Promote the Marvel universe with the fantasy of the heavens

Chapter 156 Looking for the target and meeting the blade by chance

Ever since he learned the magic of Karma Taj, Hughes has become a master of fare evasion. He crossed the channel opened by the teleportation spell and in an instant, he brought Bucky and a team from the Dark Knights from the Kingdom of Corruption to the Big Apple City. .

Because we borrowed the coordinates of Kama Taj, the first landing point is the Big Apple City, and all logistics can be obtained from the Nigel Group branch here, which is more convenient.

Bucky: "WDC now?"

Hughes gave him a funny look, "What? Are you so eager to see the future version of Steve?"

Seeing Hughes's "I've seen through you a long time ago" expression, Bucky rolled his eyes angrily, and then ignored the teasing Hughes. This behavior was really incompatible with Bucky, who wore a mask and had a cold temperament.

"Let's not go to my aunt's place for now. Since it's about vampires, let's go to the nightclub first!"

"You, a frequent visitor to the nightclub, have finally come in handy, just in time to show me the craziness of the night..."

Hughes indicated with his eyes that the knight team took the car keys from the branch employees. Naturally, several cars were filled with logistical supplies prepared by the branch in advance.

Sitting in the car, Bucky turned to Hughes curiously and asked, "Don't you go to nightclubs secretly after all this time?"

Yes, it was hard for Bucky to imagine that during his teenage years, as a rich boy, Hughes did not visit the wild and wild places of human beings at night during his rebellious period.

Seeing Hughes's normal expression, Bucky didn't believe him at all.

"You know the nightclubs in Fog City are also amazing! Have you really never been curious? Logically speaking, with your ability, it is extremely easy to try to go to nightclubs secretly, right?"

"Uh...not really."

Bucky looked unbelievable.

"Impossible. In the few high-end nightclubs in the city center that I often go to, I often meet many young men and women from rich families, pretending to be regular customers and hanging out there. In fact, anyone with a discerning eye can see at a glance that they are all a group of fledglings.

However, people who usually hang out in high-end nightclubs are very discerning. Except for the real stupid young people, no one dares to come forward and disturb them. As a result, those young masters and ladies had a lonely night, and no one, male or female, dared to do so. Accept their advances.


A group of people were driving around the Big Apple at night without any goal, so Bucky told them about his experiences with great interest to relieve their boredom.

Perhaps, after setting foot on this land again, Bucky felt a little lively.

"OK, fine! I know you have a lot of experience. Needless to say, in a word, I am different from them. I don't have their naivety.

Also, don’t forget what I told you before, this time it’s not just the Howling Commandos who are here to deal with the vampires, there are also invisible enemies.

Lighthouse Country is the base camp of Hydra. Since you were released from control, you must be their key target. Although we are not afraid, don't be too relaxed. Hydra has many unexpected technologies at its disposal. "

Hughes could see it. As soon as he stepped into the land of Lighthouse Country, Bucky began to become extremely excited. He understood it very well, but many times accidents happened at such moments of joy, and he had to remind Bucky. In short, I hope Bucky can return to his former cold work style.

After walking around in the neighborhood with the busiest night life, it wasn't that Hughes was bored and wanted to take a ride.

While chatting with Bucky, Hughes was actually doing two things. At the same time, he used his mental power to sense the colorfully dressed people on the roadside and the hidden nightclubs and bars, hoping to find the place where the vampire was hiding.

Therefore, their slow-moving convoy attracted the attention of many people.

If during the day, the Big Apple is a human city full of literati and technology, then at night it is a place where monsters and monsters rage.

Bucky, who was sitting in the car, heard Hughes murmuring to himself: "The night is such a natural protective color!"


"It's nothing, I just saw a lot of things that I usually can't see! The Big Apple City is really lively, there are all kinds of things."

"Isn't that..."

"Don't worry about it. It's not our base camp anyway. Let's stay away from other people's affairs."

After testing with his mental power just now, Hughes was really eye-opening to the Big Apple City at night. Not to mention the gangsters who were guilty of crimes, there were even many creatures like wronged souls, spirits, and hybrid demons.

"But I have to say, this is really a bit dark under the lamp. There is so much garbage near the Holy of Holies. Should I say that the teacher is too confident, or does she have no opinion on it?"


