Promote the Marvel universe with the fantasy of the heavens

Chapter 144 Everyone has their own thoughts before the press conference

Gringotts was robbed, and what was stolen was the vault of the famous Death Eater Bellatrix. The person in charge of Gringotts became furious when he found out.

Not to mention that Bella's vault has long been regarded as a treasure by Gringotts. The theft of the vault alone is enough for them to drink. Even the wizarding world has a brand crisis.

They found Griphook who fell to the bottom of the mine, but Griphook was attacked by a thief. After simple treatment, he still has not woken up. It is temporarily impossible to get information about the thief from him.

Stare at the inscription on the door.


[So if you want to take it from our underground vault]

【A wealth that never belongs to you】

[Thief, you have been warned]

[Be careful not to attract treasure, but evil retribution. 】

The person in charge of the bank wanted to strangle the lobby manager and the head of the security department to death. "If I fail to maintain my position due to malfeasance and dereliction of duty, you two will not be able to live well either."

Gringotts is the only bank in the wizarding world. It is promoted by goblins as the safest place in the world. Now it is really embarrassing.

As time went by, paper could not stop the fire, and the theft of Gringotts spread from Diagon Alley throughout the wizarding world.

Although Gringotts has not yet announced whose vault was stolen, the matter still caused countless disturbances and suspicions. Wizards who were busy all day began to promote conspiracy theories: dark clouds will once again envelope the wizarding world.

Unlike those wizards who didn't know what was going on, Lucius and Ollivander had different thoughts after receiving Hughes' letter.

Lucius was shocked by Hughes' actions. He had no idea that Hughes was so bold. He quickly connected the theft of Gringotts with Hughes' actions.

Crazy and bold were Lucius's first impressions. The "press conference plan" mentioned in the letter was simply crude.

Hughes asked Lucius to invite officials from the Ministry of Magic and the Pure Blood Alliance to attend the press conference. Considering Hughes's purpose of solving Voldemort in one go, could he think of one or two of them?

Although the letter did not specify the content of the press conference, it said: "Tomorrow's press conference will change the wizarding world!"

enough to explain a lot of questions.

According to Malfoy's philosophy, the "business" of investing in Voldemort has undoubtedly failed, and Voldemort has become too big to lose, seriously jeopardizing the survival of the Malfoy family.

Therefore, he did not hesitate for long. After hastily appeasing his wife, he visited, invited and persuaded relevant people non-stop.

After receiving the letter, Ollivander just smiled slightly and said to himself: "It has finally begun. It's so hard to wait! How many decades has it been? The legend of the Black Mage is finally about to begin."

Also receiving letters were the editors-in-chief of several media outlets, such as the editor-in-chief of the Daily Prophet. They had already put on their pajamas and were about to get into bed, but the elf who suddenly broke in shocked him.

After reading the letter, several angry editors thought it was a silly prank by students, but then they thought about it, Hughes was not an ordinary student!

Because of all the past events, this was not the first day they had interacted with each other. Geniuses like Hughes Carter were not ignorant children. Moreover, it was definitely strange to have the school house elf deliver the letter so late at night.

In addition, the elf said that more than one media was invited, and several editors reacted to the news instantly. Not to mention the theft of Gringotts today, maybe something big will happen tomorrow, and such big things are often related to each other.

As a media person, how could you miss such an opportunity?

After promising to attend the press conference on time tomorrow, these elves left.

The elf responsible for delivering the message to the Swamp Witch was Kreacher from the original Black family. It finally listened to Hughes's advice and left the Black family's old house to work and live in the kitchen of Hogwarts.

Kreacher followed Hughes's introduction and found the entrance to the dimensional space and entered it.

"It's just amazing that Mr. Carter actually created a space."

Wearing the vest given by his late master Regulus, Kreacher looked like a countryman entering the city for the first time. The colorful scene in the dimensional space was almost intoxicating to his eyes.

But soon, it remembered that it had other things to do.

As a house elf whose purpose is to serve wizards, Kreacher thought that he was derelict in his duty for not carrying out the naming of Hughes attentively, so he slapped himself twice.

"Bad Kreacher, bad Kreacher almost forgot the mission assigned by Mr. Carter."

Kreacher's behavior confuses passers-by.

The dimensional space has also been running for several months. Here, humans in the other world have seen many magical creatures, even the legendary werewolf. However, this kind of creature looks very similar to a goblin, but will beat itself up for no reason. This is the first time I have encountered this species.

