Naruto Seihan

Chapter 3 Busy Tasks

"Boss, please give me two more plates of meat. Qinghan, come and try my cooking." Ishino shouted loudly.

"Forget it, it's just your skills. Let's wait for Mr. Yoichi to feed you!" Anzai Kazuma said, pointing to the half-cooked meat grilled by Ishinoo on the baking pan.

"Hahahahaha, just enjoy the meal! I watched a movie a few days ago that was very interesting..." Ishino changed the topic awkwardly

Liu Qinghan sat aside, feeling the lively atmosphere at the table, the long-lost warmth, and his frozen heart seemed to melt a little, as if he had gone back to the days when he ate with his family and listened to his father's bragging.

In the early morning of the next day, Liu Qinghan combed his hair, tied his forehead protector to his forearm, and wore a white kung fu outfit that was refreshing. I simply ate something and rushed to the mission hall.

In the hall, the three people in Class 4 looked at the tasks in their hands and looked at the teacher speechlessly. "Teacher, why is there such a strange mission?"

"What's weird?"

"Why is a ninja's job to weed?"

"Let you get familiar with how to do tasks. Stop talking nonsense and follow me!" Bai Muyang pulled the most noisy Ishino man and walked out. The four came to the mission point in the north of the village.

"Your task is to remove the weeds in this area!"

Looking at the huge weed field in front of him, Qinghan sighed secretly, this must be too big. From morning to night, when Qinghan felt that his arms were not working properly, he finally solved the weed field.

"Well, not bad, thank you. Follow me and hand in the mission!" Bai Muyang checked it leisurely, found the person in charge to confirm the completion, and then led the three of them back to the mission hall.

In the next year, the three of them almost vomited blood after completing hundreds of D-level missions. But Yoichi Shiraki is very satisfied: Ishinoo, who has always been passionate and impulsive, has learned to think before acting. Anxi's physical strength improved a lot and he no longer gasped every three steps. The most important thing is that Liu Qinghan talks more and no longer has a cold face every day.

Qinghan began to practice his own whipping method according to the systematic teachings these days. On weekends when I'm not on a mission, I go to the pond to practice ninjutsu. Relying on the detailed explanation of the system, I learned a lot, and I also started to formally learn Ice Escape, but I have never used it.


"Sandaime-sama, what is our mission today?"

"Today your mission is a C-level mission: escort the caravan to the Country of Tang."

Ishino shouted happily: "Okay, we don't have to weed anymore!" The other two nodded unconsciously, weeding was indeed very speechless.

"Now go back and pack your things, and then follow me to see the client." Several people came to the entrance of the village, where a small caravan was packing these things.

"Are you Katsutaro Chida?"

"Yes, are you the ninjas who have accepted the mission?" A little old man walked over from the camel.

"We are the genin class escorting you to the Country of Yu!" Shiraki Yoichi smiled and nodded.

The little old man looked at Qinghan and the others: "Is it okay with three children?"

"Don't worry, it's just a C-level mission. They are all very good ninjas, not to mention that I am a jounin here!"

"In that case, let's set off!" After saying this, he greeted and set off with two camels carrying a large amount of cargo! Yoichi Shiraki made a simple arrangement, letting Anzai Kazuma walk at the front and pay attention to the surrounding situation, Qinghan walked in the middle, and he and Ishinoo walked at the end.

"Teacher Yoichi, where is the Kingdom of Tang?" Ishino asked. He, a road idiot, really didn't know where the Kingdom of Tang was. Qinghan also quietly pricked up his ears, wanting to know too. This is my first time out of the village and getting to know the world in a real sense! This kind of thing was never mentioned in the short video of the previous life.

Shiraki Yoichi said: "The Kingdom of Tang is in the northeast of the Kingdom of Fire, and the scenery there is very beautiful!"

"Yunokuni is very suitable for traveling, it is really beautiful." Katsutaro Chida, the caravan leader, also added with a smile.

Kazuma Anzai asked curiously: "Are there ninjas in Yu no Kuni?"

"Yes, there is also a ninja village called Tang Ninja Village, but it's not big." Shiraki Yoichi answered various questions of the disciples while teaching them various survival skills in the wild.


"I opened this mountain and planted this tree. If you want to go this way, you will leave money to buy the road!" More than a dozen bandits holding machetes surrounded the caravan.

Shotaro Chida pointed at the Chamber of Commerce flag on the camel and shouted: "You dare to rob our Chamber of Commerce?"

"Hahahahaha, I'm not illiterate! How could I know which chamber of commerce you are from!" The bandit laughed up to the sky and waved his hand: "Do it!"

Konoha whirlwind, Ishinoo immediately took action and kicked a bandit away. Anzai hit the bandit's hand with a kunai and kicked him away. Liu Qinghan dodged the chop and used water escape - water whip. He held a water whip in his hand and swung it quickly, knocking away several bandits who came to the caravan.

"Don't hold back!" Bai Muyang couldn't help shouting loudly when he saw the gentle movements of several disciples. "Hit them where they need to be."

"Run, run, there are ninjas! Just wait for me!" The bandits hurriedly ran away.

Bai Muyang stunned the three of them in an instant, tied them to a tree, and created a shadow clone to protect the caravan and leave first. He called the three disciples to come to the stunned bandit and handed the kunai in their hands to the three of them: "One for each!"

The three of them looked at each other and took the kunai.

"Do it, ninjas must be cold-blooded sometimes! Without blood, you will never become a real ninja!" Shiraki Yoichi's stern voice came!

Liu Qinghan held the kunai in front of him tightly, looking at the bandit who fainted in front of him, gasping for air, suddenly mustering up his courage, closing his eyes, and a kunai penetrated the chest of the bandit in front of him. The blood on his chest splashed out and fell on Qinghan's white face. Qinghan couldn't hold it any longer, dropped the kunai in his hand, ran to the side and threw up while holding on to a tree. He killed someone, he actually killed someone...

The two boys looked at Qinghan who was the first to take action. After a moment of silence, they also killed the bandits in front of them. They lowered their heads and sat on the ground with slightly trembling hands, breathing heavily. Bai Muyang looked at the three of them and nodded. The three people's previous actions were too gentle. Gentleness can be very fatal on the battlefield!

After waiting for a moment, the three of them drank water with pale faces, and followed Bai Muyang to catch up with the caravan.

"Ninja-sama, what is this?"

"Nothing, just teach the children some knowledge by the way!"

The group of people then had a smooth journey to the Kingdom of Tang. Qinghan, who had been feeling uncomfortable these days, looked at the beautiful scenery of Yuno Country, with its lush mountains and winding clear streams, and his heart unconsciously calmed down.

Sentaro Senda looked at the town he had arrived at and said happily: "Ninja-sama, thank you for sending us there."

After the mission was completed, Shiraki Yoichi looked at the three disciples and said, "Let's go back to Konoha!"

"Ah, teacher, we're going back now!" Ishino said reluctantly

"When you are on your own in the future, you can apply for a trip out of the village. Then you can come here for a walk!" Bai Muyang grabbed Ishino's clothes, looked at the other two and said, "Let's go back to the village quickly. In the village There are so many more things!”

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