Douluo's thunder hammer

Chapter 40 3 versus 4 (Part )

Chapter 40 Three vs. Four (Part )

Lei Zhentian looked at Lei Po and said, "Teacher Lei, Yue Xian's martial spirit is probably a beast-like weapon martial spirit."

"Yes, I originally wanted to tell you, but I didn't expect you already knew."

Half of this kind of weapon soul master's seventh soul skill is to turn the weapon soul beast into a beast soul. Other soul skills are still weapon soul attacks.

"Cihan, Wuhun Storm Winged Dragon, level 14 assault type battle soul master."

Cihan's martial spirit is a storm pterosaur with extremely strong thunder and wind attributes among the beast martial arts. The quality of the martial spirit even surpasses that of the thunder pterosaur.

Two blue lights shot out from behind Cihan, and then transformed into a pair of dotted wings.

"Lei Mo Hen, martial spirit Lei Qilin, a thirteenth-level defense-type battle soul master." Lei Qilin has the bloodline of the ancient strange beast Qilin, but Lei Qilin's attack power is not very good, but its defense is very good.

With a low roar, a blue unicorn appeared behind Lei Mohen, looking particularly domineering.

The members of the second team all had very good martial arts qualities, but they did not make it to the first team, which puzzled Lei Zhentian.

"Gu Xichen, Martial Soul Current Boomerang, level 14 control system battle soul master." As the control system deputy captain of the second team, Gu Xichen's thinking is just a little slower than Yuexian.

The battle has become more and more interesting. There is no doubt that both teams are the first ring in a century.

Yu Tianxin, Lei Tian and Lei Dong activated their martial spirits at the same time. Lei Tian dodged and came to the left of Lei Dong, while Yu Tianxin was on the right of Lei Dong. They understood that if they wanted to win, they had to keep Lei Dong first. Lei Dong released the sixteenth level soul power. Out of control, the second team could not break free instantly. This was their chance.

However, Yuexian's prepared tactics would not be easily broken. Cihan took off on the spot, grabbed Lei Mohen, and flew toward Lei Dong in the opponent's back row. Yu Tianxin immediately saw their target, opened his hands to protect Lei Dong, and the two yellow soul rings slowly fell down. The blue electric Tyrannosaurus Rex flew into the sky surrounding Yu Tianxin, and his momentum instantly became the strongest one in the audience.

"Your opponent is me!"

A sound of sword energy pierced the sky, and the dragon scales on Yu Tianxin's right arm were released.


The sword energy hit the dragon scales, leaving a mark, and it was Yuexian who released the sword energy.

At the same time, Gu Xichen also followed Yuexian and rushed towards Yu Tianxin.

Lei Mohen, who was in the air, activated his first soul skill in advance. When he faced Lei Dong, he was suppressed by Lei Dong's sixteenth-level soul power. If he wanted to win, he had to strike first and use all his strength from the beginning. Even though he couldn't beat him, there were still others. Opportunity to buy time for teammates.

Lei Mohen's first soul skill is called Qilin Armor. It is a defense-increasing soul skill.

Thunder and lightning condensed, and pieces of Kirin scale armor appeared on Lei Mohen's body. The armor could enhance Lei Mohen's defense power by 50%, attack power by 50%, and speed by 50%. There is also a certain resistance to Lei Dong's super control and attack power. It can be said that except for Lei Mohen, no one in the entire second team can withstand Lei Dong's set of soul skills. Once controlled, it is difficult to break away, and then accept the attacks from Lei Dong, even Yu Tianxin and Lei Tian. Except for No one can handle the thunder and ink marks.

Yu Tianxin saw Yue Xian and Gu Xichen rushing toward him, with a fierce light in their eyes. Without any hesitation, he turned to look at Thunder Angel, and then rushed towards the two of them, one against two. This was a huge blow to him. It is the best training for me. One is the captain of the second team, and the other is the vice-captain of the control system of the second team. Although Yu Tianxin has the advantage of twenty-level soul power and one more soul ring, she still faces this attack and control. I don’t know if I can win.

Lei Tian looked at the flying Cihan without any mercy. He released his martial spirit and the thunder eagle flew into the sky, directly knocking Lei Mohen down.


The moment Lei Mohen landed, Lei Dong took a few steps back.

"The first soul skill: Thunder!" Lei Dong released the electric current wires from his palms. Unlike before, he actually held the two electric currents and whipped them towards Lei Mohen like a whip.

