A day at Hogwarts.

Chapter 998 The Abandoned Defense Against the Dark Arts Class

In the short few days after the start of school, everyone has figured out Umbridge's character. This is an old woman who is hypocritical, self-righteous, unreasonable, and likes to control people.

None of the prefects who had ever dealt with Umbridge liked her.

I don't know which prefect secretly leaked the content of the conversation with Umbridge. Now it has started to circulate in the school. Umbridge wants the prefects to be her spies and monitor the students of Hogwarts.

The Deputy Minister of Magic obviously regarded Hogwarts as the Ministry of Magic, and actually played a trick of intrigue, preparing to divide and break the students' trust in the prefects, and trying to win the prefects to his side.

As soon as the news spread, the whole school was almost blown up. The prefects didn't know how many times they scolded Umbridge in their hearts.

In order not to be isolated by the students, they began to spread the news from Umbridge, and negative rumors about Umbridge were flying all over the sky for a while.

The most exciting news for everyone is: Umbridge finally hit a wall with Albert, and was so angry that he smashed the office.

At that time, many students heard the sound of cursing and smashing things in the Defense Against the Dark Arts office.

Everyone gloated at this. They didn't dare to ignore Umbridge like Albert did, but they were still extremely excited when they saw the old woman deflated.

Unfortunately, no one knows what Albert and Umbridge talked about.

Even if they know it, they can't learn it.

Because Albert could basically ignore NEWT's results, even if he didn't have that report card, no one would doubt his true level.

The shining world-class championship title is undoubtedly the best proof, and after graduation, Albert does not seem to plan to enter the Ministry of Magic.

Since the two sides have nothing to do with each other, why make false claims against Umbridge.

Therefore, this Hogwarts genius directly ignored the Deputy Minister of Magic, and spent most of his time in the library, not knowing what he was researching. 33 Novel Network

Not long after, news spread in Hogwarts Castle that Umbridge had allowed Albert to skip Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

For this reason, many seventh grade students came to ask Albert about this.

If Albert hadn't held up the pressure in front, Umbridge would soon be able to break down their resistance, and everyone would undoubtedly face Umbridge's revenge next.

Albert stopped going to Defense Against the Dark Arts class, and everyone's resistance to Umbridge collapsed in an instant.

Those seventh grade students who didn't care about the rumors directly received a blow to the head.

They originally wanted to find another student council president to fight against the thunder, but Katrina seemed to have received some wind and stopped coming to Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

All of a sudden, the seventh graders suffered from an indiscriminate disaster. They remembered the rumors about Umbridge. Everyone was in danger, and they could feel that the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor's revenge was coming.

After realizing that the atmosphere was not right, Fred, George and Lee Jordan decisively found an excuse to escape.

Who made them Albert's roommates and good friends, easy to be affected by innocence.

"Umbridge is angry," Angelina warned. "You better watch out."

"It doesn't matter, we are going to apply to Professor McGonagall for giving up the Defense Against the Dark Arts class." Fred said disapprovingly.

"So, even if she is angry, what can she do to us?"

The three of them didn't love Umbridge at all. If the woman dared to try to put them in confinement, they had a way to deal with it.

"You really gave up."

The girls were all surprised, they didn't expect the three of them to give up the Defense Against the Dark Arts class decisively.

Fred said with a smile: "We don't plan to rely on NEWT's transcript to find a job in the future. Why do we have to put up with that old woman Umbridge?"

"Umbridge will take revenge on other people soon, don't forget about the first class." Lee Jordan reminded, "She may not be able to do anything with Albert, but she can find ways to torment you."

"So, you ran away when you saw that the situation was not good."

"You can also run away as a group instead of going to her improvement class." George said with a smile.

"What about NEWT?"

"According to the curse law of Hogwarts, Umbridge will definitely not be able to pass this semester smoothly, and then you can just take NEWT again." Fred said with a smile: "You should also learn from Albert I copied the review syllabus there, as long as I finish those things by myself, basically there will be no problem.”

