At ten o'clock in the morning, Amosha was sitting in a small room in an apartment in Chinatown, tutoring a nine-year-old Asian girl in English.

It is not easy to provide tutoring for this little girl, because her parents require Amosha to attend classes four times a week for three hours each time, and they also need to give her a test once a week in accordance with the domestic TOEFL and IELTS examination requirements.

Amosha originally wanted to refuse, but when she saw the salary offered by the other party, she swallowed her refusal.

No way, they gave too much.

She willingly started tutoring.

"Okay, I hope you can read these articles by heart the day after tomorrow."

At twelve o'clock, Amosha finished class on time after giving the little girl homework.

Amotha apparated to her apartment, and Ginny sat on the sofa in the living room, looking at her longingly.

"Amertha, let's have barbecue for lunch?" She blinked - Amertha could never refuse Ginny like this.

Today is the third day that the two sisters have been alone. Both of them are very satisfied with this world of two. Amosha took Ginny to eat all the snacks in Chinatown, and also took her to eat a lot of Muggle food. This kind of free time allowed little Ginny to let herself go more and more freely.

Except for Amotha who went out to attend classes, they stayed together all the time, keen on finding new fun in Muggle territory.

"No problem." Amosha rubbed Ginny's head, and Ginny cheered and ran into the bedroom to change clothes.

In the stall where Amosha was sitting on the sofa waiting for her Ginny, an owl flew in from the window with two letters - the daily report from Dylan and her brothers.

After bringing a small plate of dried meat to the owl, Amosha took down the letter. She opened the letter from her brothers first.

This letter is very thick. Except for Percy reporting his daily learning results to Amotha in a formal manner, the rest is all Fred, George and Ron's bloody and tearful accusations against Professor Lin's devil training, and their criticism of Professor Lin's devil training. A strong desire to return home.

"Amosha! When can you come and take us away!" This is Ron.

"Amosha, in four days, you will see four younger brothers who have been tortured by Professor Lin!" These are twins.

In this regard, Amosha, the real mastermind behind the scenes, could only express her deep sympathy and wrote a reply to tell them to study hard and not be a monster. She could not stop Professor Lin.

Along with the comfort letter, she sent a bunch of Muggle snacks. As for the chocolate cake she baked herself, Amertha sent it to Dylan separately with another owl.

After reading the letters of complaint from her brothers, Amosha opened Dylan's letter again.

Needless to say, Dylan's letters became more and more violent day by day, and Amertha could see in his flying words his bloody and tearful accusations against his brothers (mainly Fred and George), these naughty children.

"They are going to blow up my house!" Dylan wrote in the letter. "I shouldn't allow them to experiment with these gadgets here just because they will open a joke shop in the future! Let's do that again!" If they stay here for a few more days, I will end up living on the streets!”

As two people who are familiar with the plot, Dylan and Amertha naturally know that George and Fred will open a very successful joke shop in the future.

To this end, Amosha would also teach them some additional knowledge, including some advanced transformation techniques, intentionally or unintentionally, allowing them to make prototypes of transformed cookies this year.

Obviously Dylan had the same mentality and turned a blind eye to the two people doing magic experiments.

As a result, something went wrong.

The twins literally blew up his house.

To be more precise, they just blew up a room. If Dylan hadn't cast numerous protective spells on the house, the explosion would have been enough to blow a hole in the house.

Dylan should be grateful for his precautions, Amotha thought, otherwise she would probably see a familiar house and Dylan with a dark face on the Muggle evening news tonight.

Amosha helped them think of the title: Surprise! There was an explosion at a house in London! Residents are worried about its safety hazard!

Dylan was making a magic circle when the explosion occurred. His hands shook and his mouth became bald, turning the entire study into an ice cellar.

Several hours of hard work were suddenly wiped out by the twins. After confirming that the two were unharmed, the angry Dylan immediately confiscated all the twins' experimental products and materials, and booked their confinement for the next year in advance.

The lives of the Weasley brothers could be described as dire and miserable. They were extremely eager for Amotha to Apparate immediately to save them from the dire straits.


Amosha put the letter away, ignored the twins' calls to her, and took Ginny, who was in high spirits, to have a barbecue.

If Ron saw the different treatment Amotha treated Ginny, he would definitely faint in the bathroom crying.

They are obviously the same sister, so why can Ginny be allowed to eat, drink, and have fun, while they have to study...


After finally making it to the last day, Ron packed his luggage as quickly as possible, sat side by side on the sofa with his brothers, stretched his neck, and waited for Amosha to come and take them away.

Finally, when the hands of the clock in the living room pointed to ten o'clock, a honking sound belonging to a car came from outside the house.

Dylan walked quickly to the foyer.

"Hey! Dylan! How are you doing this week?" Amotha led Ginny into the door.

"Obviously, it's not good," Dylan led them to the living room. "Is this your sister? She is also going to Hogwarts this year?"

He looked at Ginny, but the latter quickly hid behind Amosha.


"Yes, this is the last one in our family!" Amosha pulled Ginny out from behind and asked her to say hello to Dylan.

Ginny stammered and did as she was told.

As soon as Amosha stepped into the living room, she felt several blazing eyes. When she looked up, she found Ron looking at her with tears in his eyes. Amosha was sure that if Dylan hadn't been standing here with a gloomy face, He practically jumped on her.

Well, with the mentality of a good sister, Amosha didn't say anything more to Dillon, and quickly left with her brothers.

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