True to the Eastern proverb, the knife was inserted into the buttocks, which was a complete eye-opener.

Kreacher took out a picture drawn by Hughes, which had a direct-sales store logo on it. Sometimes he immersed himself in the picture, sometimes he looked up at the roadside shops, and soon found the main potion store, where the second floor was the office of the Swamp Witch. Place.

In the manager's office, the Swamp Witch was immersed in writing a summary of today's work, when a flickering magic stirred up the breeze and woke her up.

"Oh my God!"

Swamp Witch Betty Heda slapped her chest.

"Who are you? It's scaring me."

"I'm Kreacher, are you the Swamp Witch?"

"I'm like, what kind of goblin are you? Why do you look so... so 'bad'?"

Betty's poor culture really couldn't find the right words to describe the creatures in front of her. After all, she had seen goblins and goblins, and they all looked normal.

"Kreacher is not bad! Kreacher has clothes given by his master, while the other elves don't even have a sock."

Kreacher felt humiliated.

It loudly refutes Betty's impression of itself, and proudly states that in terms of treatment level, it is one of the best among the elves at Hogwarts.

"Since you are the Swamp Witch, that's right! I was chosen by Mr. Carter to deliver a message to you."

Although it was a bit baffling, Betty still accepted the letter from Kreacher.

After reading, she realized that Mr. Carter was the Black Mage, and she also learned the two things that the Black Mage told her to do.

"Go back and tell the Lord, I will take care of it."

Then, she ignored Kreacher and ran towards the headquarters of the Dark Night Knights.

Bucky was stationed at the headquarters today. She showed him the letter, and after a brief discussion with Bucky, she walked out of the dimension, took out the mobile phone equipped by the Nigel Group, and called the Goblin King.

"...The above are the exact words that Master Black Mage asked me to tell you."

"I know what to do. Say hello to that adult for me!"

After putting down the phone, it decided to take a trip in person. Although the goblin clan did not join the Dark Night Knights, because of the ancient legend, it and the Goblin King still cooperated with the Dark Night Knights in many ways, and made it clear that the two clans would always use black The mage is respected.


In Hogwarts, Hughes discussed with Dumbledore that all students in the school would not have classes tomorrow and let all students attend the press conference.

I believe this is an important opportunity to reshape students' outlook on life. Solving Voldemort is beneficial to the present, and reshaping students' outlook and beliefs is beneficial to the future.

Based on this, Dumbledore finally agreed to his request after some thought.

After finishing everything, Hughes went to the original Philosopher's Stone Trap again to check on Voldemort's imprisonment.To ensure nothing went wrong, Hughes directly tied Voldemort into a rice dumpling with scarlet chains, and finally closed the mirror space and went back to sleep.

When they woke up the next day, the students rushed towards the hall on the first floor in unison. They had no food yesterday afternoon and turned into hungry gluttons this morning.

Not long after, except for Quirrell, all the professors appeared in the cafeteria, and Dumbledore announced that classes would be suspended for the day and that they would instead participate in outdoor activities together.

Everyone in the Lighthouse Society was confused. Why did Hughes leave in the morning and come back riding a dragon in the afternoon? The school issued such an order the next day. Could it be that Hughes wanted to expose that Voldemort had sneaked into the school?

After all, all the professors are here, but Quirrell has still not shown up after a long time.

But other students like Xiaobai can't control so much. It's a rare day when they don't have to go to class all day long. No matter what outdoor activities are planned later, they all support it with both hands and feet.

As for Ron, he hadn't noticed that his pet was missing. He just thought that Scabbers had gone out to look for food in the middle of the night. After all, he didn't bring food back to feed it yesterday afternoon.

He felt very happy when he heard that he didn't have to go to class today.At the same time, he didn’t forget to show off to his best friend Harry.

"Do you know? Hogwarts has never done anything like this before. It's the first time for any outdoor activities. You'll be able to see it again later."

Since last night, Harry had been feeling upset for no reason, as if something big was about to happen, so he didn't pay much attention to Ron who was beeping beside him.

The time of the press conference is set at ten o'clock.

Although students start classes at nine o'clock, and the adults outside don't go to work until nine o'clock, Hughes decided to set aside an hour for everyone outside to rush on their way!

Besides, waiting for the leader to hold a meeting is the same in every world. It is a bad habit.

But in fact, everyone in the Ministry of Magic and the only remaining pure-blood family got up very early today.

Therefore, when things go out of the ordinary, there must be a monster!

