slightly, and reminded him kindly: "Madam Maxim will definitely be upset if you say that."

"The fact is sometimes difficult to change, and Madam Maxim has given up winning the championship." Yanila shrugged and continued: "Before I leave, I hope to be your friend and pen pal. To be honest, my You don’t have many friends, and even fewer can chat.”

Yanila looked at Albert with full expectation, for fear of being rejected by the other party.

"That's pretty good." Albert didn't refuse. Although he felt that this guy's motives were not pure, he didn't really care. Anyway, it would be difficult to meet in the future, and it would be good to keep friends.

"I'll write you a letter when I get back, remember to write me back." The girl seemed to want to give him a hug before parting, but in the end it changed to a handshake.

"What did she do to you?"

After listening to Spanish for a while, the girls hurriedly asked after Yanila left.

"Come to say goodbye to me, saying that you have something to go back early." Albert looked at the girls staring at him and explained helplessly.

"I now find that learning a foreign language is also beneficial. At least I can chat openly without worrying about being overheard by others." George joked with a smile.

"Do your vacation homework!" Albert continued to immerse himself in his vacation homework. He planned to finish his homework as soon as possible and make some time for himself. It is too wasteful to use it all for homework during the rare Easter holiday.

The next morning, after the old enough sixth graders met in the foyer, they went to Hogsmeade to participate in the so-called special training.

How special is it?

Instead of being confined to silly wooden circles, students are finally able to Apparate through the streets of Hogsmeade.

This left the students collectively speechless who had thought that special training would be more fun than Apparating into a silly wooden circle.

The deans of Hogwarts naturally also went to Hogsmeade to prevent the occurrence of split body phenomenon again.

There's no way, many students still haven't mastered apparation well after twelve classes, and often split up during training.

As soon as they arrived at Hogsmeade Village, everyone was gathered by Wicky Tecrosse who was waiting at the entrance of the village, and then they were taken all the way to the outside of Mrs. Puddiffe's teahouse, so that everyone could carefully observe the surrounding environment.

Because Apparition requires wizards to have a good understanding of the destination, they need to clearly imagine it in their minds, and the outside of Mrs. Puddiffe's teahouse is the target of the next students' Apparition, which is also the content of the exam.

Albert tried twice, and after apparating perfectly, he didn't continue to occupy the position of other students practicing apparition. He took the "Common Apparition Mistakes and Avoidance Methods" distributed by Wicky Tecross, and told Fry Professor Way chatted about how Apparition can be used in duels, and how to counter other wizards using Apparation.

"Wizards who are proficient in apparition like to do that, but there are very few wizards who can really use this technique in combat." Professor Flitwick seems to have done some research on how to use apparition to fight.

"Because there's a brief pause after Apparating?"

"Yes, there needs to be a buffer period after Apparation, so most wizards usually use Apparition to dodge attacks instead of launching an attack, especially if you perform multiple and rapid Apparitions, there is likely to be a split phenomenon, Splitting up in battle is undoubtedly a very fatal thing." Professor Flitwick reminded: "So, when you are dueling with others, don't take any risks, it is purely a joke with your own life."

Albert seemed to have tried it, but he didn't have a split body phenomenon. Of course, this may have something to do with his upgrading the apparition to level four.

"The other thing is that most powerful wizards actually know how to counter apparation." Professor Flitwick reminded: "If you rely too much on apparation, you will easily suffer a lot from it. For example, someone Use Avada Kedavra on you, and you try to use Apparition to evade, but suddenly find that the spell is countered by someone, then it will be very fatal. Of course, there are not many people who can do this to this extent, powerful Wizards can even follow the trails left by Apparition to find your location."

Professor McGonagall and Professor Sprout, who were chatting in low voices, frowned and looked at the two who were discussing how to use apparition in battle.

The four deans are actually very boring, they came here just in case.

Snape looked at Albert, who was discussing dueling skills with Professor Flitwick, with a displeased expression, and turned his gaze back to the students who were practicing Apparation.

The training only lasted an hour, and everyone had a drink at the Three Broomsticks afterward.Wicky Tecrosse also gave them a copy of the Ministry of Magic pamphlet: Common Apparition Mistakes and How to Avoid them.

Several outstanding students, led by Albert, were highly praised by Wicky Tycross, basically saying that they would surely pass the Apparation exam successfully.

The facts also proved this, and Albert easily passed the exam first. The content of the exam was to apparate from the matted position at the entrance of Hogwarts to a certain area outside Mrs. Puddiffe's teahouse.

