My name is Snape at Hogwarts

Chapter 16 The arrival of the professor (End)

"No, there's nothing wrong with it, Professor." Snape shook his head, "I'm just a little surprised to see such amazing magic."

"The magic of magic is indeed fascinating. I think we have a common view on this, don't we?" Dumbledore glanced at Snape with a smile, and then said this.

"It is indeed magical. To put it bluntly, no one can refuse its charm." Mr. Evans said, with a trace of yearning on his face. "Professor Dumbledore, is there any magic that can make it magical?" Can we also become wizards?"

Mrs. Evans heard her lover say this and looked at Dumbledore expectantly.

"Sorry, Mr. Evans." Dumbledore looked at Mr. Evans apologetically, "Maybe there is such magic, but I have never heard of it, so I am not sure, Ivan Mr. Si."

When the Evans and his wife heard this, their faces showed a look of disappointment that could not be concealed.

"Sir, Madam, although Professor Dumbledore will not use magic to turn ordinary people into wizards, there may be other people in the wizarding world who can. You don't need to be disappointed." Snape comforted, "And even if it doesn't exist, someone can invent it. After all, magic doesn't exist from the beginning."

"Mr. Snape is right!" Dumbledore glanced at Snape with interest, and then said, "How magical magic is, even the most outstanding wizards dare not claim to fully understand it. , maybe as Mr. Snape said, it wouldn’t be surprising at all if someone in the future actually invents magic that turns Muggles into wizards.”

"Well, let's keep our hopes up!" Mr. Evans laughed.

"Muggle? What is a Muggle?" Lily noticed a certain word in Dumbledore's mouth and asked curiously.

"This is what wizards call non-magical people, child." Dumbledore explained with a smile.

"Sorry, Professor Dumbledore, I didn't mean to offend," Mrs. Evans frowned, "But this title doesn't sound like that..."

"Ah, I understand what you mean, Mrs. Evans." Dumbledore kept smiling, "But please believe me, I can't find a more polite word."

Mr. and Mrs. Evans nodded and didn't think much about it.

The few of them chatted casually for a while, and after confirming some matters regarding Lily going to school, Dumbledore proposed to take Lily to Diagon Alley to buy things for school.

The Evanses immediately expressed their intention to go together, but were stopped by Snape and Dumbledore.

"I don't want to say it, but the current magical world is not suitable for Muggles to play." Snape said to the Evans couple seriously, "Although Professor Dumbledore is powerful, he is asked to take care of so many people. If so, I don’t think it’s a good thing.”

"It seems that Mr. Snape knows something about me?" Dumbledore looked at Snape with a smile.

"Yes, Professor." Snape said with a look of reverence, "After all, you are so famous. There are legends about you everywhere in the wizarding world. They say you are the most powerful white wizard in the world. You are mentioned in many books. It’s got your name!”

There is no other way, just hug the thigh. Although there may be a conflict, Old Bee is always more reliable than Voldemort, and this thigh is easier to hug, and the threshold is not high.

I still live a life that I hate!Snape sighed secretly.

Dumbledore looked at Snape, smiled and nodded, but there was a hint of meaning in his eyes.


"Sev, look, that one is so beautiful!"

"Ah, it's so amazing, look at it, Sif."


As soon as she arrived in Diagon Alley, Lily looked around like a country girl entering the city, as if her eyes were not full. When she saw something that surprised her, she would loudly remind Snape.

Neither Snape nor Dumbledore stopped her. Instead, they looked at the little girl with a smile on her face as she displayed her liveliness, even though the eyes of the people around her looked at her with a large part of contempt and disdain. Superior, the two of them didn't say anything.

Of course, those people's eyes turned to respect after seeing Dumbledore, which was part of the reason.

After shouting for a long time, the little girl was probably tired, and her little hands holding Snape were covered with sweat. Then she stopped for a moment. Her whole face was flushed, and her emerald green eyes were full of uncontrollable excitement and excitement. Excited.

"Sev, it's so fun here!" Lily looked at Snape excitedly, "I'm going to come over to play in the future too, please bring me over, okay?"

"Believe me, this is not a problem." Snape nodded with a smile, took out a handkerchief and wiped the little girl's sweat, "But before that, I think we should first get what we need. I bought something, what do you think?"`

"You're right, I think so." Lily looked at Snape, a trace of hesitation suddenly appeared on her face, "But, what should we do now?"

"I think we should listen to the professor's opinion!" Snape said.

After their eyes met, they both looked towards Dumbledore.

"Aha, I'm glad you can still think of such a bad old man. To be honest, this feeling of being ignored is really fresh." Dumbledore looked at Lily with a smile, and winked mischievously with his blue eyes. "But I guess that's understandable, after all, handsome Mr. Snape is amazingly charming, right?"

"Professor—" Lily's face suddenly turned red, and she shouted, half coquettishly, half unwillingly, in a long voice.

"Uh-huh, I didn't say anything!" Dumbledore coughed dryly, "Ah, let me think about where we should go now."

"Excuse me, the old man's memory is indeed not very good!" Dumbledore touched his forehead, "Ah, by the way, I think we should go to Gringotts first. Yes, it is Gringotts!"

"Gringotts?" Lily looked at him curiously, "What is that place?"

"Let me think about how to explain it to you. Maybe you can understand him as a Muggle bank." Dumbledore explained with a smile, "It's just a little more complicated, and Gringotts is not a wizard. It’s the goblin that’s on.”

"Goblins? Is there really such a thing?" Lily asked in surprise and curiosity, "Are they just like in the story books, very beautiful and drinking tree sap every day?"

"As far as I know, goblins don't look like, well, human beings, and I haven't heard of any difference between goblins' food and wizards' food." Dumbledore shook his head.

"That's right!" The little girl nodded in understanding.

The group of people walked towards the deepest part of Diagon Alley, where the golden plaque on the white building shone brightly in the sun.

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