How did I fall in love with No. 18 in Dragon Ball?

Chapter 77 Why Participate in the Competition? 【4k Order】

The show scene.

The sweaty host was taken aback when he saw Ning Su suddenly appear.

"You... who are you?"

He took a few steps back and saw that the person who came had a gentle smile and did not look like a very vicious guy. He boldly stepped forward and asked cautiously.


It was Ningsu who called Sha Ru's name and asked to participate in the competition. "

Responding with a slight smile, Ning Su glanced at the magic light curtain, and then looked around at the panicked crowd piled up in front of the gate.

He saw someone lying motionless.

There was also blood on the ground.

Frowning, Ning Su felt that it was too chaotic, even though he was prepared for many people to die.

But he couldn't just watch everything and let the chaos and death continue. Reason and sympathy were not inconsistent.

"Everything is quiet!"

Although the deep voice was soft, it possessed incomprehensible power. In an instant, the audience gradually regained most of their sanity under Satan's dazed gaze.

This is a little trick that subtly transforms spiritual power into reality.

The effect is not bad.

Then Ning Su closed his eyes, a crimson light bloomed between his hands, he was recalling the power he felt when he awakened the small universe.

The softness of the sun.

The power of sunlight to nourish all things.

Gradually, the fiery light in his hand became softer, like the sunshine in March spring, bathing Satan and making him dumbfounded.

He felt the pain when he split the tile just now, but the palm he was holding back was very comfortable, and the pain and swelling were slowly dissipating.


Muttering softly, the energy between the hands overflowed like sunlight, turning into tiny light spots all over the sky and floating.

The dense golden light is like the most beautiful firefly in the eyes of all audiences.

"what is this?"

"The person who called himself Ningsu had a light in his hand, what's going on?"

"The lights are so warm and comfortable, and I feel the pain in my body is being relieved."

"My God!

My wound is slowly healing and my bleeding has stopped. "


Mom, you finally woke up. I was so scared just now. "

"Is this a miracle?

I thought it was a ridiculous trick. "

Under the overwhelming light, those who had fallen on the ground stood up one after another, and their injuries were treated to a certain extent.

Satan was dumbfounded by this miraculous sight.

"This... so possible, this is a trick, a very suspicious trick!"

His mouth opened wide, and he subconsciously retorted, but his voice became smaller and smaller as he spoke.

It looked like something was stuck in his throat.

If it's a trick.

Are the people who fell to the ground and stood up before that all actors?

"It's incredible!

What happened at the scene was that the people who had been injured due to the chaos were now as if they had not been injured under the influence of the magical light points.

This is simply a miracle. Mr. Ningsu, can you please explain how this is done?

I feel that the world is not as simple as I imagined. "

The host was very excited. Driven by his long-term professional habits and enthusiasm, he directly handed the microphone to Ning Su.

There are still endless discussions throughout the show, with some people fumbling here and there until they are really sure that they have recovered a lot from their injuries.

There was gratitude and enthusiasm in his eyes.

Each one said nothing.

Everyone was looking at Ning Su, expecting him to speak, and wanting to understand what the mysterious light spot was all about.


Before Ning Su could speak, Babidi seemed to have changed the magic in the floating magic light curtain, allowing the light curtain to transmit the scene from one side to face-to-face communication.

"Hee hee... Don't waste your efforts, if you can save tens of thousands of people, can you save tens of millions of people?

In the contest between the Kings of the Realm and the God Realm, you will definitely lose, and the earth is doomed to be destroyed! "

"Stupid Earth people, originally I just wanted to watch Cell's game continue on Earth, but this guy offered to compete in the King of the Realms.

There is no way I can only bet on you, so if you want to blame, blame this guy in front of you. "

Babidi squinted his eyes, and suddenly smiled coldly, thinking that it would be good to provoke the relationship between the earthlings and Ningsu.

In case these idiots believe it, let that damned guy taste the hostility of the protected humans.

See how he reacts.


After Babidi finished speaking, everyone on Earth was shocked and fell into quarrel again.

Still Zhongdu.

Still a traffic jam.