"Wait a minute, this is the one!"

When they passed by a nightclub that was so crowded that they had to queue up to get in, a group of people stopped their cars on the road, and then Shi Shiran walked out.

The Knight Squad led the way out, followed by Bucky wearing a mask.

Seeing the uniforms of the team, and the bulging bulges under the uniforms, anyone who has not come out to hang out on the first day will understand what it means.

The team members walked to the middle vehicle and opened the left door. As soon as the masked man, who was obviously the leader, stepped out of the car, he fastened his suit with his leather-gloved hand.

He wears a crisp suit, shiny leather shoes, and his artistic mask, which perfectly supports the two completely mismatched temperaments of gentleman and mystery.

The originally noisy nightclub entrance gradually began to quiet down.

"Look, look back!"

"What are you looking at? Hey, Fake Oil, don't jump in line... Oh, hot Fake! Who are they? I haven't heard of any new characters coming to the Big Apple recently."

"Keep your voice down. Even though he doesn't look familiar, he might be a new ruthless character from somewhere."

"That's right...the Big Apple City is indispensable for newcomers. But at first glance, those people look like trained elites, and they don't look like they are just hanging out on the streets."

"Who knows? Wow, that guy in the mask is so cool. With his hesitant eyes and broken hair, I guess those women are all wet, right?"

The men waiting in line at the door all turned their attention to the women in the VIP aisle next to them who were preparing to enter the store.

Sure enough, the group of women gave up entering the store for the time being, crossed their legs together, and stared at the masked man as if they wanted to eat him.

Another team member walked to the right, opened the car door, and saw a man who could not tell whether he was a young man or a boy walking out. Only those present knew that this was the real protagonist.

Although they couldn't tell that it was a handmade garment by a fashion master, they knew from the posture and temperament that the person who got off the car last would be the most noble.

The knight team surrounded the two people in the center, in a standard defense formation.

Hiding Hughes under the street cameras, Bucky asked softly: "Is this the place you chose?"

"Huh? I turned around and didn't want to look any further. It's already here anyway, so let's start from here!"

The group of people naturally walked through the VIP aisle. Although they were complete strangers to this nightclub, and they were not even included in the list of people entering the nightclub, people who can be nightclub doormen are short-sighted.

In their opinion, this kind of character must have a great background, so no bloody plot happened.

After the last knight entered, the security guard at the door of the nightclub immediately took out his walkie-talkie and called inside.

"Report, report, a new distinguished guest just came in and someone needs to be sent to greet him."

"Repeat: Just now..."

Of course, his actions could not be hidden from Hughes who enveloped the entire building with his spiritual power.

Hughes sighed: "Power, money, and power are really good things! No wonder so many people are chasing these things."

Bucky turned around and asked, "What did you say?"

Hughes yelled in his ear: "Nothing, just keep walking."

As the corridors twist and turn, the noise becomes louder and more complicated as you go in, so Bucky, whose attention was not on Hughes, didn't hear clearly. Of course, Hughes didn't talk too much.

As expected, the doorman's message had its own effect. Before Hughes and his group opened the last door, the person in charge of the nightclub greeted them.

Of course, this kind of scene can be left to Bucky and others, while Hughes focuses on using his mental power to scout the building.

Bucky: "Find me a private room or booth that can see the dance floor. It should be a little quieter, or do you have a more fun place here? Obviously my young master can't play in such a place..."

The person in charge looked past Bucky who was standing in front of him and saw that Hughes was constantly looking at him. He also thought that this kind of resistance situation was not worthy of a rich young man among the bodyguards.

He replied: "Understood! Come with me."

The group of people followed the person in charge through the nightclub hall with either disappointment or envy in their eyes.

I saw the person in charge pushing open a door with the words "Back kitchen warehouse, no one allowed to enter." It turned out that there was a whole other world inside. Although the lights were dim and there were colorful lights flashing, the environment and people here were not. It can be compared outside.

Even the girls here are of high quality. Although Hughes could tell with his toes that they must have put on makeup, the foundation is here. From a Western aesthetic perspective, the girls inside are all top-notch.

"These vampires are so luxurious. Could it be that if they look better, the blood could taste better?"

