Gu Bingxi also arrived at Qingcheng Mountain!

This Qingcheng Mountain is getting more and more lively.

Gu Bingxi rarely shows up!

But this time, Gu Bingxi appeared at the gate of Qingcheng Yaju, and instantly amazed the people present.

Even Tang Xueyun felt jealous when she saw Gu Bingxi.

This Gu Bingxi is like a fairy from the Nine Heavens, pure and noble, and does not eat the fireworks of the world.

Gu Bingxi took Chen Yang's arm, and walked towards the gate of Qingcheng Yaju in front of Tang Xueyun.

Zhu Yanwen came to Tang Xueyun's side, with a sunny smile on his face, "President Tang, let's go in and watch the show!"

"Watching a play?" Tang Xueyun was taken aback, a puzzled expression appeared on that beautiful face.

"It's very lively today!" Zhu Yanwen blinked, "If you miss it, you will regret it."

Tang Xueyun bit her lips lightly!

Now that the matter has come to this point, Tang Xueyun can't say anything, but she has already made up her mind in her heart, after returning, she will settle the score with Chen Yang!


Just when Gu Bingxi and Chen Yang walked to the gate of Qingcheng Yaju, a young man stood in front of them, "You can't go in without an invitation...!"


Dragon God has already made a move!

Grabbing the collar of the young man's clothes and flicking it lightly, the young man was thrown flying by the Dragon God!

The rest of the young people stepped back one after another!

They have never seen such a domineering person like Dragon God.

This is the elegant residence of Zhang Chenteng, the head of the top ten national doctors. No one has ever dared to make trouble here, but now, this domineering man is so presumptuous.

"Let's say that Gu Zhenhong's daughter, Gu Bingxi, came to see Zhang Guoyi!"

As soon as Gu Bingxi finished speaking, the people present exclaimed instantly!

"So she is the fairy Gu Bingxi!"

"No wonder it's so beautiful...!"

Everyone was excited.

Gu Bingxi is very famous and is known as a fairy in the world.

Although he just turned [-], the domestic wealthy families, chaebols, and royal children... all proposed to Gu Bingxi, but Gu Zhenhong refused them all under the pretext of "Gu Bingxi is still young"!

That time, Meng Yulin also thought he had caught Gu Zhenhong's handle, and took the opportunity to propose to Gu Bingxi!

At that time, Gu Zhenhong acquiesced to Meng Yulin out of protecting Gu Bingxi!

That was also the closest Meng Yulin got to Gu Bingxi.

But today is not what it used to be, Gu Zhenhong's meridians have been repaired by Chen Yang, his strength has been restored, and he is not afraid of anyone at all.

After Gu Bingxi declared her identity, she took Chen Yang's arm and continued to walk into Qingcheng Yaju!

This time, no one dared to stop Gu Bingxi again!

The two great masters of martial arts, Nan Hong and Bei Gu, are unknown to everyone.

Nan Hong is Hong Wudi, who believes that cultivating the mind is the way to go.

Bei Gu is Gu Zhenhong!

Hong Wudi has always looked down on Gu Zhenhong, thinking that Gu Zhenhong's disciples are all bloodthirsty people!

Zhang Chenteng sent his mother back to his residence, and was about to take Zhang Xueyao to the front hall to meet those blind dates, when he received news that Gu Zhenhong's daughter, Gu Bingxi, had come to visit him!

"Please come in!" Zhang Chenteng said.


"But what?" Zhang Chenteng asked!

"She wants to come in with Chen Yang who was kicked out by us!"

When Zhang Chenteng heard this sentence, he subconsciously glanced at Zhang Xueyao beside him, and said with a sullen face, "This Chen Yang is really lingering, and even wants to sneak in with Gu Bingxi, Xueyao, I think if you If he doesn't get married soon, he will definitely not let it go."

Zhang Xueyao bit her lip!

At this moment, her eyes are firm!

She knew that it was impossible to have a relationship with Chen Yang, and now she only wanted to fulfill her mother's wish.

She is sorry for Chen Yang!

From the beginning, she and Chen Yang just had an ordinary alumni relationship.

It was she who made Chen Yang see hope, but just now she made Chen Yang's hope completely shattered.

"I'm going on a blind date now!" Zhang Xueyao looked at Zhang Chenteng, "I'm not doing this for you, but for my mother!"

After Zhang Xueyao finished speaking, she walked past Zhang Chenteng...!

Zhang Chenteng sighed!

He is a national doctor, but he is helpless to his wife's illness, he can only watch his wife die...

"Let Chen Yang come in too, and take them to the front hall!" Zhang Chenteng said.

"Master, if you let the ancestors know like this...!"

"It's okay!" Zhang Chenteng said, "I want Chen Yang to give up completely!"

Zhang Chenteng understands his daughter!

Once Zhang Xueyao made up her mind, no one can change it!

Whether Zhang Xueyao is willing or not, she will find someone to marry today and hold the wedding as soon as possible, after all her mother can't wait.

Zhang Chenteng let Chen Yang see with his own eyes that Zhang Xueyao chose another man. Only in this way would Chen Yang's thoughts be completely broken.

Suddenly, Zhang Chenteng's cell phone rang.

Zhang Chenteng saw the call, he paused for a while, and answered the call!

Meng Yulin's voice came from the phone, "I heard that Zhang Yiyu was severely injured by Chen Yang, and Chen Yang is a disaster. You must not let him stay at your house."

"You don't need to worry about this, he won't destroy Xueyao's blind date." Zhang Chenteng said, "Xueyao has severed ties with him."

"Zhang Guoyi, I just kindly remind you!" Meng Yulin said, "You have to know that this time is extraordinary. You and I both get what we need, and we have a common goal."

"Director Meng, you don't need to remind me about this matter." Zhang Chenteng said angrily, "I am not here to help you, but to save my wife. When the time comes, you must not regret it!"

"Don't worry, I will never break my promise!" Meng Yulin said, "I received news that Chen Peng has arrived at Qingcheng Mountain, and he should be arriving at your house soon."


Zhang Chenteng put down his phone and walked towards the front hall.


When Zhang Xueyao and Zhang Chenteng walked in, the eyes of the men present all fell on Zhang Xueyao.

Among these men are sons of chaebols like Song Yichuan, young talents from Chinese medicine families, and business elites!

To become the son-in-law of Zhang Chenteng, the head of the top ten traditional Chinese medicine doctors, has a solid backing!

But after seeing Zhang Xueyao, these men forgot their original intention!

Zhang Xueyao has a sexy figure and a refined temperament!

There was no smile on her beautiful face, and her whole body exuded a cold aura, like a goddess of icebergs, she refused to be thousands of miles away!

But an iceberg goddess like Zhang Xueyao, on the contrary, aroused many men's desire to conquer, and they all wanted to embrace Zhang Xueyao in their arms and make Zhang Xueyao submit to them!

Even Song Yichuan had a desire to conquer in his heart!

He had made up his mind at the beginning, he just came here for a formality, perfunctory to his family, he didn't really intend to become Zhang Chenteng's door-to-door son-in-law.

But after seeing the iceberg goddess Zhang Xueyao, Song Yichuan changed his mind.

Being able to marry Zhang Xueyao, even being the son-in-law of the Zhang family is not unacceptable...

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