Instead of crying out for Satan, the people are divided again.

"Why are the five major cities a bet? They want to compete. What does it have to do with the earth?"

Someone didn't understand and patted the steering wheel irritably.


That little ugly bastard, he's a monster who destroyed a city and everything he says is bullshit!

Ning Su proposed to go to an alien planet to compete, because he definitely didn't want the earth to be destroyed. "

Someone retorted and cursed.

"Hey Hey hey!!!"

"Do you idiots really believe they can go to an alien contest?

How is this possible, I see like Mr. Satan said, this is a very, very huge hoax.

They cooperate with the TV station to scan us. Have you ever seen a person who can appear out of thin air and have light in his hand?

It feels exactly like a movie. "

Some people still don't believe it, or say they actively avoid and don't want to believe it.

But such people are a minority, and no one cares about them now.

“I don’t care about their martial arts competitions or anything like that, I just want these monsters to get out of the earth as soon as possible, I want to work and I want to go home and sleep.

Instead of sitting motionless in the car like a mentally retarded person.

Monsters They are all monsters!

How could humans have these weird powers. "

This person resonates with many people, most of whom just want to live in peace and stability.

They don't care about any martial arts tournament.

"That's right!"


Why do we, the people of the five major cities, get involved in the competition between monsters? "

"Monster get out!"

I don't know who shouted.


A voice gradually rose from the entire street.

"Monster get out!"

"Earth does not welcome you!"

"Get out! Get out! Get out!"


Of course, there are quite a few rational people, and they also yelled: "A bunch of idiots, whether it's Sharu or this ugly monster.

Their goal is to kill all human beings, obviously it was the boy on TV who stopped them.

Can't you hear it from the mouth of that ugly monster?

The cell game failed, the cell game was destroyed, that's why they re-match like this.

If they could really defeat that boy, would they still need to threaten him?

They killed that boy long ago, you know they can destroy the city without blinking an eye! "

This man has a loud voice.

Many people around who had not shouted loudly for the monster to get out also broke out.

"Shut up, idiot!"

"Shut up, idiot!"

"Shut up, idiot!"


"Who are you calling an idiot?

They are monsters, and if we don't leave the earth, we may be like the people in that city at any time.

I don't know when I will die! "

A burly man jumped onto his car and squirted at the people on the other side.


At this time, an old man jumped onto the yellow car, and he spat at the strong man fiercely.

"what do you know!

If that boy didn't participate in the competition, after the Earth lost, do you think those monsters would just destroy the five capitals?

They will kill everyone, just like what Sharu said before, humans have to die after losing the contest. "

The old man's words made the whole street gradually quiet, and everyone was silent.


Why should our fate be handed over to someone who has never heard of it! "

Some people are not reconciled.

The whole earth is noisy.

The scene of the show was not quiet either.

But with Ningsu's previous treatment, the audience was more rational.

"Is what the monster said true?

Is it really the teenagers on the stage who initiated the fight, and then bet on everyone in the five major cities of the earth? "

"Haha... so what, ever since Cell appeared and proposed the Cell game.

The earth and human beings have long been under the possibility of being destroyed at any time. As long as they lose the game, these monsters cannot be completely wiped out.

The earth will be destroyed.

So what will happen if the five major cities are added to this process? "

"that's true……"

"Since Sharu appeared, I found that the changes in the world are incomprehensible."

"Hehe...or the world has always been like this, but we just don't know."


There was a lot of discussion in the audience, and the outside world was shaking, but Ning Su still had a faint smile on his face.

"Babidi, don't waste your efforts. This despicable method makes me speechless."

"Do you think I care about meaningless reading?"

"Wash my neck after five days so I don't get my hands dirty."

Looking at the magic light curtain in front of him, Ning Su shook his head faintly, his eyes were a little cold.

"Hehe... You can't kill me. Your fate and the fate of others are already determined."

Babidi squinted his eyes and smiled, Dapra's suggestion made him feel safe.

"It's boring, I won't waste my saliva with you, let's see the real chapter in five days."

Sighing and shaking his head, flames lingered on the palm of his hand, the red light was dazzling, and the scorching temperature made the host and Satan couldn't help but back away.


