Chen Yang was eating melons, but he didn't expect to eat his own melons.


Chen Yang crushed the nuts he had just thrown into his mouth, and swallowed them.

"Gu Bingxi, the joke is too big." Chen Yang said.

"I never joke." Gu Bingxi stretched out her boneless right hand, grabbed Chen Yang's hand, and dragged Chen Yang forward regardless of whether Chen Yang was willing or not.

When Meng Yulin saw Chen Yang, his face sank on the spot.

He had arranged for Xue Pai to kill Chen Yang, but Chen Yang was still alive, and Meng Yulin was extremely dissatisfied with Xue Pai.

How did Meng Yulin know that Xue Pai had already attacked Chen Yang just now, but Chen Yang's skills were superior, and Xue Pai suffered the consequences!

Gu Zhenhong's complexion was even uglier than Meng Yulin's.

He didn't expect that Gu Bingxi, who was usually obedient, would not listen to him today, and didn't care about the future of the Gu family at all.

Gu Bingxi held Chen Yang's hand, and when she came to Meng Yulin, she let go of her hand, "Brother, you should have seen him, his name is Chen Yang, and he is the person in my heart!"

There was an uproar!

Zheng Xiaoyi opened his mouth even more, "No way, Gu Bingxi fell in love with this poor guy? Is Gu Bingxi blind?"

"Isn't this the grandson-in-law of Tang Yaozu?" Zheng Mingyue asked suspiciously.

"That's right." Zheng Xiaoyi woke up like a dream, "This Chen Yang is Tang Xueyun's husband, this time it's exciting to watch."

Just now, many people had learned from Zheng Xiaoyi that Chen Yang was the son-in-law. Now when they saw that Chen Yang was actually the man in Gu Bingxi's heart, everyone was shocked.

Meng Yulin looked at Chen Yang, "Aren't you the son-in-law of the Tang family?"

"Yes." Chen Yang admitted it openly.

Meng Yulin thought that Chen Yang would deny it, but Chen Yang actually admitted it. A smug smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said to Gu Bingxi, "Bingxi, you have been cheated. He is not only married, but also a door-to-door son-in-law."

"I know." Gu Bingxi replied.


Suddenly, Gu Zhenhong slapped the chair and stood up.


The chair that Gu Zhenhong sat on suddenly collapsed.

Gu Zhenhong smashed the chair with that palm just now, and this strike made the people present a burst of amazement, and they all sighed, "You are indeed a master of martial arts."

With a sullen face, Gu Zhenhong said coldly, "Bing Xi, this is not a place for you to mess around."

"Father, I'm not fooling around." Gu Bingxi said.

"A useless son-in-law who comes to visit is worthy of your liking." Gu Zhenhong said coldly, "It really disgraces our Gu family."

When Gu Zhenhong said this, Chen Yang finally said, "You are Gu Zhenhong, I heard that you are a master of martial arts. In my heart, you should be a person of noble character, but I just heard you What I said made me very disappointed, I didn't expect that the majestic martial arts master would look down on others, it really insults the title of martial arts master!"


When Chen Yang said these words, everyone present was shocked.

No one thought that Chen Yang would dare to act presumptuously in front of Gu Zhenhong. You must know that these big shots, even if they have a lot of money, would not dare to act presumptuously in front of Gu Zhenhong.

Gu Bingxi did not expect that Chen Yang would say this to her father as soon as he came up.

She doesn't have many friends, Gu Bingxi's original intention was to use Chen Yang as a shield.

But I didn't expect Chen Yang to dare to say this to her father. According to her father's hot temper, Chen Yang's words would cause a catastrophe.


When Gu Bingxi was about to defend Chen Yang, Gu Zhenhong suddenly made a move!


Gu Zhenhong punched Chen Yang.

Chen Yang's body suddenly flew backwards, flying about ten meters away.

"How dare you dare to act presumptuously in front of me." Gu Zhenhong said coldly, "Let me tell you, let alone a little son-in-law of the Tang family, even if Tang Yaozu was in front of me, he would not dare to act presumptuously." .”

Gu Zhenhong was really angry!

Tang Yaozu was chatting with several bosses, when Gu Zhenhong said this, those bosses suddenly distanced themselves from Tang Yaozu!Chen Yang, the son-in-law of the Tang family, angered Gu Zhenhong. These people didn't want to have anything to do with Tang Yaozu, and they were afraid of offending Gu Zhenhong.

Tang Yaozu was also extremely embarrassed!

He didn't expect that Chen Yang, who is usually prudent, would cause a catastrophe. The regret in his heart, he knew that he shouldn't have come in with Chen Yang!

The more Tang Yaozu thought about it, the more angry he became. Why did he agree to let Chen Yang and Tang Xueyun get married?

At this moment, Zheng Mingyue came over and said gloatingly, "Old Tang, it seems that your grandson-in-law has caused a catastrophe. Think about it, too. A child from a poor family has never seen the world, and sooner or later he will cause trouble. Why don't you choose my Xiaoyi? This is retribution."

Tang Yaozu couldn't hold back his old face when he was satirized by Zheng Mingyue.

As soon as Zheng Mingyue walked away, Tang Yaozu couldn't wait to call Tang Xueyun, and said angrily, "You divorce Chen Yang immediately, and go through the divorce procedures tomorrow."

When Tang Xueyun received a call from Tang Yaozu, she thought her grandfather was going to praise her, but she didn't expect her grandfather to let her divorce Chen Yang. Tang Xueyun was anxious, "Grandpa, what happened?"

"Don't ask too many questions, if you are my granddaughter, you will publicly divorce Chen Yang immediately tomorrow." Tang Yaozu said.

After Tang Yaozu said this, he hung up the phone directly, making Tang Xueyun confused, and wanted to call Chen Yang, but found that no one answered Chen Yang's phone.

Tang Xueyun didn't know what happened in the venue, if she knew that Chen Yang had angered Gu Zhenhong, she might be frightened and overwhelmed.

"Come on, arrest this ignorant fellow." Meng Yulin immediately beckoned to his subordinates, wanting to arrest Chen Yang.He already hated Chen Yang, and now he just had a reason to arrest Chen Yang.

Just when two men in suits rushed over and wanted to arrest Chen Yang, they found that Chen Yang had jumped and landed in front of Gu Zhenhong.

"Bu Yun Zong!"

Gu Zhenhong immediately recognized that Chen Yang's movement method was "Bu Yunzong", the unique movement method of their Gu family. Unexpectedly, Chen Yang had learned it. Gu Zhenhong's eyes looked at Gu Bingxi. He suspected that Gu Bingxi taught this movement method. For Chen Yang!

But at this moment, I heard Chen Yang say, "Mr. Gu, I deliberately provoked you just now, just to make you attack me."

"Why?" Gu Zhenhong asked.

"I'm treating you." Chen Yang said, "It seems that Gu Bingxi didn't tell you that I am a doctor, and only I can cure your illness."

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