Lei Mohen was shocked. He never expected that Lei Dong's first soul skill could be used like this. This fighting method was also taught to Lei Dong by Lei Zhentian. He used the first soul skill to gather soul power and make electric wires, which was more tenacious. , and can be used as a whip, adding another long-range attack method. The premise is that it must be combined with the first soul skill. Although it consumes a lot of soul power, it is very long-lasting. Lei Zhentian's thunder attribute training system can be used in this way.

At this time, the members of the second team were stunned when they saw this scene. The students outside the field and Lei Po were also stunned. They didn't expect that Lei Dong had such a skill.

When Yu Tianxin and Lei Tian met, they became more confident. They believed that Lei Dong could defeat Lei Mohen. They all began to concentrate on facing their opponents.

Yuexian doesn't have much trouble on the surface, but in fact he is panicking inside. As the center and soul of the team, he is always thinking about the team members. He knows that Lei Dong is the opponent's biggest hidden danger, and Yu Tianxin is not able to attack. Strong, it will be very difficult for one person to face several people. As long as Lei Dong is defeated, the four of them can concentrate on facing the remaining two. A team without control is not the strongest team, but now everything has come to nothing. Whether Lei Mohen can hold on is a question, let alone defeated. What's more, he and Gu Xichen were the ones who faced off against Yu Tianxin. Now he wants Gu Xichen to change his target. Joining forces with Lei Mohen to attack Lei Dong, Yu Tianxin will definitely stop him. After all, he has two soul skills in his hands and cannot defeat him for a while. At this time, he is at a deadlock.

Gu Xichen looked at Yuexian with a greeting on his face: "What should I do now, should I help?" According to this tactic, he will obviously lose.

"Look for an opportunity. You'd better not consume too much soul power. Don't be obsessed with fighting. I'll attract attention. You can find an opportunity to cut Lei Dong. It depends on how long Mo Hen can last."

After saying that, Yuexian raised the arc knife in his hand and slashed at Yu Tianxin. As expected of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus, although Yu Tianxin’s martial spirit has innate mutations and the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus is purple, its strength is not reduced at all, and the defense of the dragon scales is watertight and indestructible.


The arc knife bounced hard, and Yu Tianxin took two steps back. Two weapon soul masters faced off against a battle soul master. They were suppressed on both sides, but the concepts of two people and one person were completely different. The next moment Yue Xian fought off Yu Tianxin, a blue light flashed. Fortunately, Yu Tian had quick eyes and quick hands, and punched away one after another.

What came flying was an electrified boomerang. At this time, Gu Xichen used his unique technique, the Thousand-Hand Dart, which was similar to the Tang Sect's hidden weapon technique, the Meteor Hammer, which was what Tang San faced Zhao Wuji when he was in school. Use a hidden weapon technique to attack a single target one by one.

Gu Xichen waved his hand at high speed, releasing two boomerangs with each swing. Yu Tianxin tried hard to use the dragon scales of her right arm to resist the attack, but the attack speed of the Thousand-Hand Boomerang was too fast. Yu Tianxin slowly felt that it was too much to concentrate on the attack. , Yuexian was not idle either, he quickly released his sword energy around Yu Tianxin. Yu Tianxin sensed the danger and stared at Gu Xichen.

"The first soul skill: Thunder Dragon Claw!"


Under Gu Xichen's fierce offensive, the dragon scales finally shattered. Although Gu Xichen is a control type, his boomerang attack power is still very strong. Gu Xichen can use his soul power to release unlimited boomerangs, as long as he still has soul power. The attack of multiple boomerangs is very terrifying, and now Gu Xichen has spent more than one-third of his soul power in order to break Yu Tianxin's dragon scales so that Yuexian can deal with it easily. Unexpectedly, Yu Tianxin actually released the first soul Technique to attack yourself.

Yu Tianxin jumped forward, dodging Yue Xian's sword energy, and rushed towards Gu Xichen with lightning flashes from both claws. Yue Xian remained vigilant at all times to protect Gu Xichen. At this time, he was standing on the left side of Yu Tianxin. Originally, he was standing on the left side of Yu Tianxin. He thought that Yu Tianxin would attack him, but he didn't expect to run to fight Gu Xichen, but it was not a big problem, Yuexian was very close to Gu Xichen. With a sliding step, Yue Xian swung the electric arc knife, and the electric current instantly condensed on the blade. Behind him, the terrifying dragon disappeared in front of his eyes.

(After struggling for a whole summer, I finally reached forty chapters. I would like to thank everyone. Finally, please vote for recommendations, thank you.)

(End of this chapter)

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