Hearing Hughes muttering inexplicably again, Bucky leaned over and asked.

"What, did you find out?"

"Well, we made a big discovery."

"Then do it directly?"

"Look again, don't..."

Hughes also wanted to wait until he probed the building again, but he felt a different aura from his spiritual power.

It turns out that this nightclub has more than two rooms. There is also a smaller room at the end, which is simply full of evil and blood.

A group of people, no longer human beings, a group of monsters with huge bloody mouths, devouring the people in the middle of the dance floor alive.

That's right, the monster in Hughes' mental power detection was none other than the target of this trip, a vampire.

The innermost room is the "kitchen" that only vampires can enter. The owner of this nightclub is a ghost. He will select some handsome guys and beauties to enter the second room, and then regularly invite some "lucky ones" to enter the "more fun room". "The room is so fun.

Of course, this place is not where the "lucky ones" are having fun, but where the vampires are.

In the third room, as a DJ dance music entered the explosive rhythm, the medicine dolls became more dreamy under the influence of poison, and then a shower of blood sprayed out from the specially modified fire pipes on the ceiling.

This is simply like pouring water into a frying pan and frying it instantly.

Stimulated by the rain of blood, the originally interested vampires, regardless of their pretense, swarmed up to hug the humans on the dance floor and sucked them hard.


All this was seen by Hughes with his mental power. Although their trip to the Lighthouse Country was to get rid of vampires and save humans from water and fire, Hughes completely ignored this kind of human being who spends all day in nightclubs and likes to take drugs. It's better not to catch your eye, or even to be afraid of death.

After all, to get from the second room to the third room, you have to take drugs in the nightclub. Only with your seniority will you be favored by the nightclub owner.

In fact, Hughes was right. The humans who were given to vampires as food were indeed not worthy of pity.

I don’t know where these vampires learned it. They think that letting “food” take poison every day can make their blood “more flavorful” and make them more high when they suck blood.

For this reason, within a few months, with the disguised funding of the drugstore owner, those humans became real medicine dolls, and the poison was taken by the pound.

Yao Doll has long been hopeless, and the drug dealer boss will definitely not be able to escape Hughes's "care"!

"They all deserve to die...Bucky remember to arrest the owner of this store later and treat him to a good 'enjoyment', do you hear me?"


Bucky was very confused. It was his first time here. Why did this nightclub owner offend Hughes?

"I don't mean to offend. Although it seems that this boss is just unlucky, you are my boss. You can do whatever you say."

"Hmph! I have zero tolerance for poisons."


When Hughes and others were pretending to enjoy the nightclub, Hughes, who was multitasking, saw the black brother wearing black sunglasses, leather clothes and carrying a knife rushing into the room on the third floor from the back door and killing him. Special kill.

Click, click, click, silver bullets were flying.

Boom, purple light suddenly appears.

Draw a knife and slash.

The vampire who was attacked was instantly destroyed by ashes.

"It's him?!"

The black man in sunglasses and leather clothes is good at using silver bullets, ultraviolet grenades, and silver-plated fuso knives. This is the Marvel fusion universe. It is not difficult for Hughes to think of who is fighting the vampire in the third room.

Blade, Eric Brooks.

Seeing that the Blade Warriors were about to kill all the vampires, Hughes waited no longer, otherwise tonight's operation would be ruined.


Hughes shouted, and Bucky rushed out instantly with the knights.

"Two of them went and captured the nightclub owner on the second floor alive so that our boss could vent his anger."

"Others, please rush forward."

"Can't find the entrance, Captain."

"Stop inking, blast, blow the wall apart."


The sudden change, in the noisy environment, did not cause a commotion immediately.

There was even a brawl going on in the innermost room, with shots being fired and bombs thrown, but it didn't attract any attention from outside. This was all the owner of the nightclub's fault.

As the saying goes, Xiao He also succeeds or fails. In order to create an absolutely confidential room for vampires, he was too careful in decorating this nightclub. He went to great lengths to get military materials for the walls, light, soundproofing and sound-absorbing materials. Several layers were added to the outside, and the middle was filled with concrete.

But no matter how hard he stood, he couldn't stop the Dark Night Knights. Hughes leaned on the booth and watched the action with his naked eyes and mental power.

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