Mike couldn't help but cursed, and with a flick of his hand, the dagger in his hand flew out and pinned a buzzing fly to the wall.

There is a rectangular pattern on the wall with a dagger stuck in the middle.

After glancing at the patterns and daggers on the wall, a flash of inspiration flashed in Mike's mind.



It takes time for his ability to materialize. He needs to first think about the object he wants to materialize in his mind. This thinking process takes time.

Simple ones are better, complex items, who will give him time in the battle?

If he omits this thought process...

No, it shouldn’t be said to be omitted, because it can’t be omitted at all!

To be precise, prepare in advance and complete the process of 'thinking' in advance.

Mike pinched his chin, thoughts flashing through his mind.

Memory fantasies materialize, materialize the things in his memory...

The things in his memory were more than just ordinary daggers.

On this point, he had already tried.

Yes, he had successfully manifested a Zanpakutō before, a real Zanpakutō that he could use.

It's just that he spent four hours to materialize the knife, but it could only last for 30 seconds.

Who gave him four hours to materialize during the battle?

Therefore, even though he can materialize powerful items, he calls this ability rubbish.

But now, if what he just thought could succeed...

His heart couldn't help but beat violently.

Taking a deep breath, Mike calmed down quickly.

After a moment, he closed his eyes and began to think.

He needs a medium that can store embodied items so that he can use them at any time, and this medium is a card, which can store items and even cards such as abilities.

This is what he just thought of!

First materialize the card as the medium, and then store the items that need to be materialized in the card. When used, directly activate and use them with the power of materialization, so that the process of 'thinking' can be advanced. The disadvantages of this ability can be eliminated before the battle.

Two hours later...

After he made reference to cards in such card games such as Yu-Gi-Oh! and Hearthstone, blank cards that he redesigned and transformed appeared in his hand.

After his settings, the cards were given some characteristics when they materialized.

1. Can store materialized things.

2. After carrying the embodied things, they can be stored in the mind for a long time for him to use at any time.

3. After carrying the materialized thing, it can be saved for one day when it materializes again.

Looking at the blank card on his palm, Mike couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

But he calmed down immediately.

It's not time to be happy yet, that's only half the battle.

The next step is to carry materialized things.

Holding the card between his fingers, Mike concentrated on using his ability.

The next second, a dagger he was most familiar with appeared on the card.

The dagger comes to life.

On the back of the card, there is information about the materialized things.

Item name: Dagger.

Item description: None.

Note: It's just an ordinary dagger, nothing special, but it might be able to cut your throat.

This information was added by Mike himself for the convenience of future use because he was afraid that there would be too many cards in the future.

With a thought, the card disappeared and a dagger appeared in his hand.

It worked!

Mike was pleasantly surprised.

In this way, he has solved the shortcomings of his own ability!

This ability... is so delicious!

Next, he materialized a blank card, and then began materializing things.

This time, he chose a powerful weapon.

The manifestation time will be somewhat long, and the process cannot be interrupted.

But... when he was halfway through his appearance, a phone call came over.

I looked at my phone and saw it was Sloan.

He brought news of Kutcher.

After a while, after getting the information he wanted, Mike sighed.

If I could materialize a weapon, this operation would be much easier, but I ran out of time.

After thinking for a moment, he made a phone call, put two pistols in the holsters around his waist, put on a coat, picked up a suitcase, left the safe house, and drove into the night.


Night, Manhattan.

This is a high-end apartment building.

In an apartment, a man and a woman were fighting fiercely in the room.

They fought from the kitchen table to the sofa in the living room and all the way to the bedroom, entering the climax of the battle.

A hundred meters away, on the roof of the building, Mike held a sniper rifle and looked through the bedroom window at the two people fighting together. He curled his lips. When Kutcher launched a rapid charge, he aimed at Kutcher's head without any hesitation. The trigger was pulled.


The bullet shattered the window and hit the man in the head.

The head exploded like a tomato and spread all over the bedroom, turning the woman under Kuchi into a tomato chicken in an instant.

The woman screamed and fainted.

Mike was startled. He didn't expect Kuchi to be killed so easily.

At this moment, a quick voice sounded in his ear through the headset of the intercom.

"Get out of the way!"

When he heard the sound, Mike quickly rolled to the side without any hesitation.


Gravel splashes.

A bullet hit where he was just now, leaving a crater full of cracks on the concrete fence of the balcony.

Mike's eyes shrank and turned amber in an instant, and cold sweat broke out from his forehead.

If she had been a second late, she would have been shot in the head.

This is Cookie's trap!He didn't dare to agree to Mike becoming his helper!

Raven hid behind the bunker, bit her lip, and whispered: "Mike! Find him!"

Just then, Mike's voice sounded again.


Raven didn't hesitate, she pushed her legs hard and rolled to the side.


A bullet passed through the bunker, leaving a bullet hole where he had just been hiding.

Raven took a breath, pressed her earphones and shouted, "Damn it! Mike! Find him quickly!"

She didn't want to turn into a corpse just because she helped.

As soon as he finished speaking, a gunshot sounded from the earphones.

Mike shot!

He found Cookie's location!

Raven breathed a sigh of relief.

Under the attack of a king of assassins, even if Kuchi was also the king of assassins, he would never dare to attack her distractedly.

She is safe for now.

"Get out of there!"

Mike said calmly, and the sniper rifle in his hand made a loud bang. There was no need to aim at all, and he suppressed Kuchi with one shot.

Now, the light and dark shift, and it's Couch who's in danger.

Mike's eyes were calm, but his eyes were chasing a fast-moving figure, and his finger kept pulling the trigger.

Suddenly, Mike left the place without any warning.


Debris flew and two craters appeared.

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