Dawn of Pokémon
018 Barrier skills
Barrier skills [Japanese: Barrier わざ, Shyouheki_Waza, English: Barrier_Move]
[Put up a mighty shield here. 】
Barrier skills are a type of skill that Pokémon can master.Different from common classifications such as sure-hit skills and one-hit kill skills, the classification method of barrier skills is closer to the tactical effect rather than the nature of the skill itself.
Skills that have a defensive role and are mainly expressed as energy shields are collectively called barrier skills.
Different from protection skills, barrier skills emphasize the form of "shield", such as "prerequisite" and "endurance", which have defensive functions but do not have the form of energy shield, so they cannot be counted.
The following skills are all barrier skills:
Guard, light wall, reflective wall, mirror reflection, barrier, mysterious guard, magic reflection, wide area defense, quick defense, magic defense, king's shield.
Barrier skills are not rare skills. Guard is one of the most common skills and can be learned by almost every Pokémon.However, few trainers focus on practicing the use of barrier skills.This is related to its application limitations and difficulty.
Most barrier skills have no lethality and cannot reflect their value in a short period of time.The defensive effects of these skills are different and very complex; and the use of barriers has extremely strict requirements on the release timing, which needs to be changed according to the opponent's attack method. Therefore, barrier skills are recognized as one of the most difficult types of skills to use.
To use barrier skills flexibly requires a long period of training, sufficient knowledge, and sensitive control of timing. It is not surprising that it takes several years.There are only a few trainers who have mastered barrier skills, but trainers who can use barrier skills proficiently are by no means weak - as long as they are used properly, barrier skills can block all damage, and therefore become quite practical in team battles. Auxiliary skills.
The complexity of the skill creates its impression of being changeable and difficult to deal with. Every trainer who specializes in barrier skills is like a "thorn in the side" of his opponents.
Generally speaking, most defensive Pokémon have a hard body and can withstand attacks.The biggest difference between barrier skills is "flexibility".
Barrier skills can not only resist attacks, but also have corresponding countermeasures for changing skills and preemptive skills.Unlike "Using one's body as a shield", a sufficiently skilled user can make some barrier skills appear anywhere at will.Not only in front of yourself, in front of your partners, but also in the enemy's attack route.In the same way, a powerful barrier user can also place multiple shields in different locations, or even combine them into an invisible cage.
Barriers may appear in all directions, with different effects in every corner. This flexibility and change is its most terrifying aspect.Although it has extremely high requirements on the user, once it has achieved some success, it can completely disrupt the opponent's rhythm and become a powerful auxiliary force.
Variety, variable quantity, flexible positioning – it’s a skill with endless possibilities.
The more famous "barrier users" include "Spirit Exterminator", a member of the team Azure Dragon Fang, Wiz Taylor from the Golden Gym, etc.
[Put up a mighty shield here. 】
Barrier skills are a type of skill that Pokémon can master.Different from common classifications such as sure-hit skills and one-hit kill skills, the classification method of barrier skills is closer to the tactical effect rather than the nature of the skill itself.
Skills that have a defensive role and are mainly expressed as energy shields are collectively called barrier skills.
Different from protection skills, barrier skills emphasize the form of "shield", such as "prerequisite" and "endurance", which have defensive functions but do not have the form of energy shield, so they cannot be counted.
The following skills are all barrier skills:
Guard, light wall, reflective wall, mirror reflection, barrier, mysterious guard, magic reflection, wide area defense, quick defense, magic defense, king's shield.
Barrier skills are not rare skills. Guard is one of the most common skills and can be learned by almost every Pokémon.However, few trainers focus on practicing the use of barrier skills.This is related to its application limitations and difficulty.
Most barrier skills have no lethality and cannot reflect their value in a short period of time.The defensive effects of these skills are different and very complex; and the use of barriers has extremely strict requirements on the release timing, which needs to be changed according to the opponent's attack method. Therefore, barrier skills are recognized as one of the most difficult types of skills to use.
To use barrier skills flexibly requires a long period of training, sufficient knowledge, and sensitive control of timing. It is not surprising that it takes several years.There are only a few trainers who have mastered barrier skills, but trainers who can use barrier skills proficiently are by no means weak - as long as they are used properly, barrier skills can block all damage, and therefore become quite practical in team battles. Auxiliary skills.
The complexity of the skill creates its impression of being changeable and difficult to deal with. Every trainer who specializes in barrier skills is like a "thorn in the side" of his opponents.
Generally speaking, most defensive Pokémon have a hard body and can withstand attacks.The biggest difference between barrier skills is "flexibility".
Barrier skills can not only resist attacks, but also have corresponding countermeasures for changing skills and preemptive skills.Unlike "Using one's body as a shield", a sufficiently skilled user can make some barrier skills appear anywhere at will.Not only in front of yourself, in front of your partners, but also in the enemy's attack route.In the same way, a powerful barrier user can also place multiple shields in different locations, or even combine them into an invisible cage.
Barriers may appear in all directions, with different effects in every corner. This flexibility and change is its most terrifying aspect.Although it has extremely high requirements on the user, once it has achieved some success, it can completely disrupt the opponent's rhythm and become a powerful auxiliary force.
Variety, variable quantity, flexible positioning – it’s a skill with endless possibilities.
The more famous "barrier users" include "Spirit Exterminator", a member of the team Azure Dragon Fang, Wiz Taylor from the Golden Gym, etc.
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