They didn't even get much sleep last night, thinking about it for most of the night.

Last night, Lucius, who was in a hurry, and Ollivander, who was smiling, actually visited them one after another within a short period of time for the same thing.

The first time, maybe Lucius was crazy, but if it happens again, it's debatable.

They were somewhat aware that something extraordinary was about to happen at Hogwarts.

It can be said that although the Malfoy family and the Ollivander family are both ancient families with a history of nearly a thousand years, they belong to different positions and have a profound impact on the wizarding world.

The two families actually became consistent in their demands, which was why they temporarily put aside their concerns about the theft of Gringotts and went to Hogwarts as scheduled.

Early in the morning, these people arrived at Hogwarts one after another.

When Fudge saw the Pure-Blood Alliance, he thought that Lucius and others wanted to convene a school board meeting. After all, impeaching Dumbledore, the uncrowned king of the wizarding world, from his position as principal was undoubtedly a major event for the wizarding world.

But when everyone saw the most famous media in the wizarding world also arriving, Fudge began to suspect that he had gone astray.

As soon as the several parties met and communicated, they realized that the invitations received by everyone last night were different.

Only then did everyone realize that the media friends were invited by students, and it seemed that the press conference was today’s theme.

This is even more confusing.

After Lucius heard that Ollivander also visited these people after him, he suddenly thought of something.

Although in order to get closer to Hughes, he had entrusted Jody to recommend Draco through Ollivander's relationship, but at that time he did not have too many suspicions, but now after hearing Ollivander's behavior, some doubts naturally surfaced. Out of the water.

Lucius thought to himself: "There's something wrong with this old guy. When Voldemort came to visit him in person, he didn't even respond. Why would he like Carter as a student now?"

"No, no, Ollivander has been cooperating with Carter since the first grade. The wand is the pride of his family. How could he let others consign other products in the wand shop for no reason? And he not only helps with consignment, but also helps with promotion. It’s like its own business.”

"...Damn it, I can't figure it out, but there must be something wrong with it."

Seeing Lucius staring directly at him, Ollivander smiled slightly at him.

Fudge was no stranger to the name Hughes Carter. He had been to Hughes' house during the werewolf incident.

But he didn't take it too seriously. After all, he definitely didn't believe that one student defeated the entire werewolf army. In his opinion, Snape should be the one who really contributed.

Suddenly, Umbridge leaned into Fudge's ear and whispered quietly.

"Minister, look at the students in the castle."


"It's already past nine o'clock, but the students didn't go to class. Instead, they were walking outside the castle one after another..."

As Fudge's number one henchman, Umbridge finds that Hogwarts today is different from the past.

Hearing this, Fudge reacted.

Because Hogwarts was "no-fly", they walked all the way from outside the castle, but none of the students they met went to class. They were all heading in the opposite direction to them, and they all walked outside.

Considering that things were becoming more and more unusual, Fudge decided to find out what was going on before he would trouble Dumbledore.

Today not only many school directors and Wizengamot celebrities came, but also well-known media.

He thought to himself: How will you die this time?

old bee!

Although everyone guessed that something big would happen in Hogwarts today, they still underestimated the extent of the matter.

Just as they were testing each other's thoughts, Snape came forward.

"Gentlemen and ladies, you are so early!"

When Snape saw the Carrow brothers and sisters and other pure-blood alliance members with whom he had fallen out, he did not argue with each other. On the contrary, his cold expression in the past showed signs of melting for the first time today.

Of course, Lucius can think of some reasons, but he won't say it. Although judging from his position, he is still a member of the pure-blood alliance at this moment, in fact, he has already changed his job.

"Although the stage for the press conference is not ready yet, many of you have children in school. You might as well go to the grass and chat for a while. We will hold a press conference as soon as possible."

Then, Snape extended his hand gracefully, meaning to lead the way for everyone.

Arriving on the grass, the other professors at Hogwarts were arranging the student formations, and saw Snape walking over leading the invitees to the press conference.

Mag also knew that she couldn't treat them like students, but this didn't bother the Transfiguration Master. She waved her wand and used pebbles and flowers to conjure rows of seats and stages for adults, students, and others to announce later. Will be used by host Hughes.

This transformation technique made Emma and Hermione's eyes full of stars.

Lucius said goodbye to the pure-blood alliance and found Draco. He took his son aside and whispered.

The other adults followed suit. After all, they missed their children somewhat after not seeing each other for several months.

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