"No, I mean..."

Before Angelina finished speaking, Fred interrupted her.

"Do you think the theoretical knowledge you have learned from the Defense Against the Dark Arts class is really useful?"

"That makes sense." Shanna nodded and agreed: "Let's study on our own, or we can set up a defense against the dark arts interest group at that time, and then everyone can communicate and improve with each other."

"I don't think this possibility is high." Alicia frowned and looked at the three people in front of her. There are too few bold guys like Fred, George, and Lee Jordan.

"Count me in, anyway, I plan to become a Quidditch player in the future." Angelina didn't pay much attention to NEWT's results.

"Albert is writing a book on Defense Against the Dark Arts, and it's almost finished. Maybe we can use it." George said suddenly, "I believe that book is definitely infinitely better than "Defense Against Magic."

Knowing that the seventh-grade students in her college were going to give up the Defense Against the Dark Arts class collectively, the expression on Professor McGonagall's face instantly collapsed. What made her even worse was that this group of people just came to inform her, the dean, as a routine.

"Why did you give up Defense Against the Dark Arts?"

Professor McGonagall had to allocate a lot of time to interview several people.

And yet, she gets the uniform caliber:

"Sorry Professor, our time is precious, we don't have time to play games with Umbridge..."

"NEWT results are actually not very important to the few of us..."

"We can also teach ourselves Defense Against the Dark Arts..."

"Umbridge only teaches theory in her class, and theory alone won't help us get excellent grades in NEWT..."

"Why do we have to waste time with her and look at her face?"

Professor McGonagall had no choice but to ask Albert for help.

"Umbridge allowed me to skip the class and go directly to the exam at the end of the semester. I think it's very good." Facing the somewhat annoyed Professor McGonagall, Albert's tone was calm.

"Everyone is complaining about Professor Dumbledore. I don't understand how he would allow an 'outsider' like Umbridge to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts."

"This is undoubtedly a direct pitfall for the fifth and seventh graders in this class. If you pay attention, there are many people who are dissatisfied with this."

"But, even if you are dissatisfied..."

"The curse has always existed." Albert said meaningfully.

No one expected that the Gryffindor seventh graders would be so stubborn that they simply gave up the Defense Against the Dark Arts class. Such a coquettish operation really shocked the entire Hogwarts students.

Umbridge almost went mad with rage.

She probably didn't expect things to turn out like this.

Lock them up?

Gu Yu</span> Umbridge really didn't dare to do that, at least she didn't dare now, because she found that this group of people was more united than expected, especially Albert's roommates, who looked like you dare to come If you mess with me, everyone will die together. Anyway, we don't need any NEWT transcripts.

What made her even worse was that as long as she dared to ask other people to ask questions alone, they would appear outside her office with wands in their hands, as if they were going to rush in to give her a good look when they heard the movement.

Needless to say, they are really ready.

Even the forgetting potion is ready.

Not long after, students from other colleges followed suit and dropped Defense Against the Dark Arts.

The reason turned out to be: Everyone thought she would die from the curse of the Defense Against the Dark Arts before she graduated this semester, and it would be good to just take NEWT at that time.

After hearing the news, Umbridge's face was contorted with anger.


"We need to face NEWT this year." A student who asked not to be named said, "We don't believe that the Defense Against the Dark Arts exam will be a written exam. According to Umbridge's teaching method, there are probably very few candidates who can pass and get excellent grades." Not many."

"I can't believe it. The education reform that the Ministry of Magic is looking for is to make Hogwarts fail all Defense Against the Dark Arts?"

"Facts have proved that the Ministry of Magic has never thought about the issue of education, otherwise it would not send a Umbridge who knows nothing to Hogwarts as a professor... As far as I know, most of the Ministry of Magic Employees can't even recite the Iron Armor Curse well..."

Sirius' smooth, charming voice came from the radio over the fireplace.

This radio will be turned on on time every day, and it will automatically play the broadcast from the wizard's lookout station.

Although some students felt very irritable, most of them were willing to calm down and listen to the content on the radio.