Of course, that marked area is larger than the wooden circle.

Employees of the Ministry of Magic are watching on both sides. Any split, or failure to arrive at the scheduled location will be considered a failure of the exam.

It's all too common for a tiny part of the body to dissociate, and of course the worst case is when some Hufflepuff girl Apparates and goes somewhere.

In the end, it was Professor Flitwick who followed the trail of Apparition to find him.

Said to run for miles.

After the whole exam, only about half of the students who passed Apparation, and many students who failed due to hair loss, nails, and eyelashes, cursed the Apparition examiner who eliminated them in a low voice.

The examiners were indifferent to this, obviously being scolded a lot, just glanced at the students who cursed under their breath, and announced to everyone that the Apparition Test Center would issue Apparition permits to them before the holiday, and let the students who passed the Apparation exam Wait patiently.

"I didn't expect it to be easier than expected." Fred was in a good mood.

"After you get the so-called license, you will be subject to certain surveillance when using apparation," Albert said suddenly.

"Surveilled?" Several people around looked at Albert, surprised that there was such a secret.

"Yes, surveillance, but it won't be as strict as the traces on minors. It targets a large group. Once Apparation is used, the Ministry of Magic will know where a wizard has Apparated and where he probably went. ?” Albert actually didn’t know exactly what was going on, because that’s what Bud told him.

Of course, a powerful shielding spell can block this kind of surveillance, and it's not as unsolvable as the traces on minors.

This method can be effective, and more few people know about it.

It is mentioned here, just to remind everyone.

"I didn't expect there to be such a secret." Alia asked curiously, "How did you know that?"

"A friend from the Ministry of Magic mentioned this to me." Albert shrugged and explained.

"The Ministry of Magic always likes to engage in these petty theft tricks. I wonder why they didn't find Sirius Black in this way in the first place."

"Because they can't, they don't know where Sirius is."

"Tell us some secrets about the Ministry of Magic!" Digory interjected. He planned to enter the Ministry of Magic in the future and wanted to know more about the Ministry of Magic.

"Okay, then let me talk about some secrets I know." Albert directly threw a bombshell, "The Minister of Magic is elected through elections, right, but in fact it is generally enforced by the Ministry of Magic's magic law The Director of the Department took over, and most of the so-called elections are just silly tricks, giving everyone the illusion that we are all participating in the election of the Minister of Magic."

Everyone was so shocked that they couldn't speak. They didn't expect such shady scenes to exist in the election of the Minister of Magic.

"It's actually quite normal. The Department of Magical Law Enforcement is the largest and most important department in the British Ministry of Magic. Except for the Department of Mysteries, all other departments basically need to obey the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. Therefore, Magic The Director of the Law Enforcement Department is generally the most competitive candidate for the Minister of Magic, and can basically be elected. Barty Crouch Sr. once sat in this position. He was also the most powerful candidate for the Minister of Magic at the time. Lost for some reason. After Cornelius Fudge took office, Barty Crouch Sr. was transferred to the Department of International Magic Exchange and Cooperation, because he needed to give way to candidates. As long as there were no other accidents, Ami Leah Bones will be the next Minister for Magic."

This is actually one of the reasons why Amelia Bones was later killed by Voldemort.

The second is that her brother Edgar Bones was actually a member of the Order of the Phoenix and died in a confrontation with Voldemort. He was born to stand opposite Voldemort, so Voldemort killed her himself to avoid accidents.Back then, the tough old Batty was tough enough, but once Amelia Burns took over, it would be even more troublesome.

Hermione later became the Minister of Magic, also following the route of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement.

As for Rufus Scrimgeour, it was because the Auror Office was the largest department under the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. After the death of Amelia Bones, the Ministry of Magic hadn't had time to choose a new magician. The Director of the Law Enforcement Department, and Fudge was kicked out again. After Dumbledore refused to be the Minister of Magic again, the Ministry of Magic urgently needed a tough Minister of Magic to solve the problem in order to ensure the safety of everyone's life, so it is proud of Luo's office director, Scrimgeour, the representative of the hardliners, took over.

This is actually the reason why Fudge is very jealous of Dumbledore, so that when Fudge slandered Dumbledore, a large group of people helped to smear Dumbledore, and even did not hesitate to make Dumbledore lose his position as the president of the International Federation of Wizards. The main reason for the bad reputation.

Who made Dumbledore's reputation so great that he could ignore the rules and take the position directly. If he wanted to, there would be nothing wrong with Rufus Scrimgeour.

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