The thing on planet G-565 that attracts greedy invaders the most is the unique ores and metals.

However, the creatures living on this planet - the Nobilo tribe, those wonderful creatures composed of ores and metals, are enough to scare away most of the invaders who have high ambitions but low power.

Today, as usual, there is a warm climate on planet G-565. The indigenous Nobilo tribe here left their sleeping caves and underground to bask in the sun comfortably on the ground.

They need to soak up the sun. If they stay in caves or underground all the time, their bodies will become fragile or unable to cope with their needs.

However, even if it becomes fragile, it only changes from very indestructible to indestructible...

"Wow! Wow!"

A Nobilo tribe composed of golden ore and green ore shouted towards another Nobilo tribe.

Their tribe has no natural enemies, and the composition of ores and metals also makes their appetite very weak, so this tribe has not even evolved a language, only onomatopoeia with unknown meanings.

"Wow wow wow!"

Another Nobilo tribe also shouted. For a moment, the Nobilo tribe who were basking in the sun seemed to get excited and shouted together.

"call out!"

Just when these little guys were amusing themselves, there was a sudden strong vibration on the ground.


In an instant, the little guys of the Nobilo tribe made way for an open space.

Just when they got out of the way, the ground suddenly cracked, and a tall metal humanoid creature slowly emerged from the ground.


The tall metal humanoid placed its body on the ground, enjoying the warmth of the sun.

This guy's name is very long, but it can be replaced by a very popular name - King Nobilo.

As the eternal leader of these little guys, King Nobilo far surpasses his peers in terms of combat ability and IQ.


After King Nobilo made that unknown chirping sound, the ground cracked open again, and a metal humanoid creature, slightly shorter than King Nobilo, also emerged from the ground.

The name of this one is Queen Nobilo, and she is the wife of King Nobilo. She is inferior to King Nobilo in terms of combat, but slightly surpasses King Nobilo in terms of IQ.

As soon as the two big guys came out, the little guys seemed to be more playful and kept spinning in front of King Nobilo and Queen Nobilo.

Although it is very scary for their image to do such a thing, if the image can produce some changes, it will be really warm.

"Boo! Hah! Hah! Hah!"

At this very warm moment, four identical single-person spaceships flashed across the sky. With four different vibrations, the single-person spaceship fell to the earth.

When the Nobilo tribe discovered the one-man spaceship, they had already fled in a hurry.

Otherwise, judging from the power of a single-person spaceship falling from the universe, it is quite powerful.


The four single-person spaceships slowly opened, and the four Saiyans who had been sleeping for a long time slowly opened their eyes.

"We're here so soon, but I still feel like I haven't had enough sleep."

Raditz took a breath and looked tired.

"No matter what, finish the fight quickly. There will be nothing left to eat on this planet. If you stay here for a while, you will starve to death."

Naba took one look at the desolate environment on this planet and shook his head in displeasure.

Planet g-565 is a standard mineral planet, so we can't expect it to be plentiful with water resources, food resources, etc.

"The Nobilo tribe on planet G-565 are special creatures made of ores and metals. Apart from some fungi that exist deep underground, there really aren't many food resources to eat."

Nangong Yuling tapped his finger on the combat power detector, and after calling up the information on planet G-565, he shook his head helplessly.

"The Nobilo tribe? That hard-bodied race?"

After Raditz heard the familiar name, he spoke subconsciously.

"Well, the ordinary Nobilo tribe doesn't have much lethality. They will only rely on their hard bodies to smash at the attackers. But the fighting power of King Nobilo and Queen Nobilo far exceeds that of their fellow tribesmen."

After Nangong Yuling cut out the combat power detection of the combat power detector, he explained to the other people.

"Haha, it seems that the natives on this planet are moving targets!"

Naba chuckled and gestured with his fist vigorously.

It was a great pleasure for him not to have to fight those dark-minded tactical natives.

"Drip drip..."

The combat power detector flashed for a moment. Nangong Yuling looked at the combat power displayed on it and couldn't help but murmured: "King Nobilo's combat power is about 18,000, and Queen Nobilo's combat power is about 15,000. The fighting strength of the Nobilo clan is between one hundred and one thousand.”

As he spoke, Nangong Yuling couldn't help but shrugged.

The fighting power of these little guys is really pitiful. Even Raditz would probably kill them all here, well, except when facing King Nobilo and Queen Nobilo.

"Raditz, Nappa, you two go deal with Queen Nobilo, I'll deal with King Nobilo, Nangong, you go deal with those Nobilo clan."

Vegeta also turned on the combat power detector and quickly issued such an order.

"Let Nangong deal with those weak chickens?"

After Raditz glanced at Nangong Yuling, he looked at Vegeta with a confused look on his face.

"do you have any opinion?"

Vegeta glanced at Raditz and asked coldly.

"No, no, no, no."

Raditz shook his head in embarrassment, with a humble look on his face.

Vegeta has a very bad temper. Even when facing Nangong Yuling, he still has a bad face, let alone him, a waste with the weakest fighting ability.

"The reason why Vegeta asked the two of them to deal with Queen Nobilo is so that you two can learn to cooperate. The reason why Vegeta asked me to deal with those Nobilo tribe is to avoid having stronger guys hiding in those Nobilo tribe. . And because he has the highest combat power, he should deal with the strongest King Nobilo."

Nangong Yuling glanced at Vegeta, who had a straight face, and explained softly to Raditz and Nappa.

"Stop blabbering! Hurry up and get to work!"

Before Raditz and Nappa could react, Vegeta took the lead and shouted angrily, then suddenly flew up and flew in the direction of King Nobilo.

"This is what is called tsundere..."

Looking at Vegeta's flying figure, Nangong Yuling sighed helplessly in his heart.

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