The flame was thrown out, and the fiery flame billowed, engulfing the light curtain with billowing red light.

When the flames dissipated, the red light disappeared, and the neon lights fell on the stage.

The audience was silent.

Satan was completely dumbfounded.

At this time, the manager's voice came out from the headphones he was wearing.

"Mr. Satan, no matter what, you must become one of the representatives of the earth.

Otherwise all our efforts will be in vain. "

He came back to his senses and looked down at Ning Su who was smiling beside him. His expression changed after a while and he asked in a deep voice, "Although you, Mr. Ning Su, can do some magic tricks, seven representatives are needed to participate in the competition."

"I think you need help, the help of a world champion fighter."

Ning Su showed a hint of weirdness. This Satan had changed his trick to magic and wanted to participate in the competition as a representative.

Have courage.

His extraordinary sense of hearing can naturally know the purpose of Satan's agent.

He didn't believe that Satan didn't understand the danger of Sharu and even Babidi by this time.

By chance?

Seeking wealth and insurance?

As long as he can participate in the competition as a representative, Satan's future life and martial arts gym will explode.

"I'm sorry Mr. Satan, the candidates have already been decided on two people. I have asked Mr. Sun Wukong to choose the remaining five people."

The words fall.

Ning Su also shrugged, expressing that he was helpless.

"Monkey King?

I have never heard of it at all. Giving him the task of selecting the representative of the earth seems to me to be too childish.

In terms of qualifications, I feel that as a world champion, I am more suitable, and I don’t know why he is participating in the conference.

It's really disturbing to let such unknown people participate in the competition. "

He folded his hands, closed his eyes and lowered his head. Satan's voice was calm and low, and his conversation with Ning Su seemed like two masters.

Very magical language charm and concentration.

Even though he was flustered, he still looked calm.


He actually asked Sun Wukong why he participated in the competition.

Shake his head.

Ning Su smiled lightly at the camera, and then slowly introduced Sun Wukong.

"Mr Sun Wukong is a powerful martial artist.

Maybe some people still have the impression that he once defeated the big devil Piccolo and saved the earth.

He even nipped the dangers from the universe in the cradle. I think if it weren't for him, the earth would have been destroyed many times.

Personally, he is still very qualified as a representative.

In fact, there are many powerful martial arts masters on Earth, and they usually just don't want to show their faces too much. "

The voice fell.

The ratings of this show basically reached %, and all the people on earth were stunned.

A lot of people are talking about Monkey King, about martial arts masters, about the enemies of the universe, and asking who Piccolo is.

Or grandparents and grandchildren.

There was a relaxed smile on the old man's face: "It's the child from before, he really appeared and represented the earth.

These Earths should be safe. "

Although Babidi is scary.

But in the eyes of the old man, he was far less scary than Big Devil Piccolo.

You must know that Demon King Piccolo has destroyed more than one city, and he also has descendants of his minions. He does all sorts of evil including murder and arson.


I think the big brother Ningsu on TV seems to be more powerful. His hands can release light to save people, and he can also release flames. He is not afraid of the monster that destroys the city at all. "

The little girl's big eyes seemed to be shining as she looked at Ning Su on the TV with admiration.

The big brother is really powerful, really handsome and handsome, he can definitely defeat those monsters and save the earth.


Ning Su has one more fan.

"It's great that that boy is also going to fight. This way there will be hope for the earth."

The king looked at the TV with a look of relief on his face. At this stage of the entire earth, no one had a more profound influence on Monkey King than him.

The intimidation of the invulnerable Demon King Piccolo still frightened him.

Monkey King can stand up.

He is really happy.

"Your Majesty, do you think these martial arts masters will have any bad influence if they openly stand up now.

Do we need to make any preparations..."

The official beside him asked with uneasy expressions.

"what to prepare?

They are real high men, do you think they care about worldly rights?

They could have stood up if they really cared long before Piccolo was wiped out.

After so many years, the power of the children back then and the young man now is beyond our imagination.


What can you prepare? "

The Cat King looked at the official with disappointment and sighed.

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