Drinking black tea calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 126 Harry Potter's Confusion

Harry Potter spent the first half of this year's summer vacation in a daze.

In the last two days of last semester, an unexpected news caught him off guard.

You said that I was a "savior", "star of the magic world", and "basilisk killer", but why did I suddenly become a double yolk egg?

In Dumbledore's office at that time, when Zhang Xu conjured up a double-yolk omelet to explain his current state of soul to him, Harry wanted to pick up Gryffindor's great sword and stab Zhang Xu.

Although Dumbledore and Zhang Xu assured him again and again in the end that the problem with his soul could be solved, Harry Potter was still very worried. He worried that one day he would become like Lockhart who was given to him by Voldemort's soul. get it under control.

On the issue of how to deal with Voldemort's soul fragments on Harry, Dumbledore immediately suppressed Zhang Xu's suggestion to get help from a dementor. He couldn't take the risk.

As for Harry's soul giving Voldemort's soul fragments the taste of crunchy chicken like the soul fragments in Riddle's diary devouring Lockhart's soul, both Zhang Xu and Dumbledore are not very optimistic about it. .After all, Harry is still underage, and the power of the soul is not strong, and whoever swallows it will not know when the time comes.

If you accidentally get two Voldemorts out, it will be a lot of fun.

In the end, Zhang Xu and Dumbledore muttered for a long time, and decided to let Harry Potter start learning Occlumency to prevent him from being influenced by Voldemort.

Depressed Harry, after giving up his quota of exchange visits to China this year to other students, he went home with his uncle, aunt, and cousin. He was in no mood to run around.

After returning to No. 4 Privet Drive, Harry was attacked again in a daze.

At dinner time, a cucumber lay on the plate in front of Harry.

The reason why Harry had only cucumbers for dinner was not that the Dursleys had turned into kappas living in the Blackwater Swamp, but that the eldest son of the Dursleys, Dudley, was overweight.

The nurse at Dudley's school told the Dursleys that Dudley was seriously overweight, and that if he didn't lose weight, it would have adverse effects on his body.

And so, after the endless tantrums, after the earth-shattering quarrel that nearly knocked the floor of Harry's bedroom over, and after Aunt Petunia shed countless tears, the new Dursleys' eating regime was set in motion.

To put Dudley in a better mood, Aunt Petunia insisted that the whole family follow the recipe.

As Harry started eating the cucumber in front of him, planning to write to his friends immediately tonight for help, Uncle Vernon asked a question that took him by surprise.

"Boy, is that broom good?"

Harry was stunned as if he had heard someone tell him that Hermione had failed all the exams.

"It's the one I gave you for Christmas." Seeing Harry's lack of response, Uncle Vernon's face twisted slightly.

"Very well, that's the best in England," said Harry, nodding blankly.

Harry had made a lot of guesses about who had given him the broomstick he had received last Christmas, but he had never had the slightest idea that it was a gift from the Dursleys.

After all, the Dursleys had a very bad impression of the magical society.

Aunt Petunia has been jealous and envious of her sister's magical talent since she was a child. When she learned that she has no magical talent, this jealousy and envy deepened day by day.Combined with Lily's constant use of magic to tease her, and her lack of attention in the family, this made her very disgusted with all things magic.

The reason why Uncle Vernon has a bad impression of the magical society is mainly due to Harry's father, followed by Hagrid.

Vernon Dursley is one of the tens of millions of ordinary British people. He has a successful career, a harmonious family, and a healthy social circle. He is a standard decent person.

As the head of the family, he loves his family very much.Petunia mustered up the courage to tell him that her own sister was a witch.He was shocked, but he assured Petunia that he wouldn't alienate her because of it.When facing the huge Hagrid for the first time, who didn't know whether he was an enemy or a friend

At that time, he protected his wife and son behind him, and dared to stop Hagrid from taking Harry away.

Vernon Dursley's three views are the same as thousands of ordinary people on the earth. He believes that a decent person should have his own job and career, and he should speak and behave in a decent manner.

In Vernon Dursley's eyes, someone like Harry's father who has no job and relies on his parents' inheritance, and who doesn't know what to say, is inherently inconsistent with his own three views.

If Harry's father had explained the magical society to Vernon Dursley and the others well, and explained that he was a member of the fight against the rebels in the magical society, the relationship between the two families would not have been so bad.

Just like when Bill Weasley approached Vernon Dursley to talk about Harry Potter's Hogsmeade consent form, Bill's image and conversation changed Vernon's impression of wizards.

After becoming the manager of the broomstick shop, Bill's image has changed. He no longer has a long ponytail, an earring on his ear with a small fan hanging from it, and the clothes he wears There's nothing inappropriate about even going to a rock concert.

Bill had the earrings removed, his hair was cropped and neatly combed, and he was dressed in a smart suit, like the Irish actor Domhnall Gleeson.

At the time Vernon was willing to have a conversation with Bill out of politeness.In the conversation, Bill, who is sincere, enthusiastic and has a sense of humor, patiently and carefully explained the magical society and his work to Vernon.

Bill, who has been in the society for several years and has dealt with all kinds of people when he opened the store, naturally speaks and behaves more to Vernon's appetite than Harry's father who just walked out of school.

At least Vernon could treat Bill as a decent person.After all, a Bill who has a serious job looks more reliable than Harry's father who has no job.

Through this long talk, Vernon's hostility towards the magical society has eased, and he believes that there are still normal people among "those people".

In the end, while talking and laughing with Bill, Vernon half-heartedly accepted the two bags of gold coins that Bill had given in the name of Dumbledore as Harry's child support for many years.At the same time, Bill left Vernon with a catalog of products in his store.

Before Christmas, Vernon used the two bags of gold coins and the order form in the product catalog to buy the most expensive broomstick in Bill's shop and gave it to Harry.

It's just that for some reason Vernon didn't write his name on the order.

Harry Potter can't remember how he ate the cucumber on his plate.

He had been listening to Uncle Vernon talking about Mr. Bill Weasley, and repeatedly asked himself to learn more from "the decent Mr. Weasley".

In the following days, Harry's situation improved a little.Instead of yelling at him when he was angry, Uncle Vernon kept telling him to "learn more from Mr. Weasley".

Such a change made Harry a little at a loss, but he felt that this time was much better than before.

When Harry sent Hedwig a letter to his friends appealing for humanitarian food aid, he told his friends about it, and everyone said it was good news.

At the same time, everyone also extended a helping hand to Harry who was facing a food crisis.

Hydeway brought back a large box of sugar-free treats from Hermione's house.Hagrid had brought a bag full of homemade rock cakes and Harry kept them for defense.Mrs. Weasley sent their family owl, Errol, to bring Harry a huge cake and various flavors of mince pies.Zhang Xu, who just finished the high school entrance examination, received the news and sent him a large box of self-heating hot pot.

With two weeks left in the summer vacation, Uncle Vernon got a call from Bill asking if Harry could go to a game and stay with them until the summer vacation was over.

Finally Uncle Vernon nodded.

At three o'clock in the afternoon the next day, Bill and Mr. Arthur Weasley drove to No. 4 Privet Drive on time.

Under Bill's mediation, the Dursleys and the Weasleys actually had a barely pleasant afternoon tea time.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, the two Weasleys left Privet Drive with Harry.

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