For a while, rumors spread, and many students questioned Umbridge's teaching level.

Dumbledore was also unlucky, and received a large number of complaint letters from students as soon as the school started.

I don't know who said that complaining to Dumbledore was useless, so the students started writing to the Ministry of Magic again.

Fred, George and Lee Jordan even encouraged a group of people to send news to various newspapers and magazines.

However, those letters were like sinking into the sea without splashing a little waves.

No one really cared about these things.

This is why wizard lookout broadcasts are so popular.

After Sirius' voice fell silent, Hermione's angry voice suddenly came from the common room, attracting the attention of the students who had just finished listening to the radio.

"Are you okay!" Ron asked worriedly.

"We're going to take the OWLs exam this year!" Hermione seemed to vent her anger by banging on the armrest of the chair. "How could Dumbledore let this happen?"

"Calm down Hermione, take a tranquilizer." Harry took out a bottle of medicine from his pocket and poured Hermione a pill.

"How do you tell me to calm down." Hermione reached out and pushed aside the pill Harry handed over, and growled in a low voice, "What are we going to do with this year's OWLs exam?"

Ron looked at Hermione, who was a little out of control, at a loss.

"Maybe, we can ask Anderson to teach us. He has tutored students of the same class before." Harry threw the tranquilizer in his mouth and suggested.

"He's not free. I asked him, and he said he's very busy this semester." Hermione covered her forehead with her hand, and said weakly, "OWLs exams are very important, and they affect our future!"

"Harry, do you carry that thing with you now?" Ron tried to change the subject.

"After I felt the benefit of a calm mind during the interrogation," Harry said calmly, putting the bottle back in his pocket, "I knew I needed it."

"Give me one," said Hermione suddenly. "I need to calm down."

Harry took out the medicine bottle and poured Hermione a tranquilizer.

After swallowing the pill, Hermione's mood stabilized a lot. She took a deep breath, and said to Harry and Ron beside her, "We need to save ourselves, set up a Defense Against the Dark Arts study group, and learn the principles of Defense Against the Dark Arts by ourselves." knowledge and skills."

Harry and Ron looked at each other.

Finally, Harry said in a low voice, "Tonight, I will find time to contact Sirius and see if they can help us."

"Harry...do you want to join us?" Fred asked out of nowhere, putting his hand on Harry's shoulder.

"what's up."

"We're going to give Umbridge some surprises." George said with a smile.

"Are you really not going to Defense Against the Dark Arts class?" Hermione asked suddenly.

"Going to Umbridge's class is a complete waste of time, do you think the NEWT exam will test theory?" Fred asked back.

"Hermione, face reality and stop kidding yourself."

"If mom knows, you will definitely be mad at me." Ron said quietly.

"You forgot, she promised not to take care of us last year." Fred reminded.

"What surprise?" Harry asked, "Albert's idea?"

"No, he's busy."

"What the hell is he up to?" Hermione asked.

"I don't know." George shrugged.

"What are you going to do?" Harry was very interested in this.

"We're going to..." George's voice trailed off.

"Can it really be done?" Ron asked with wide-eyed eyes.

"Let's try it first, and if it doesn't work, we'll seek technical support." Fred said without hesitation.

"Count me in," said Harry. "I'll contact Sirius tonight to see if he can give us some advice."

"Hermione, if you want to pass the OWLs exam, there is actually a very simple way." George suddenly said mysteriously.

"How?" Hermione asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I can help you borrow the Defense Against the Dark Arts notes from Albert. As long as you study those well and learn some spells by yourself, it's actually very easy to get excellent results in the OWLs exam."

In fact, Hermione herself was too excited to think about it, otherwise, if she asked Albert to borrow notes, the other party would definitely not refuse.

"Well, count me in." Hermione agreed to join, she also hated Umbridge very much and would love to see him suffer.


Fred and George looked at each other with a satisfied smile.

In the absence of Albert, they need a thoughtful person to ensure that the whole plan is foolproof.

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